HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-12Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday January 12, 2021; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic Present: Edgar Lucas, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Justin Barry Cathy Holmes Ron Hooper Absent: Carrie Hooper Erin Kemp Delegations Present: Lori Allin — owner Cactus Clothing Co. Bonnie Wrightman — Clarington Board of Trade The meeting was called to order by the Chair. 1. Presentation by Delegations a) Lori Allin, owner of Cactus Clothing Co., joins the meeting tonight with a recommendation for the Board and wishes to express views on the importance of social media for downtown Bowmanville. Her business experienced a surge during the Christmas shopping season which she attributes to the media coverage around shopping local during the pandemic. Believes that social media needs to be explored by the Board as a paid position or hired contract. The labour/time commitment is too heavy for it to be a volunteer position. Believes that a strong following on the BIA platforms can support all of the local businesses. Her business noticed a change in sales when the Bowmanville BIA Instagram feed stopped daily updates. Believes that the BIA platforms can reach a larger audience than any individual business and that promotions are more important now than ever before, as businesses are in lockdown. A sample job description for a BIA marketing position was presented. She recommended that careful consideration be given to selecting the correct person for the job. Cautioned that sometimes candidates with strong resumes do not provide the expected service. Shared that her feelings were that the platforms were best managed by someone with a strong connection to the town and demonstrated skill and experience and provided a recommendation that L. Holmes be considered for this role. Councillor Hooper expressed that he echoes the sentiments of the importance of social media promotions. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 January 2021 Business Centre (BIA) The Chair thanked Ms. Allin for sharing her thoughts and expressed that in his view the Board was in agreement on the importance of social media marketing and would review how best to move forward. b) Bonnie Wrightman from CBOT would like to be present at all future meeting to be able to share updates and work collaboratively with the Board. CBOT was the recipient of the Digital Main Street grant to hire a digital services squad (DSS) to assist small main street businesses with digital transformation. Outreach was to over 300 businesses in Clarington. 25 businesses had sit-down meetings with DSS. 33 businesses applied for grant funds. 18 received grant funds. DSS is still working with businesses until the end of January. Encourages the BIA to leverage support from CBOT. CBOT is a great resource for small business. Investments over the holiday season were put into advertising encouraging local shopping. CBOT is currently supporting the Municipality in the COVID CIP outreach, including hosting a webinar to help walk businesses through the application process. Seminar is also scheduled on return to work with a lawyer on the 22nd. On Feb loth there is a breakfast meeting with Erin O'Toole. When the small business grant is released, CBOT will host a webinar to assist with the process. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by G. Lucas THAT the minutes of the meeting of November 10, 2020 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. Business Arising from Previous Minutes (a) 12 Days of Giveaways Promotion L. Holmes shared that the feedback received from businesses was overwhelmingly positive. There was large growth in followers on both Facebook and Instagram. Number of entries varied based on prize, but was generally in the hundreds to thousands. Winners generally claimed and redeemed prizes soon after. Some complaints were received on Facebook about the contest rules and some winners tried to swap prizes. Both E. Kemp and C. Hooper expressed how difficult it was to keep up with daily posting, answering questions, selecting winners, etc. and felt the labour involved was too much as a volunteer role. Both expressed feeling burnt out at the end of the twelve days. (b) Charitable Partnerships Donation of $1800 directed to Salvation Army from the 12 Days of Giveaways promotion. $300 donation directed to St. John's Anglican Church for bell ringing in December. Kemp Travel accepted donations for the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Toy and Food drive. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3 January 2021 Business Centre (BIA) (c) 2021 Budget 2020 budget and actual financials provided by the Treasurer were presented on screen for review. Discussion of 2021 budget and levy request. Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by J. Barry THAT a new paid position for social media marketing be created and offered to L. Holmes CARRIED Moved by J. Barry, seconded by G. Lucas THAT the lights installed on the trees for Christmas remain in place year-round and the contractor for tree lights be contacted about possibility of credit towards new light strings in exchange for the fee already paid for removal and storage. CARRIED Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the 2021 budget be approved as presented on screen, at a 0% increase, and notification be sent to the Director of Finance. CARRIED 4. Correspondence Correspondence was received from i. Trevor Pinn, Director of Finance MOC, regarding appointment of new auditors for 2021 ii. Zoe Ferguson, Digital Service Squad Member, providing updates on Digital Main Street grant status of November 13, 2020 and December 31, 2020 iii. June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk MOC, announcing Council Resolution #C-480-20 on December parking iv. Salvation Army donation receipt and letter of appreciation V. St. John's Anglican Church donation receipt and letter of appreciation Moved by J. Barry, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the correspondence be received for information. CARRIED S. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer presented the following: i. $64 712.00 in current account as of December 31, 2020 Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 January 2021 Business Centre (BIA) Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by J. Barry THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. CARRIED 6. Directors' Reports (a) Council Liaison — R. Hooper: Reported that Clarington bylaw has been around to tag vehicles that are parked in the time - limited complimentary parking spaces. Abuse of the free parking is noticeable. Mayor is scheduled to begin weekly COVID task force meetings again. Government has announced funding for Lakeridge Health Bowmanville, including funds for relocation of the heli-pad. (b) Events — C. Holmes: Reported that there is hope that events late in 2021 may be able to proceed. Would like to run some new events that fit within the public health guidelines such as social distanced mascot photos, treasure hunts, storybook path, etc. Plans to reinstate the Events Committee for 2021 decision making. (c) Membership Relations —J. Barry: Reported that Bella Fleur Boutique and The Bees Knees have closed. There are two new restaurants opening on Division St. There is a for lease sign on the former billiards space. (d) Streetscape — G. Lucas: Reported that winter baskets and sidewalk planters looked good. The Chair will speak with the watering contractor again because the flower vendor is concerned about the wilting and lack of growth of blooms that occurred the past two summer seasons. Councillor Hooper expressed concern about the amount of garbage that has been deposited in the stationary flower planters since the lids have not been placed. (e) Communications —vacant: L. Holmes reported that businesses that have closed have been removed from the contact list. Updates are sent by email as they become available. (f) Website — L. Holmes: Reported that a notice was placed on the vendor application page to alert vendors that the provincial restrictions are closely monitored and information about festivals would be posted as it becomes available. Website redevelopment and project management will be a future agenda item. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 5 January 2021 Business Centre (BIA) (g) Media Relations — C. Hooper: No Report. 7. New Business (a) Annual General Meeting Councillor Hooper proposes that an all -members meeting be planned. Discussion deferred until next meeting. 8. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday February 9, 2021 commencing at 6:30pm. The meeting will be held virtually, as the provincial state of emergency and stay at home order will be in effect. 9. Adjournment Moved by C. Holmes, seconded by L. Holmes THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8.49pm.