HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-17 Minutes ClfJ!il1gton Annroved bv committee members CLARlNGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARlNGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday, January 17, 2008 PRESENT: (Chair) Clayton Morgan Gillian Bellefontaine Sandy Lyall Lisa Robinson Georg Krohn Councillor Adrian Foster (Vice-Chair) Gord Lee Andrew Bouma David Reesor Elwood Ward ALSO PRESENT: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Services Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Co-ordinator, Durham Region REGRETS: Kerry Meydam The meeting was brought to order by Tony Cannella to facilitate the process for nominations and election of Chair and Vice-Chair. Post election the meeting was chaired by Clayton Morgan Elections for Chair & Vice-Chair of Committee According to the Committee's constitution the voting members shall review the position of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson in January of each year. At the first meeting of the New Year the voting members shall elect from their number a Chairperson and Vice-chairperson to serve for the coming term. Election of Chairperson First nomination: Clayton Morgan nominated Gord Lee as Chairperson; Andrew Bouma seconded. Gord Lee declined. Second offer to nominate: Elwood Ward nominated Clayton Morgan; Andrew Bouma seconded. Clayton Morgan accepted. Third offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Fourth offer to nominate: No-one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of Clayton Morgan accepting to remain in the position of Chairperson. CTMAC Milmtes " ~ Januarv 17.2008 Election of Vice-Cbairperson First nomination: Clayton Morgan nominated Gord Lee as Vice-chairperson; Elwood Ward seconded. Gord Lee accepted. Second otTer to nominate: No-one was nominated. Tbird otTer to nominate: No-one was nominated. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of the first nomination and Gord Lee accepted the position of Vice -chairperson. Clayton Morgan introduced Keith Richards who introduced Esther Rathwell of the Durham Regional Police Services. Esther will replace Keith when he takes on a new position. Esther's ernail address is: erathwell@dros.ca. Clayton Morgan welcomed her to the committee. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(November 15, 2007) The following motion was proposed: THAT: 'The minutes of the November 15, 2007 meeting are approved with no changes." MOVED: by Sandy Lyall; SECONDED by Adrian Foster. CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watcb-(Gord Lee) Gord Lee advised that the year was completed with just in excess of 500 incidents processed by our volunteers. One hundred thirty five (27%) of these complaints came from residents using the drop boxes located throughout the municipality. Sixty two (17%) came through the DRPS web-site and the balance of 303 incidents (56%) were processed from reports submitted by our radar technician, operating in Clarington. It's encouraging to see the DRPS web-site being used more frequently. The sixty-two on-line reports indicate a significant increase from 2006. The Road Watch Brochures from the Hampton area and recent pick ups at the Hampton General Store have netted 5 speeding complaints and a stop street infraction in the Hampton community. Gord will re-cap the volunteer bours provided by all Road Watch members for the past year and bring a report to the next traffic meeting. Two letters of thanks were received from people who had been advised of infractions. ill both cases, they were appreciative of being notified. ill one case it was a company employee committing the infraction and the other case a new driver who had the falnily car. The letter is sent to the registered owner and in the latter case it was their 17 year old daughter driving. Keith Richards did three second notices in 2007. S::TMAC Minutes ____l___________---1.!illualJ:J}.2008 2.2 Traffic Watch Update-(Ron Baker) Ron will bring results from 2007 to the next meeting. He advised members that the traffic watch program stopped running two weeks into November of 2007 for the winter and will recommence the first week in June. 2.3 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) Leslie Benson advised that there has been no update since last meeting. Andrew Bouma stated that the 407 CAC has invited C1MAC to participate. Leslie Benson suggested that any 407 comments from Committee flow through the 407 Committee representative (Andrew Bouma) to that Committee. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Committee Initiative for 2008 BackgroundlHistorv of the CTMAC Clayton Morgan updated Esther Rathwell on the background and history of the Committee and the fact that we have addressed a number of interesting issues such as all-way stops, sidewalks and traffic calming issues. Initiative history Tony Cannella advised that committee initiatives are given to staff usually from Council. Some things are cut and dried, for example, all-way stops which need not take several months to go through the staff-Committee-staff-Council process. Council will direct some issues directly to staff. Staff is looking for bigger issues for this Committee but there haven't been a lot in recent years. Council is aware of Committee and their desire to be more involved. There are no new initiatives forthcoming as yet from Council. Clayton Morgan advised that any issues can be sent out ahead of time and dealt with at next meeting. Dave Reesor gave an example of 407 issues that were part of the General Purpose and Administrative meeting that Committee members could consider. Leslie Benson suggested that any 407 comments from Committee flow through the 407 Committee representative (Andrew Bouma) to that Committee. Other areas of concern were discussed and it was thought that some may be possible initiatives for the committee to get involved in such as on-street parking and yield signs. Adrian Foster left the meeting at 8:00 p.rn. Public awareness The question was raised regarding how the public would know how to contact the local Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee representative? The chair explained that they can call staff, a council member or a delegate of council; Opinions should not be solicited by members. George Krohn is preparing a newsletter for the Hampton area (350) and the chair advised that the public should speak to staff, council or a delegate. CTMAC Minutes , .. Januarv 17.2008 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Rut in Pavement There is a rut in the pavement on Highway 2 eastbound approaching Bennett Road, Stuart McAllister will check into this. 4.2 Tim Horton's Stuart McAllister will follow up with the Transportation staff at Durham Region and find out why the queuing situation is still not rectified. Tony Cannella attended a meeting before Christmas with IDL (Tim Horton's), Durham Region and Mayor and staff where various proposals are being considered. It has been suggested that the access to Regional Road 57 be closed but this would transfer the problem to Baseline Road. The entire queue lane should be on site. It is hoped that it is fixed correctly. It is in IDL's hands currently to improve the situation. 4.3 Baseline East of Liberty There are no sidewalks in this area for people walking to and from work. Ron Baker said that sidewalks are warranted but cannot be constructed until the road is reconstructed. Staff will review Baseline Road to see if any sidewalks can be built and if so, the project will be referred to the budget process. 4.4 mega) Parking on Parkway Leslie Benson has discussed this situation twice with By-Law. 4.5 Different Speed Limits on Highway 2 Sandy Lyall enquired about the different speeds along Highway 2. Stuart McAllister reported that speeds increase through open areas and are slower in built up areas. Limits have to be realistic. Signage spacing is as required under Highway Traffic Act. People. have been throwing snow onto Highway 2 which is prohibited under the Highway Traffic Act. 4.6 Operation Highway Rewards Durham Regional Police participated in a 3-day iuitiative in Clarington only whereby flash lights and mouse pads were handed out as a reward for good driving. There were 110 vehicles involved in this very successful program. 4.7 Longworth A vneue & Highway 57 Stuart McAllister advised that the traffic signals at Longworth Avenue and Regional Road 57 will be inspected tomorrow and will be operational by next Friday once passed. ~T1-:1i"'C Miu!,ltes 5 January 17.2008 5.0 NEXT MEETING DA TE- February 21,2008-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Elwood Ward THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.rn."