HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-23-87Ck~ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ~` ~ ~ ~~,.~~" ,,~ ~~ Res. #~' ~ By-Law # f~ETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, January 19, 1987 T #: PD-23-87 FILE ~~ O.P.2..2.1(3 CT: APPLICATION TO AMEND COURTICE WEST NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN - SCHLEISS & HOLLAND Part Lot 34, Concession 3, Courtice File: O.P.2.2.1(3) Cross-Reference: PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-86058 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. TNAT Report PD-23-87 be received; and 2. THAT the Application submitted by Nlssrs. Schleiss & Holland to amend the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan be referred back to staff for a further report at such time as all circulation comments have been received. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On November 12, 1986, the Town of Newcastle received an application submitted by Walter Schleiss and Raymond Holland to amend the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan to redesignate a 6.5 ha (16 acre) site in Part Lot 34, Concession 3, Courtice from "Minor Open Space" to "Residential". The subject site is a wood lot. The Neighbourhood Development Plan states that the wood lot has been identified by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority as possessing environmentally sensitive qualities of local significance and as such, should be preserved in a natural state. The Plan states that prior to development occurring adjacent to the subject wood lot, and as a condition of development approval, the proponents of such development shall satisfy all requirements of .. .2 %C~ REPORT NO.: PD-23-87 Page 2 the Conservation Authority in respect of wood lot preservation. The subject site is designated "Residential" by the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, and zoned "Environmental Protection (EP)" by 8y-law 84-63. On November 28, 1986, the Region advised the Town of the submission of a plan of subdivision by Mssrs. Schleiss and Holland. The plan proposes the creation of 115 single family lots on a 12.2 hectare (30 acre) site * (see attached); the site subject of the neighbourhood development plan amendment occupies the eastern half of the proposed subdivision. The proposed amendment to the Neighbourhood Development Plan has been circulated by Town Staff; as well, the proposed plan of subdivision has been circulated by both the Town and the Region. The following is a summary of the comments received to date. Town of Newcastle Public Works Department "No objection in principle." Town of Newcastle Community Services Department "No objection to the proposed application. The open space block is to be conveyed to the Town in accordance with the revised standards and specifications". Town of Newcastle Fire Department "No objection. Emergency fire response would be Station #4, which is within the acceptable response limit. Water supply for fire fighting is through the Regional water hydrant system. I would note that "Street D" would require turn-around facilities if it is to remain a dead end road and is not connected to a through street". ...3 ~~ REPORT NO.: PD-23-87 Page 3 Region of Durham Planning Department "1. The subject lands are designated "Residential" in both the Durham Regional Official Plan and Amendment No. 22 to the Township of Darlington Official Plan (Courtice Urban Area Plan). The proposed amendment conforms. 2. The related plan of subdivision (18T-86068) would appear to propose 49 single family lots within the area designated "Minor Open Space" in the Development Plan. This increase in population is considered minor in light of the recently adjusted population guidelines for Neighbourhood la of the Courtice Major Urban Area". Region of Durham Works Department "Installation of sanitary sewers and watermains on the adjacent phase of the same subdivision (Phase 4 of 18T-77OO1) to the south has been committed by a subdivision agreement. Therefore, the necessary watermain and sanitary sewer will soon be available to the proposal at the Varcoe's Road/Centerfield Drive Intersection (i.e., the south end of Street A of this draft plan). On the basis of the above, we have no objection to further processing of this draft plan". The following agencies have indicated no objection to the Neighbourhood Development Plan Amendment and the Proposed Plan of Subdivision: - Town of Newcastle Building Department - Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland & Newcastle Roman Catholic Separate School Board - Northumberland ~ Newcastle Board of Education The applicant has also submitted a "Biological and Environmental Appraisal" of the subject wood lot. This report states that the wood lot is a seasonal swamp with no individual elements of particular significance or rarity being found. Few animals were observed and the wood lot does not link any large tracts of more or less natural vegetation and so does not serve as part of a wildlife movement corridor. The Report recommends that the site be dewatered before any development occurs. As a result of the considerable site modification this would entail, it is also a recommended that few trees be preserved as most could not tolerate the marked change in moisture regime. ...4 ~(k REPORT NO.: PD-23-87 Page 4 Staff have circulated the Environmental Report to the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment for comment. The Public Meeting with respect to the proposed amendment to the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development P1 an i s being held i n accordance with the requirements of Section 6.9 of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. Notice of the Public Meeting was advertised in local newspapers and posted on-site. As of the date of writing, no submissions have been received by Town Staff in respect of the proposed development. Staff note that there are two possible alternatives for the extension of Street 'A' of the proposed subdivision plan - a connection with Tooley's Road or turning south and paralleling Tooley's Road. Street 'A' is an extension of Varcoes Road North and, by connecting with Tooley's Road, would act as a collector. The location of a collector in the northern portion of the Courtice West Neighbourhood would be consistent with a revised transportation plan being considered by Staff through the general review of the Courtice Urban Area Plan. A site survey by Staff, however, has indicated that only one option, being a vacant lot, is available for the connection with Tooley's Road. The lot is eligible for a residential building permit inasmuch as the front portion is zoned "R1" and therefore, it would be necessary to secure the lot to maintain the option of connecting with Tooley's Road. Staff have initiated discussions with the applicant with respect to the options available for the extension of Street 'A'. ...5 ~C~~ REPURT NO.: PD-23-87 Page 5 It is respectfully recommended that the Application to Amend the Courtice West Neighbourhood Development Plan be referred back to Staff for a further report at such time as all comments have been received. Respectfully submitted, T. dwar s, M.C.I.P. Recommended for presentation to the Committee ~~awrence noLSerr Chief Ad , n trati ve Officer cc Nlssrs. Walter Schleiss & Raymond Holland 17 Swiss Heights Drive Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K5 cc Mr. Glen Easton Proctor & Redfern Group 45 Green Belt Drive Don Mills, Ontario N13C 3K3 ~~ URAL I EX. RE IDEHTIAL R ~.~ ~ ( •0.] RESERVE --' "•• .••~ I I _ - 1a 10' _ OI1,71; {. 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