HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-19 Minutes I - 2 Lending the Way Approved CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday,March 19, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan Elwood Ward David Reesor Lisa Robinson John Slater ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson,Manager of Transportation &Design Ron Baker, Traffic &Transportation Co-ordinator Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Co-ordinator, Durham Region REGRETS: Tony Cannella,Director of Engineering Services, Constable Esther Rathwell, Councilor Adrian Foster, Kerry Meydam, Georg Krohn, Sandy Lyall, Gillian Bellefontaine Gord Lee welcomed new member,John Slater representing Ward 4. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(February 19,2009) Clayton Morgan made a clarification to the Committee with respect to Item 4.6. The following motion was made: THAT: "The minutes of the February 19, 2009 meeting are approved with no further changes." MOVED: by Elwood Ward; SECONDED by Clayton Morgan CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch-(Gord Lee) Reports Received & Processed from Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) - (Constable Esther Rathwell) Six incident reports are at DRPS for processing. Three came from the drop boxes and three from on-line reporting. There is a meeting scheduled for March 31St at DRPS where discussions regarding both the Radar Traffic Watch and the Road Watch Programs will take place in hopes of enhancing the programs and increasing the percentage of offenders processed. 2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The Planning and Engineering departments met with MTO who advised that they have begun preliminary design of the highway. The environmental assessment will be submitted June of this year. Planning and Engineering staff are having a consultant review and advise staff in regards to any unresolved issues which will be compiled in a report and brought to the March 30"' General Purpose and Administration meeting. The report will be on-line for viewing. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Road Watch Box-Missing from Canadian Tire-(Clayton Morgan) The Road Watch box at the Canadian Tire location could not be located. Gord Lee will visit the courtesy counter and reintroduce himself as the representative for the Road Watch Program and will take a new box with him and ask if it can be reinstalled in a suitable location. 3.2 Merge Sign on Hwy 2 near Bowmanville Mall-(Ron Balser) Engineering staff reviewed this area and found that there is adequate signage indicating that the lane ends, as is considered appropriate. 3.3 Parking on Parkway Crescent-(Constable Esther Rathwell) Constable Rathwell was not in attendance therefore this item will be added to the April agenda. Gord Lee offered to have Road Watch visit this location and submit licence plate numbers to By-law. '�'`<ti'(+ 19, }}19 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Library Crosswalk-Newcastle Ron Baker advised members that the main purpose of crossing guards is to assist the school children across the road. They are however instructed to assist anyone who requires help. This coming September Ron Baker will conduct traffic counts at this location to see if a pedestrian crossing signal (IPS) is warranted. 4.2 Parkway Crescent Street Parking-Bowmanville Elwood Ward commented that he lives on Parkway Crescent and there is a definite problem with parking on this street. He said that there are approximately 17 school buses that park on this street between 8:00-9:00 a.m. on school mornings. The original School was designed to accommodate local children who would walk to the school. When the school became a French Immersion School the situation changed and the children who used to walk to school were now replaced by children who need to be bused to school. Sunday morning parking on Parkway Crescent continues to be an issue. Stuart McAllister advised that the Church is responsible for the parking and should make accommodations for additional vehicles. It was suggested that the side grassed area could be paved and used for parking. This item will be placed on the April agenda for further discussion. 4.3 Centerview and Main Streets-Orono New member, John Slater introduced himself and let members know that he is an active member of the Community Improvement Program in Orono. He commented on the Centrerview and Main Street intersection in Orono and stated that residents illegally park vehicles in an area that he would like to see planters placed in order to stop this from occurring. Stuart McAllister advised that this is a Regional issue and he suggested that a request for bump outs with reconfiguration to the road be sent to Faye Langmaid in the Planning department through the Community Improvement Program. 4.4 Request to increase speed limit-Concession 7-Darlington Leslie advised that since Clarington passed the new speed limit By-law in November a Clarington farmer wrote to Council to complain about the reduction in the speed limit east of Tyrone. The speed limit was reduced from 80 KPH to 50 KPH due to curves and hidden driveways along this stretch. Leslie reviewed internally with the Engineering staff and they intend to leave the speed limit at 50 KPH. 4.5 North on Beaver Street south of King Avenue East-Newcastle Clayton Morgan commented on the visibility on Beaver Street at King Avenue East. Leslie Benson advised that this intersection is under review, and there are plans for improvements that will commence this spring. 4.6 Dr. G. J. MacGillivray School Parkin g-Courtice Ron Baker relayed the information on behalf of Councilor Foster (for information only purposes) that Councillor Foster received an email from a parent who stopped on Meadowglade Road(in front of the school) and received a ticket in the No Stopping Zone. The existing parking/stopping regulations near the school were all agreed to by Engineering staff, principal and the school council. No changes are planned. 4.7 Pedestrian Crossing Signal on Liberty Street, South of Parkway Crescent- Bowmanville It was suggested that this light location be reassessed when the Region widens Liberty Street. Stuart McAllister advised that traffic and pedestrian studies will be done in May of this year to determine if the lights should be relocated. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- April 16, 2009-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Elwood Ward THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:25 p.m."