HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-17 Minutes I - 1 Leadi�:g the Way Approved by Committee Members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan David Reesor Councillor Adrian Foster Lisa Robinson Gillian Bellefontaine Kerry Meydam Alan Bayliss ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation &Design Ron Baker, Traffic &Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, Georg Krohn, John Slater, Elwood Ward 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(June 18, 2009) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the June 18, 2009 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Gillian Bellefontaine; SECONDED by Clayton Morgan CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch News & Statistics-(Gord Lee) DRPS Statistics-(Constable Esther Rathwell) There have been 75 Road Watch reports from the public entered to date for the year. Two volunteers have resigned which leaves one person to input data. Constable Rathwell and Gord Lee will meet to see which of the remaining reports can be processed. Gord Lee will attend the Newcastle Bond Head Ratepayers meeting on September 21St and will educate guests about the Road Watch otoii J)cr 17, 2001) Program. DRPS passed along a handout of Traffic Watch statistics for 2009 and Ron Baker had a handout for Traffic Watch showing various locations and violations reported to Durham Regional Police. There have been 321 letters processed (June-August) through Traffic Watch by way of the radar gun. The program seems to be working well this year. Esther Rathwell commented that there are not enough officers to keep up with the number of locations that need attention, but they are doing what they can to enforce speeds. 2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) Leslie advised that a joint report from Planning and Engineering will be submitted to the September 28th General Purpose and Administrative Committee. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Road Watch Box, Orono-Gord Lee No action has been taken to date. Gord Lee may go on his own to visit stores to see if he can get a Road Watch box installed in Orono. 3.2 Three-Way Stop @ Hampton Store-(check counts)-Ron Baker This item was deferred to the next meeting. 3.3 Speeding-Green Rd.-(added to Traffic Watch list)-Ron Balser Traffic Watch performed speed counts on Green Road south of Taunton Road and north of Nash ("S"bend area) in July and the average speed was 77.4 KPH in a 70 KPH zone. Constable Rathwell conducted mobile radar counts at this same location and had zero speeders with only 2 vehicles passing by. Site distance was good for up to 80 KPH (the 2 driveways in question were checked). Traffic volumes are low in this area. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Construction in Hampton (Ormiston Lane to Millville Avenue) No parking signs on the east side will be installed so no one can park on the grass boulevard. The west side had asphalt boulevard installed to make for extra parking spots. Ron Baker will check speeds in this area. 4.2 Durham Region Representation Stuart McAllister will be replaced by another staff member at Durham Region. ' ]A C_Mintacs _ _ .___ ._ � ._._ _,._� ___. t ..� l f..__! 009 4.3 Mill Street & Edward Street Signalization The lights at this location should be energized within 2-3 weeks. 4.4 Apron Parking @ Aspen Springs-Bowmanville There have been complaints from residents,who received warnings and tickets for violations, with regards to the Traffic By-law which states that one cannot park on the apron of a driveway. Councillor Ron Hooper has been dealing with the situation as has Municipal By-Law. 4.5 Bridge on Concession Closed Concession Roads 7 (Darlington) bridge will be closed for deck repairs September 21St to early December. Concession 7 (Darlington) and Concession 8 (Clarke) will be resurfaced and repaired and both roads should expect delays with traffic. 4.6 Budget Councillor Foster advised that due to budget cut backs there will likely be one staff member only attending Committee meetings. This will be reviewed again on September 21St 4.7 Bowmanville High School In addition to some ongoing traffic issues there is a smoking area issue which has potential to move into the parking area. Leslie Benson will have Durham Regional Police advised of municipal ownership or lease status. 4.8 Concession 3 There are lilac trees near the intersection of Concession Road 3 and Lockhart Road. Leslie Benson will advise Operations to investigate and see if these should be trimmed. 4.9 Boswell Drive/Hwy 2 & Green Road/Hwy 2 Signalization The lights at these two locations were supposed to be activated in August but should be activated very soon. 4.10 Clayton Morgan's Last Meeting Clayton advised that this would be the last meeting that he will attend and that he will put forth his resignation. He has chaired 8 of the 10 years that the Committee i j`rrtc.`g._ . _ _ _.__ _ _ >€eri t f _ ..�) has been running and wanted to thank everyone for their contributions. He will miss everyone and miss being part of the Committee. Gord Lee thanked Clayton and commented that he has been a very important part of the Committee. He wished him well with his future. Councillor Foster thanked Clayton for his time spent with the Committee and let him know that it was very much appreciated. 4.11 Vice-Chair Position The committee will be looking for a Vice-Chair and will decide whether to elect one right away or wait until the next election in January 2010. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- October 15, 2009-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1 C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Clayton Morgan THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m."