HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-19 Minutes 1-1 CI!Jlmgtnn Approved bv committee members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday, June 19, 2008 PRESENT: (Chair) Clayton Morgan Councillor Adrian Foster Kerry Meydam Lisa Robinson Wallace Bradley (Vice-Chair) Gord Lee Georg Krohn Elwood Ward Gillian Bellefontaine ALSO PRESENT: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Co-ordinator, Durham Region REGRETS: Constable Esther Rathwell, David Reesor, Sandy Lyall 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(May15, 2008) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the May 15,2008 meeting are approved with no changes." MOVED: by Elwood Ward; SECONDED by Gord Lee CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch-(Gord Lee) Since our last meeting 21 traffic violations have been reported. Thirteen are from the website, 4 incidents were reported through the drop boxes and 4 came from school bus operators. All of the school bus incidents were a result of driving through the signals and arm barrier. A number of the inactive drop boxes that have 0 incident reports over the past year and a half such as Mitchell Comer, Enniskillen, Newtonville, Courtice Coffee Time and the Canadian Tire Store in Bowmanville will be removed. Boxes will be sealed for a one month period and a notice will be posted instructing the public how to report on-line. After one month the boxes will be removed and the Road Watch members will concentrate on responses from the website. Each person that reports through the web site will receive acknowledgement along with a thank you letter from the Clarington Road Watch Committee. There will be a drop box installed at the Newcastle Memorial Arena and the committee will concentrate on locations where the public gathers. The committee is checking whether they can install boxes at South Courtice Arena and the Newcastle Recreation Centre. This along with a few well placed articles on Road Watch should help with increased public participation. Stuart McAllister mentioned that ifthere are any careless school bus drivers to firstly get their bus number and report them to the bus company (for example Coach Canada) or call Stuart McAllister personally at Durham Region. 2.3 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) At the last meeting it was noted that MTO has proceeded with a preliminary planning and design. Leslie Benson handed out a draft package that was presented at the Municipal Advisory Committee Meeting for members to view. It was mentioned that the 115/35 highway junction will continue to stay untouched and the 407 will flow into this area which will be slightly moved south. It will not be a freeway to freeway interchange. Municipalities are currently in discussion with MTO about which roads will be overpassed, underpassed or cul-de-sacced. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Rural Speed Limits-Comments from Members Leslie Benson and Ron Baker met with Constable Rathwell to review the assessment and map that Ron Baker prepared for 50/60 and 70 KPH zones. Constable Rathwell supported the proposed speed limit zones and stated that they were realistic in terms of enforcement. Leslie and Ron would like to meet with the Director of Engineering to discuss this further. Ron will bring in the proposed draft copy for the committee to view. The Director of Engineering has also reviewed the proposed draft and the Engineering Department plans on going to Council to present this prior to the posting of the By-Law. There would be an extensive education process along with advertising, and the Durham Regional Police would have input. Once limits are set there will be a public education session. The Engineering Department will be looking for input from the Traffic Committee throughout this process. 3.2 Intersection of Firwood Ave. & Devondale St. in Courtice-Safety Review-Ron Baker The initial complaint regarding this intersection came from a resident living on the street. The resident was also concerned about accidents that occurred at this location as well (2 accidents back in 2004, one month apart and both teenage drivers). There have been no accidents to date since. There was a traffic study performed with results showing that of the 22 vehicles passing through this intersection in a 4 hour period, the average speed was 40.9 KPH (10 under the speed limit). Stop controls are on Devondale Street which has a higher volume of traffic than Firwood Avenue. One member visited Firwood Avenue and in her opinion there couldn't possibly be a speed issue due to the amount of vehicles parked on either side of the road. The Operation Department installed no parking signs to help keep vehicles back from the comer. Ron Baker will ensue that the resident will receive a copy of the speed statistics and accidents that were taken at this area. The Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee members agree with staff and the findings that there does not appear to be a safety concern at this location. 