HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-15 Minutes I- 2 Leadi�:g the Way Approved by Committee Members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday October 15, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Vacant Councillor Adrian Foster Elwood Ward Lisa Robinson Georg Krohn Alan Bayliss ALSO PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation &Design Ron Baker, Traffic &Transportation Co-ordinator Constable Esther Rathwell, Durham Regional Police Services REGRETS: Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, David Reesor, Kerry Meydam, John Slater, Gillian Bellefontaine 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(September 17, 2009) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the September 17, 2009 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Councillor Adrian Foster; SECONDED by Elwood Ward CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch News & Statistics-(Gord Lee) DRPS Statistics-(Constable Esther Rathwell) Traffic Watch Statistics-(Ron Baker) Gord attended the Newcastle Bond Head Ratepayers meeting where 42 people were in attendance. He gave a presentation which educated residents about how the Road Watch Program works. Brochures were handed out and there was an article in the Orono newspaper mentioning the presentation from Gord. Members felt that there should be more educational tools for the Road Watch Program so Gord Lee has offered to give presentations whenever possible. There were no reports in the drop boxes as of today. Constable Rathwell informed members that all reports are up-to-date and Gord Lee will pick up reports from staff. He will hand them over to Esther. The box in the Canadian Tire Store is full of pamphlets and there aren't any left for use. Gord Lee will visit this location. 2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) The 407 Committee has now met its mandate and will no longer meet. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Road Watch Box, Orono-Gord Lee There has been a Road Watch box installed at the IGA in Orono. 3.2 Three-Way Stop @ Hampton Store-(check counts)-Ron Baker Ron Baker performed traffic counts in Hampton in June of 2006. Average speeds were also recorded and the results were 52.6 KPH in a 50 zone. All-way stop warrants based on traffic counts are 50% and counts have not changed significantly since 2006. Constable Rathwell hands out speeding tickets at this location but said that there is not enough volume to justify time spent there. Illegal parking is also an issue in the vicinity of the store and Leslie advised that she would speak with the Director of Engineering to see if the installation of bollards might be an option to reduce illegal parking. It was recommended that an officer visit this area on a Friday or Saturday evening due to the high traffic volumes at that time. 3.3 Election of Vice-Chair-Gord Lee The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The election of Vice-Chair be deferred to the January meeting." MOVED by Adrian Foster; SECONDED by Elwood Ward. CARRIED 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Traffic Signals at Aspen Springs Drive-Bowmanville There will be traffic signals installed on Regional Road 57 (Martin Road) and Aspens Springs Drive at the developers cost when the development proceeds on the northwest corner. Signage and line painting will be taken into consideration when the installation of the signals takes place. 4.2 Bowmanville High School The school has painted lines and put up signs to improve the ingress and egress to the high school. The Region met with school staff regarding the entrance to the school to address the issues at hand. Ron Baker will follow up with the Region and bring findings back to the committee. 4.3 Traffic Committee Action List An action list will be compiled in order to track the progress of issues that have been brought before the Committee. It will be reviewed by members at the November meeting. 4.4 Stevens Road Near Police Station-Bowmanville Eastbound traffic on Stevens Road, turning left on Regional Road 57 has been experiencing some delays. There was discussion of the need for a left turn lane. Ron Baker will enquire to the Region about this intersection and report back to the next meeting. 4.5 Concession Street & Beech Avenue-Bowmanville The Operations Department hired a contractor to repair the cobblestone inlay across Concession Street. The work is now completed. 4.6 Holt Road-Bowmanville One Committee member complained of speeding on Holt Road from 5:30-6:00 a.m. and 4:00-8:00 p.m. The member will email Constable Rathwell the location so she can visit the sites to enforce speed limits. 4.7 Planters-Highway 2 & Boswell Drive-Bowmanville A few students from Clarington Secondary School cross through the gaps between planters which have recently been placed on the Highway 2 medians. According to Constable Rathwell this doesn't pose a big problem. She will keep an eye on the area and encourage students to cross at the traffic signals. 4.8 Courtice Road Bridge Construction at Durham Highway 2 Esther Rathwell will discuss the impacts to traffic that may arise from the construction on Courtice Road with the Region. There has been no word as to whether the bridge construction will be delayed. The advertised completion date is the end of November, 2009. 4.9 Concession Road 6 East of Courtice Road Speeds Due to the previous condition of Concession Road 6 there were speed limit signs of 50 ISM/HR posted rather than the 70 KM/HR as approved in the By-law. The Municipal Speed By-law section states that the Director of Engineering Services can lower speeds to 50 Is'_M/HR per the HTA. Once repairs are complete, speeds may be returned to the speed limits approved by council. Ron Baker will have the signs changed now that the paving is complete. 4.10 GO Train Location in Bowmanville Both the Engineering and Planning Departments will be working closely with GO Transit throughout the Environmental Assessment process with respect to the GO Train service extension to Bowmanville. 4.11 Green Road Underpass This project was delayed due to the news of the GO Train extension. 4.12 Mill Street South The pedestrian underpass has been designed and will be tendered this fall. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2010. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE-November 19, 2009-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Lisa Robinson THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m."