HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-16 Minutes Leadir:g the Way Approved by Committee Members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday April 16, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan Elwood Ward Kerry Meydam Lisa Robinson Councillor Adrian Foster Gillian Bellefontaine Alan Bayliss David Reesor John Slater ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation &Design Ron Baker, Traffic &Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Esther Rathwell, Stuart McAllister,Road Safety Co-ordinator,Durham Region REGRETS: Sandy Lyall, Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services ABSENT: Georg Krohn GUESTS: Len Creamer, Sr. Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, Alison Albrecht, Parking Enforcement Officer Gord Lee introduced new member Alan Bayliss to the committee and welcomed guests from the municipal By-Law office, Len Creamer and Alison Albrecht. 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(March 19,2009) There was one correction to the minutes: Gilliam Bellefontaine was not present at the March 19`I'2009 meeting. The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the March 19, 2009 meeting are approved with no further changes." MOVED: by Elwood Ward; SECONDED by Clayton Morgan CARRIED (71'. 1..1,._._[.# 2.009 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch-(Gord Lee) Reports Received & Processed from DRPS-(Constable Esther Rathwell) A meeting was held on April 1, 2009 that brought together Durham Regional Police Services, Clarington Traffic Watch, Road Watch and Clarington Staff. In attendance were Inspector Green, Sergeant Karen Maloney and P.C. Esther Rathwell from the DRPS. Leslie Benson and Ron Baker represented the Municipality of Clarington and Gord Lee from The Clarington Road Watch Program. It was confirmed that the Traffic Watch Program is a municipal staff program covering the Municipality's Traffic Watch contractor's radar reports, while the Clarington Road Watch Program monitors citizen complaints. The number of speeding offenders from the radar reports are in the range of 1,000-2,000 per year which is too great a number for one officer to process. A positive change took place which will separate the municipal Traffic Watch Radar Program from the Clarington Road Watch Program. From this point on, DRPS division/office staff will process all radar offences letters and report back to the Municipality. The Clarington Road Watch Program will carry on separately,processing the citizen's reports, with the assistance of P.C. Rathwell. This will eliminate considerable office work away from P.C. Rathwell and keep both programs on track. Road Watch's plan is to move forward and attempt to make more people aware of their program. Gord Lee supplied complaint forms as handouts to all the School Crossing Guards in the municipality and next week they are circulating to the Newcastle/Bond Head Rate Payers meeting. Ron Baker spoke with our contractor who will be starting the Traffic Watch program in June of this year. Dave Reesor has donated his time and the cost of installing a light inside the Road Watch drop boxes so that staff at the outlets can check to see if there are any reports inside the box. This will eliminate needless volunteer travel in the event that there are no reports to pick up. Gord Lee will arrange for a letter of thanks to be sent to Dave for this cost saving contribution. 2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The Planning and Engineering departments updated Council through a lengthy report presented at the General Purpose and Administrative Meeting on March 30, 2009. Leslie gave a brief overview of the highlights in the report. This report is available on-line or Leslie can send a copy to those interested in reading the details of the report contents. Council endorsed the report with the addition that MTO revise a traffic study to reflect the tolled route. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Road Watch Box-Missing from Canadian Tire-(Gord Lee) Gord Lee hopes to meet with the manager of Canadian Tire to have a new Road Watch box installed in the automotive department and let him know that their logo is on the Road Watch brochure. 3.2 Parking at Dr. G. I MacGillivray Public School-(Leslie Benson) Len Creamer reviewed with members what took place when a resident was ticketed for stopping in a No Stopping zone outside of Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School. Councilor Foster previously attended a parent's council meeting and there was a request to add No Parking and No Stopping signs. The school wants the "No Parking"zones enforced. Alison Albrecht from By-Law presented members a graph she constructed showing the number of warnings issued by By-law since January first of this year at each area school. 3.3 Parking on Parkway Crescent-(Constable Esther Rathwell & Leslie Benson) Clayton Morgan spoke of the problem that has existed on this street as a result of the parking at the Church on Sundays as well as the daily issue with the 17 school busses that line the street. He also mentioned that there is a Bingo that is held on Thursday evenings. There are signs that indicate No Parking on both sides of Parkway Crescent but there is a great deal of non-compliance. Clayton passed around photos of the past Sunday which showed the amount of vehicles that park- on the street. Len Creamer advised that By-Law has visited this street however; his staff generally works Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Alison Albrecht commented that she and other staff members do work from 3:00-5:00 a.m. regularly. She stated that when the public experiences a violation she advises residents to contact Durham Region Police Services. By-law staff has been very involved with DRPS by attending special educational events. Len and Constable Rathwell have both spoken personally to the priest and secretary at the church and they are aware of this situation. She advised that residents who live on the street should to take license plate numbers down and report them to the Road Watch Program. DRPS can also be called to have an Aprj I 16, 2009 _.__,�.... ,...____......_._ _... ___. _ ____ __�_ officer out to issue tickets on the days when there are cars lined on both sides of the street. Kerry Meydam has prepared the bulletins for the church previously and will check to see if they indicated the parking problem issue and will bring her findings to the next meeting. Len suggested that Memorial Park parking lot could be utilized for parishioners on Sundays. Constable Rathwell ended by suggesting that the Director of Engineering Services write a letter in regards to the parking issue to Sergeant Maloney at the DRPS. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Centerview Street/Illegal Parking-Orono Stuart McAllister advised that he let the Region's Construction/Transportation Manager know that there are issues pertaining to the area where vehicles are illegally parking in front of the convenience store. Constable Rathwell advised that she will visit this location. She urged residents to take licence plate numbers down and utilize the Road Watch Program. Gord Lee would like to place a Road Watch box in the local restaurant. John Slater and Gord Lee will meet with the -restaurant owner to see if this is possible. Due to an email from Gord Robinson, Alison Albrecht has opened a file for this location and let members know that tickets are issued at this location. 4.2 Pedestrian Fatality-Liberty St.-Bowmanville Stuart McAllister advised that a file has been opened regarding the incident where a 25 year old man lost his life after he was involved in a motor vehicle accident on Liberty Street in Bowmanville. 4.3 Holt Rd.-Bowmanville David Reesor advised that when making a right-hand turn on the Holt Road loop there are two signs which could be confusing. Stu will review and advise MTO of any issue. 4.4 Bloor St. & Meadowglade Rd.-Courtice Stuart McAllister and Councillor Foster will discuss this intersection for pedestrian safety. 4.5 Speed Limit Signs Lisa Robinson commented that she has had feedback from residents who are still not aware of speed limit signs being installed in Clarington. VI;.-N m izultc`# . _.. _ _ 5 April16 ._���0 4.6 Entrance Signs-Region of Durham Ron Baker let members know that the Region of Durham has been installing large entrance signs (21 signs on the main Regional roads). 4.7 Clarington Farmer's Market The Clarington Farmer's Market opens on May 24th and vendors are concerned that traffic will be redirected when Mill Street is reconstructed. Stuart McAllister confirmed that signs are already being made to redirect traffic. He will research what else can be done and report to the committee next meeting. Staff is working with the Region to ensure a satisfactory detour route. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE-May 21, 2009-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Elwood Ward THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:45 p.m."