HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-29-87,.~ v,~~,~..,~,,, ~~ _ ~,-. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ~~~ REPORT File#,~~~~ Res. # ;' f.~%,~~~'-,`~, .~.-=~ By-Law # I(~: DATE: T #: CT: General Purpose and Administration Committee Monday, January 19, 1987 PD-29-87 FILE #: PLN. 11.5 P.R.I.D.E. PROGRAM! RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-29-87 be received; and 2. THAT the eligible projects for the Courtice Urban Area be assigned first priority for the Town's P.R.I.D.E. application; and 3. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to include within its 1987 Budget estimates a minimum amount of $350,000., to be drawn from OHAP Reserves and applied to the cost of the Nash Road/Townline Sanitary Sewers and Watermains; and 4. THAT budget allocations be made in the Town's 1987 Capital Budget for the proposed works including allocation of $300,000. from the Town's OHAP Reserve and $200,000. from Lot Levies; and 5. THAT the Bowmanville Arena Project be assigned second priority for the Town's P.R.I.D.E. application. ...2 ~~ REPORT NO.: PD-29-87 Page 2 At the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of January 5, 1987 discussion was held relative to priorizing potential P.R.I.D.E. projects. In that regard, Staff were requested to report back to the next meeting after taking into consideration the comments provided and the resultant benefits of each project. Initially Staff identified three or four possible projects for consideration under the P.R.I.D.E. Program. A fifth was added following discussions with Ministry Staff about project eligibility. The proposed projects include: 1) Nash Road sewers, water and road improvements in Courtice; 2) Newtonville water supply system; 3) Road and storm sewer improvements Bowmanville downtown; 4) Property acquisition and open space development of the Bowmanville waterfront; and 5) the Bowmanville Arena. The intent of the Program and community improvement in general, is to redress existing community deficiencies and encourage private sector investment and redevelopment. Accordingly, Staff reviewed the various projects and in consideration of this intent, and available funding, from other sources, for each of these projects, feel that first priority should be assigned to addressing physical deficiencies of services in Courtice. This is based upon the importance of same to the health and safety of residents, increased pressure on that area resulting from adjacent development activity and the need to bring this area up to current standa rds for urban residential development. As a second priority we have identified the Bowmanville Arena based upon the existing service population and building deficiencies. Equally as important as the Courtice Area is the need for a water system in Newtonville. However, this project is eligible for significant funding assistance through the Ministry of the Environment and Staff would encourage that direction for this community improvement as opposed to P.R.I.D.E. funding. ...3 ~P~ REPORT NO.: PD-29-87 Page 3 The Bowmanville Waterfront remains of questionable eligiblity under P.R.I.D.E.. Given the fact that this project may require considerable public acquisition of land prior to any appreciable results or benefits, we feel that other avenues should be pursued to achieve this objective over a longer term. The Bowmanville downtown has received considerable assistance and support in the past, both from the Town and the Province. In particular, conside rable investment was made under the former Mainstreet Revitalization Program. Projects in this area are ongoing and are being addressed through current and capital budget allocations. With respect to Courtice we feel that the critical feature of any project wi11 be the construction of sanitary sewers and watermains. This, of necessity, requires the involvement of the Region of Durham. Staff would suggest that a budget allocation of at least 50% of the cost of Regional works ($350,000.) would be required (assuming 50% through P.R.T.D.E.). This money could possibly be taken from any remaining OHAP Reserves. Failing such an allocation, or a comparable allocation by the Town, this project could not proceed in 1987 even assuming approval of same by the Province. Associated road works would be funded by the Town through Lot Levies. Other features of this project would be sidewalks and streetlights on both Highway No. 2 and Nash Road between Townline and Varcoes. Accordingly, Staff are recommending that the Town's application(s) for P.R.I.D.E. funding identify the Courtice services and Bowmanville Arena as the Town's first and second priority respectively. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee /~ t Lawrenc Kotseff Chief A m' istrative Office r TTE*jip *Attach. January 12, 1987