HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-19 Minutes• I - 7 ~~ Leading the Way Approved by committee CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 19, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Andrew Kozak (Chair) Glenn Wallis (Vice-Chair) Councillor Don MacArthur David Duffle Gord Lee Dave Rickard Lisa Robinson Dirk Zinner ALSO Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design PRESENT: Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Coordinator Constable Keith Richazds Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Coordinator, Durham Region Donna Van Schyndel, Recording Secretary REGRETS: Tony Cannella-Director of Engineering Services, Clayton Morgan, Ron Radcliffe According to the Committee's constitution the voting members shall review the position of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson in January of each year. At the first meeting of the New Year the voting members shall elect from their number a Chairperson and Vice-chairperson to serve for the coming term. - Therefore the following motion was proposed: THAT: "The agenda for today's meeting include the annual elections for Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee." MOVED: by Andrew Kozak; SECONDED by Keith Richazds CARRIED The meeting was brought to order by Councillor Don MacArthur who facilitated the process of nominating and electing the Chair and Vice-Chair. CTMAC Minutes 2 January 19, 2006 Elections for Chair & Vice-Chair of the Committee Election of Chairaerson First nomination: Dave Duffie nominated Andrew Kozak as Chairperson; Dave Rickazd seconded. Second offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Third offer to nominate: No=one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of the first nomination and Andrew Kozak accepted the position of Chairperson. Election of Vice-Chairuerson First nomination: Andrew Kozak nominated Glenn Wallis as Vice-chairperson; Gord Lee seconded. Second offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Third offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of the first nomination and Glenn Wallis accepted the position of Vice-chairperson. Once the elections were concluded the meeting was then turned back over to the Chair, Andrew Kozak. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Dirk Zinner; SECONDED by; Glenn Wallis THAT: "The minutes of the November 17, 2005 meeting be approved. 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION a) Road Watch-(Ron Radcliffe) There were no reports this month. b) Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) Ron Baker advised that he will have the final results from 2005 available for the next meeting. c) Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The 407 Advisory Committee meets once every two months, on the second Tuesday of each month. Leslie Benson will bring the highlights of the last meeting to the next traffic meeting. CTMAC Minutes January 19, 2006 Leslie advised that if there are any CTMAC members who would like to participate on the 407 Advisory Committee (which is held at the Municipal Administrative Centre) they should state their interest at the next CTMAC meeting. d) Intelligent Transportation Systems Video-(Leslie Benson) Leslie Benson arranged for Stuart McAllister from the Durham Region to present to the Committee members a video on Intelligent Transportation Systems. The video looked at congestion on roadways and explored some solutions to these problematic driving conditions. The second portion of the video dealt with effective incident management. Stuart McAllister from Durham Region will try to arrange a tour for members to visit the Traffic Operations Centre at the Durham Region Traffic Management Centre. He will inform the group next meeting if this. is possible. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a) Trulls Road-Mitchell Corners There have been ongoing concerns about speeding on Trulls Road and Keith Richards advised that it is difficult for motorists to maintain a speed limit of 50 KPH on this stretch of road. Originally, the 50-KPH zone was put in place because of the public school; however, the school is now closed. Road construction in the azea and traffic volumes are believed to contribute to the issue. The Committee members talked about potential traffic calming measures such as the addition of white lines down the side of each lane. Sidewalks were also discussed briefly but the members were advised that there is insufficient mom in the right-of--way to have sidewalks installed on this rural stretch of mad. Reconstruction to an urban standard with the installation of sidewalks is not expected to occur until after the Adelaide Street construction is underway. These works aze not expected to commence for at least five years. The following motion was proposed: CTMAC Minutes 4 January 19, 2006 THAT: "The Engineering Depaztment will review the possibility. of having white edge lines and radaz-enforced signs installed on Trulls Road." MOVED by Gord Lee; SECONDED by Lisa Robinson CARRIED b) Rhonda Boulevard-(Don MacArthur) A local resident complained about the speeds on Rhonda Boulevazd just west of Waverley Road. Ron Baker is going to check the speeds at this location. He will contact the resident once he has data and will also bring the data to the next traffic meeting. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR a) Items of Interest to the Committee 2006 Clone Caz Prog~r, The Durham Regional Police introduced this program in 2005 where they pre-determined areas to place unmanned vehicles as a traffic calming measure. In 2006 they started alternating day to day by having a live officer with radar one day and an unmanned caz the next. Durham Regional Police Flver The flyer was developed as a handout for Clarington officers to have available at various community functions. On the back of the flyer there is a list of major intersections that show collisions with injuries. These statistics are derived from a central database. Hi way Alternative Measures The Durham Regional Police worked along side Bowmanville High School Students who used their 70 minute class time to witness police officers stop speeding vehicles while they took care of the paperwork. They stopped over 65 speeders over a two day period. Both the students and the officers enjoyed the experience. Operations Hwv. Rewazds Residents were pleasantly surprised when they were pulled over by Police and handed a mug and an East Side Mario's certificate, rewarding them for safe driving. Li is at Longworth and Hwy 57 Illuminating lights (not traffic lights) will be installed at this location in February. CTMAC Minutes 5 January 19, 2006 4-Wav Stop at Scuso~ Street & Longworth Avenue Ron Baker advised that this intersection is being monitored. Plaza at Hwy57 and Hartford Road A no left turn By-Law will be passed. Signs have been installed at this intersection. Member Resignation Don Carter who represents Ward 3 from the Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee has resigned due to employment commitments. This position will be advertised in local papers. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE February 16, 2006 - 7:00 p.m. -Committee Room lA -Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Dave Rickard. THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m."