HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-19 Minutesce4a~ng use way Approved by Committee Members I-5 CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday November 19, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Vacant Councillor Adrian Foster Elwood Ward Lisa Robinson Georg Krohn Alan Bayliss David Reesor Kerry Meydam Gillian Bellefontaine ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation & Design Ron Baker, Traffic & Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services Jeff Pammett, Region of Durham, Traffic Engineering & Operations Division REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, John Slater The chair introduced and welcomed Jeff Pammett representing Durham Region for this meeting only. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(October 15, 2009) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the October 15, 2009 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Councillor Adrian Foster; SECONDED by Elwood Ward CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch News & Statistics-(Gord Lee) Gord Lee reported having picked up four Road Watch reports. He will check on- line for additional reports. DRPS Statistics-(Constable Esther Rathwell] Constable Rathwell reported that letters to speeders caught under the Traffic Watch Program have been sent. This part of the program has ended this year and will resume in the spring. Constable Rathwell. gets directly involved when there has been a second or third offense under the same license plate. Traffic Watch Statistics-(Ron Baker) The Municipality's Traffic Watch contractor has completed his work for the year. Almost 800 speeders were recorded travelling 20 km/hr or more over the limit. Letters were sent to 82.3% of those offenders. Councillor Foster asked Constable Rathwell how this information was used, and she reported- that officers aze sent to areas where there is lazge numbers of speeders. Sufficient DRPS manpower for this part of the program is ofren an issue. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Meeting Update-Gord Lee and Director of Engineering-(GordLee) The Chair will meet with the Director of Engineering Services in the near future to discuss potential pro] ects for the Committee. 3.2 Bowmanville High School Update-(Ron Baker) Ron Baker reported that pavement markings have been completed at the school's ingress and egress but not to the satisfaction of the Region. They will be redone. It was reported that the line painting on Regional Road 14 at the school maybe confusing. This will be improved in the spring as well. 3.3 Traffic Committee Action List-(Gord Lee) Two sample Action Lists were reviewed by the Committee. Staff will compile an Action List with components of each, and any action items or outstanding issues from 2009 will be added to the list. The list will be reviewed for additions and deletions at each meeting. 3.4 Regional Road 57/Stevens Road Intersection update-(Ron Baker) It has been reported that school buses have difficulty making a northbound left turn lane from Stevens Road onto Regional Road 57. Regional Road 57 will eventually have a median at this location, and school buses are intended to travel south on Clarington Boulevard to Highway 2. The Region will inform the School Boazd. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Committee Document Entitled "Who we are -What we do" The document was reviewed by the members. Councillor Foster recommended that the Committee hold a brainstorming session in future to discuss what types of traffic related projects the Committee would like to be involved in. Members were asked to give this some consideration and forward any ideas to the Chair. 4.2 Regional Collision Reporting Centre Constable Rathwell reported that the Regional Collision Reporting Centre is now open in Pickering which will streamline the accident reporting process. Constable Rathwell also explained that policing borders within Durham Region may change in an effort to balance "calls per officer" across the Region. This change if implemented will not affect traffic issues in Clarington. 4.3 Accessibility for Ontarians George Krohn stated that Clarington Traffic Management Advisory Committee members were being asked to attend Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act sessions in the near future. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- January 21, 2010-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; David Reesor THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m."