3.3 Intersection of Wellington & George Streets in Bowmanville-Safety Review/All-Way Request-Ron Baker A report went to council on April 14, 2008 which staff recommended denying the request for an all-way stop. The original request for an all-way stop was prompted by a motorist that had been involved in an accident while traveling eastbound on Wellington. Ron Baker read the conclusion of the report to members that stated that, "An All-way stop was unwarranted and not recommended by staff." Ron stated that stop signs have been checked and they are visible. Following every accident Ron Baker examines the area to ensure that there is adequate visibility. He commented that there is not a design issue. The Operations Department has been asked to paint stop bars and install no parking signs but neither have been done to date. Ron provided statistics proving that the area is not high volume but has experienced an unusual number of collisions over the past 3 years. There have been no collisions since November 2007 and staff will continue to monitor. Canada Post relocated mail boxes to the east of the site line. The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee members have recommended a visit to this location. They will review this site and bring their findings back to the committee". MOVED: by Kerry Meydam; SECONDED by Lisa Robinson CARRIED 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Stop Bars Stuart McAllister educated the members by letting them know that stop bars are parallel to the through road. Historically, this is the rule; however, there are special circumstances as each intersection is dealt with individually. Stop bars are placed to create visibility for the stopped vehicle, whereas stop signs are placed for the optimum visibility for traffic. 4.2 Railroad Crossing Two members witnessed vehicles stopped at railway crossings (Port Darlington Road-Bowmanville Harbor and the crossing before Darlington Provincial Park) where the stop arm lifted halfway after the train passed, allowing the vehicle to proceed through the crossing. The stop arm quickly came back down and landed on the hood of the vehicles just in time for another train to pass through the crossing. Ron Baker commented that legally vehicles are to wait until the lights stop flashing and if you proceed ahead you are in violation of the law. It was recommended that CN Rail be contacted whenever situations like these arise. 4.1 Parking alongside Roads It was noted that recently tractor trailers and larger trucks have been parking alongside roads outside Tim Horton Stores in Courtice, out of convenience to the driver. They cannot park in the store lots and opt to park at the roadside closest to the store, which causes traffic concerns. Stuart McAllister from the Region advised the committee that this is an ongoing problem. 4.4. Tim Horton's-Reg. Rd. 57 & Baseline Rd.-Bowmanville There was a circulation by TDL on the site plan that went to the Region and the Engineering department, which is in the review stage. Committee members are concerned about queuing on Reg. Rd. 57and would like to force this issue in order to speed up the process. TDL has commented that they are waiting for Aspen Springs to commence. Leslie advised the members that she met with Clarington staff and the consultants on June 9th which was very productive and it was stressed that movement must take place. Leslie Benson and Stuart McAllister will follow up with the Region regarding this comment and bring their findings back to the committee for discussion. 4.5 Pedestrian Crossing-Hwy 2 & Courtice Rd.-Courtice On the east side ofHwy 2 & Courtice Rd. traffic has increased. The walk button is not being pressed and pedestrians are crossing with the light instead. Motorists are expecting pedestrians to press the walk button and it has been reported that there have been some near accidents. It was suggested that the hand signals be installed. 4.6 Speed Enforcement Issues Durham Regional Police have issues with speed enforcement in Clarington and Durham Region has worked with them to advise where problem areas exist. DRP perform calculations by taking the date and other pertinent information in order to determine were problem areas exist, therefore dedicating time to those specific locations. The Traffic Committee should consider passing a motion to create a business case that would target speed control enforcement and prove that a newly created position would pay for itself through the money collected from speed control ticketing. It was suggested that Sergeants Galipeau or Arnott be invited to attend a traffic meeting to discuss the philosophy of such an initiative. 4.7 Hampton Store Crossing The residents from Hampton have written to the Engineering Department several times regarding high speeds in the village of Hampton. They are also very concerned about the Hampton store crossing whereby trucks unload in front of the store and pedestrians do not have proper view to cross the road. The committee previously reviewed this intersection and traffic counts were conducted. No parking signs were also installed. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- July 17, 2008-7:00 P.M. Committee Room IC-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Gord Lee THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:50 P.M."