HomeMy WebLinkAboutLGS-007-21Clarington Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: January 25, 2021 Report Number: LGS-007-21 Submitted By: Rob Maciver, Director of Legislative Services Reviewed By: Andrew C. Allison, CAO Resolution#: GG-064-21 File Number: By-law Number: Report Subject: Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee — Aaaointments and Chanaes to Terms of Reference Recommendations: 1. That Report LGS-007-21 be received; 2. That Section D of the Terms of Reference be updated to change the composition of the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee from: "shall be comprised of up to 10 voting members who must be Clarington residents, and one (1) voting member of Council." TO "shall be comprised of a minimum of eight voting members to a maximum of ten voting members who must be Clarington residents, and one voting member of Council, with quorum being five members." 3. That Section D of the Terms of Reference be updated to change the composition of the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee to add the following words: "Clarington's appointee on the Durham Active Transportation Committee be appointed to the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee as a voting member in addition to the resident appointees and the Member of Council." Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report LGS-007-21 4. That the following members be appointed to the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2022 or until a successor is appointed: Jeanne Winters Arnold Mostert Rick Stockman Bart Kreps James Boate Melissa Claxton-Oldfield Richard Claxton-Oldfield Councillor Janice Jones 5. That the following members, who recently resigned, be thanked for their contributions: Frank Barter Angela Bramley Jerry Petryshyn 6. That Staff be directed to advertise for the current vacancies; and 7. That all interested parties listed in Report LSD-007-21 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Municipality of Clarington Report LGS-007-21 Report Overview To provide Members of Council with information on changes to the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee, as requested by the Committee. 1. Background Page 3 1.1 It has recently come to Staff's attention that the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee's term ended December 31, 2020. Staff had planned to bring this forward for consideration at the January 4, 2021 General Government Committee (GGC) meeting. However, Staff subsequently heard that the Committee may want to make other changes to the Terms of Reference, so the memo was pulled from the GGC agenda and the Municipal Clerk attended a recent meeting of the Committee. 1.2 Additionally, since the Terms of Reference indicate that number of members is "up to 10", there is no clarity on what constitutes a quorum. 2. Committee's Term 2.1 Arising out of Report EGD-001-18, Council established the Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee (ATSRAC) on January 15, 2018, at which time Council also approved the Terms of Reference, which stated: Considering that the initial formation of the Committee will occur in 2018 and only two or three meetings might be held in advance of the 2018 municipal election, it is recommended that the initial term of the Committee extend until the end of 2020. Subsequent appointments to the Committee will run concurrent with the term of Council. 2.2 It is unclear why 2020 was chosen for the end date instead of 2022, considering the actual Terms of Reference indicates: Appointments will run concurrent with the term of Council or until their successors are appointed. 2.3 Accordingly, the appointment letters were sent out, with 2020 as the end date, or until a successor is appointed. The current members are operating on the "until a successor is appointed" basis. 2.4 The ATSRAC considered staggering the terms and considered changing all the members' terms to two-year terms, but the Committee is recommending no staggering and four-year terms concurrent with the term of Council. This is consistent with the current Terms of Reference and therefore no changes are required. Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report LGS-007-21 3. Committee's Composition 3.1 The current composition is: The committee shall be comprised of up to 10 voting members who must be Clarington residents, and one (1) voting member of Council. 3.2 In order to give clarity on quorum, the Committee discussed the composition and are recommending a minimum of eight and maximum of ten community members, so that the minimum can be used to determine quorum. 3.3 Since the Member of Council is a voting member, quorum is calculated on 9 members with five being quorum. 4. Committee Crossover with Durham Active Transportation Committee 4.1 The Committee expressed an interest in the Clarington appointee to the Durham Active Transportation Committee also sitting on the Clarington Committee. Accordingly, the Municipal Clerk contacted the appointee, Connie Kobelka (formerly Connie Gray), and has confirmed that she agrees to sit on both Committees. 4.2 Staff are recommending that the Terms of Reference be changed to allow the Durham appointee to be a voting member, without affecting the quorum of five members. 5. Committee Appointments 5.1 As a result of three recent resignations, there are currently seven community members on the Committee. The current members have indicated a desire to continue. Therefore, Staff are recommending the reappointment of the existing members and advertising for the vacancies. 5.2 After Council ratification of the recommended change in composition, Staff will proceed to advertise for three additional members to bring the Committee up to 10 resident members, if there are enough applicants. 6. Committee's Mandate 6.1 The role of the ATSRAC is to: "Advise Council on matters related to active transportation, trails, cycling networks, pedestrian connectivity and transportation safety. The committee will also provide input into the implementation of The Clarington Transportation Master Plan and encourage, promote and participate in the planning of active transportation policies, programs and facilities." Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report LGS-007-21 6.2 There are an additional 14 points explaining the scope of the Committee. 6.3 The ATSRAC recently considered the possibility of expanding the Committee's mandate to include the review and recommendation of changes to road speeds, etc., a matter brought forward to address a Member of Council's concerns. As a result of a full discussion, for reasons outlined in their January 14, 2021 minutes, the Committee passed the following recommendation: Whereas there are several other Committees and organizations covering these issues; And whereas the Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee has a full mandate, The Committee recommends to Council that there is not a need to take on further mandate regarding traffic and speed issues. 7. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Director of Public Works who concurs with the recommendations. 8. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Council provide staff direction on extending the appointment of members; and that Council update the Terms of Reference to change the composition. Staff Contact: June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk, 905-623-3379 ext. 2102 or jgallagher@clarington.net. Attachments: Not Applicable Interested Parties: The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision: Durham Active Transportation Committee Clarington Active Transportation and Safe Roads Advisory Committee Connie Kobelka