HomeMy WebLinkAbout1880A ,y -} ;. to amend By -Low J-1aw to Luthorize tKv entures in 40 v�cunt uf conotruction of Onitary and Third 5trocts. do, 1843 being a issuance of deb- 481670.50 Car tht-, zewere on Menty 1, 03 in order to benefit from the orovisiono o an ngrnnzent tatneen the Gurporation of the Town of Powmanville and, the Uentrnl lbrt,.c and Housing CurporaLian it is neceosrr7 to aNend Town of Row;vinville By-Law ko, 1843. Ca THP; W. N 0? W.&AVIELL 0AM 1. Tzat by-Law no, 103 he amended by: W Deletinn in tho title the amuqnt of 148,570-50 an,­. substituting therifor A6,712.11". (b) 10th n o ter the Coarth nroaubic clause the folluzin,_- "INA WMAW under the provirions of tKe greement hereinafter rent Pnnd Centrnl VurtgvqQ nA" Musing Corporation ham forriven 1,957.62 of the am.unt A the debt created." (c) Victim the arjA sid figures Wrty-wvhu 7ho sanq .;Ix Awdred ano event WiMrs ond Mt y Cenv,; (0,671.500 Ater the phrasy "in Lho sun of" in the Mond line of the MAK Prenable clauad and sub- stituting tharnrary the worin ""arty-sin Mausaw, Vven Hundred and Twclve ollars and 4ghty-eight vnnw,; W46,712.00)# (1) naRtinn the �ardn oY Mrores "Aeven "hounas �Jvt, " undred ant Wrty wMars nnd Fifty Cents ( 7,130-50)", followinn the phrase "the sin or':' in the Wrd lists w QeWE clauge number 2 Pnd substituting tnerefor "My Thousanj Qht Andred and nvert7lTv Dollars, and �iqnty-elght jeats ( 59M.M.'' W) QKLQUg AChOQU10 "I" attached to J-1aw IA43 nnd substituting thR•orar chedule "A" to t�js by.law,es "Wchedule W, ) I Mt thfs Orporation 3011 MY" the riqhtj its option, of redeeming Athe debonture in foviur W qevtrvY',, ornga:R and H usi%; Aur "or st ion" " Dpon payment oF the ''-,''rincipal amount awinq hereunder tugether with interest V( accrued to the date of redenntion and unon givinn :rev- ions notico of the intention of the Corporat.on to redeen by odvartising one, in the Ontario Onrette and uncq in a daily newspnpor of 7ener6l provinciol circw- Slim published in the City of Toronto, and once in a lacri n=TPper, Ruch notice to Lo w0vurtKel as PforenaW, at least thirty anys Wore the Wre fixyj for rednaltion. notice of iatentinn no to redeem sh0l also Us sm Wr post nt least thirty days prior to ti o Kto snt Co• such rodemption Lo the person in whane nn tho d& Qnturo no to W rideemed Y rvqisterod at the nddrns3 hown in tM - 1 ahenture AegQtry Sock". - 2 - z z s 's, c t'r!b (iny 19J3 e�o • f THE 0 \TTA1-?I0 NITINICIPAI. BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST TELEPHONE 365-1912 IO1i0NT0 PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. July 2.9th, E. -uO 1963 Mr. Jack L. Reid, Clerk - Treasurer, Town of Bowmanvi lle, P. O. Lox 1570, B014MANVILLE Ontario. 9 RE: Validation of By -law 1880 to amend By -law 181.3 Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith duplicate original of the Board's Validation Order pursuant t o section 58 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the Boards s fee therefor. When debentures issued under authority of the above by -law are forwarded to this Board f or certification, advice will be required as to their disposition. In the event that they are t o be returned to the municipality, detailed written instructions will be required as to the method of shipment, together with a written under- taking t hat the municipality assumes all risks involved in s uch shipment. Yours truly, B. V IC iiE RS SECRETARY EN : RNT Encls. 2 V s 0 0 INVOICE NO. 11772 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST - TORONTO I TO. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOIVIN OF BOWMANVILLE. RE: BY-LAW 1782. P. F. E. 6345-60 DATE July 30, 1963 FEE FOR APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 58 OF THE BOARBTS ACT. EARLY PAYMENT OF THIS FEE V!M- DE A-T7-- 0 PLEASE QUOTE BOARD'S FiLE OR ]N,j'O;CE RE-MiTTINN $5.00 x.6345 -60 0 NTAR10 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THL MATTER OF' Section 53 of The Ontario M , unici.2al Board Act,, (R.S.O. 1960* c. 274)o - and - IN THE MATTER OF, an application by The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville for approval of its By-law 1680, passed on the 3rd day of June, 1963, to amend By-law 1843, passed on the 3rd day of July, 1962 heretofore approved by order of The Ontario Municipal Board made on the 24th day of August, 1962 such by-law so amended authorizing the issue of debentures in the amount of -46,712.88 to pay for the cost of certain sanitary sewers B E F 0 R E: A. H. ARRELLRQ,*C* Vice - Chairman MONDAY, the 29th day - and of t*nnx. 1963 J. V. LUDGATE, Member UPON T.V,1, APPLICATION of The Corporation of tbeTown of for approval of By-law 1880, being a by-law to :mend By-law 1843, wbic), latter by-law was approved by order of this Board made the 214th day of August,, 1962; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbef ore r ef eired to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the said amending By- law 1860 be and, the same is here, y approved. SECRETARY