HomeMy WebLinkAbout1873IV ID 4V C. T. V. ONTARIO Toronto,, Ontario. DEPARTM T EN OF HIGHWAYS May 9th, 1963• Mr. D.L. Raids Town Clerks Town Halls BOWMANVILLS, Ontario. Dear Sir: XRe: 1963 Road Expenditure By -law Number 1873 Amount $ 55, 000. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by -law to a limit of $ 20x000. for Construction, $ 35,000 • for Maintenance, $ 55sOOO • V1 Total Q Please be advised that expenditures in excess' r� 'fu j�, � , the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible• - -sr subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by -law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by -laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not later than July 31, 1963. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of construction and of contracts for construction or maintenance. You are requested to report all proposed works to your District Engineer and to obtain his consent. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by -law as approved is returned herewith Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, et Municipal Engineer. Encl. Form MR-46, 61 -4007 A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19.63 BY -LAW NO ....... 1PA7.3....... EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS IN THE TOWN OF.Bowri4n.V� 11e........... IN THE OF ..... .Durham .................. V R WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by -law to provide for ex- penditures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of High- ways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town /Village enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ ...... 5.5.1..QO.00 ........ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdic- tion during the year 19..63. as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ..... ............................... . $__ 161, 600.00 $ 30,050.00 $ 46s650.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS..... ...... $_ 2,000.00 $ 22500.00 $ 4j500.00 ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD..... $ 1.400.00 $_ 28450.00 $ 3,$50.00 TOTALS. , ............................ $ 20 e 000 - 00 $ 3 5 . 000.00 $ 5 5 - 000 - 00 (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by -law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at ... ...........QUA� .this....... 5............day of ............... ........... A.D. 19.4.3 (SEAL) r..... . .................. ........ Clerk Mayor or Reeve I,...... Jack ..L....let'd ................ Clerk of the Corporation of the Town *W of..4A.w. maAville ................, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -law No..l$73 ... passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the- Town......... day of... B.owmanvi lle.. .......19 63.., MUNICIPAL ENGINEER, D.H.O. C...... lerk.