HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-18 Minutes Q@lJgtnn I - 10 Approved bv Committee Members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday May 18,2006 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Andrew Kozak (Chair) Councillor Don MacArthur Gord Lee Lisa Robinson Andrew Bouma Glenn Wallis (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan Dave Rickard Dirk Zinner David Duffie ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Coordinator Constable Keith Richards Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Coordinator, Durham Region Jenny Bilenduke, Recording Secretary REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOVED by Gord Lee; SECONDED by; Dirk Zinner THAT: "The minutes of the April 20, 2006 meeting be approved with the following changes: Page 1 - Dave Rickard moved from "Absent" to "Regrets". Page 4 - Bus Bays Change "installed at the Harmony Road exit", to "installed at Harmony Road south of Adelaide". 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION a) Road Watch-(Ron Baker) Andrew Kozak advised that after many years of exemplary service in supporting Road Watch, Ron Radcliffe has submitted his letter of resignation for personal reasons. The Durham Regional Police Service CTMAC Minutes 2 May18,2006 will work to replace Ron with another person who will be willing to step into this role. Gord Lee expressed an interest in obtaining further information about this role. There are no statistics to report this month. Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) Ron advised that this program has not started yet this year but is expected to resume towards the end of May or beginning of June. c) Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) Leslie advised that she attended a Hi~hway 407 Municipal Technical Advisory Group meeting on May 1 i , 2006 and that the group is at the 407 East Environmental Assessment stage. At that meeting a presentation was made to outline problems and opportunities, discuss goals, present potential alternatives and identify next steps. There is concern that already there is a significant east-west capacity deficiency that cannot be addressed by widening Highway 401. For this reason potential alternatives to the undertaking were presented and discussed. For those who may be interested in learning more about these alternatives, Public Information Centres are planned starting May 30th from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Garnett B. Rickard Recreation Complex in Bowmanville. Another session will be held in Oshawa on May 31 st. A third will be at Ajax Community Centre on June ih and a fourth is to be held at the McKinney Centre in Whitby on June 8th. Further information may be obtained by calling Mr. D. Allingham, P. Eng., Consultant Project Manager, TSH at 1.866.840.5529 or Mr. D. Remolino, P. Eng., MTO Project Manager at (416) 235-5576. Additional information may be obtained at the project website www.407eastea.com. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION a) Radar Presentation - Keith Richards Keith presented an overview of speed detection initiatives in Clarington and explained that the goal is to tailor the strategies the police use to suit a community which is a suburban/rural mix. In Clarington that ideal mix includes pacing, Python radar, Decatur radar and ultralight laser. Regardless of the strategy used the Police need to be proficient and mindful if the ticket is to stand up in a court of law. CTMAC Minutes 3 Mayl8, 2006 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR a) Items of Interest to the Committee Traffic Lights - Bowmanville Mall Traffic lights have been installed in front of the Bowmanville Mall and some concerns have been raised with respect to the challenge of making a left hand turn into a residential driveway, when going eastbound. This concern is being reviewed by Clarington staff. All- Way Stop Request - Queen & Brown An all-way stop has been requested for a location only 100m east of the existing T -intersection at Brown St. and Ontario St. Ron Baker has been out to the site and found that it does not meet the warrants for several reasons, including the fact that average speeds in the area were 48 kIn per hour. Ron will notify the resident. Summer Meetings Andrew Kozak asked the members to think about the summer schedule of meetings. Typically the Committee takes one month off in the summer and Andrew asked the members to think about which month they would prefer to schedule off. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE June 15,2006 -7:00 p.m. - Committee Room IA - Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, through the north door on Church St. 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Clayton Morgan. THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m."