HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-15 Minutes I- 3 Leadi�:g the Way Approved by Committee Members CLARINGTON TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 15, 2009 PRESENT: (Chair) Gord Lee (Vice-Chair) Clayton Morgan Georg Krohn Elwood Ward Lisa Robinson Wallace Bradley ALSO Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services, PRESENT: Leslie Benson, Manager of Transportation &Design Constable Esther Rathwell, Stuart McAllister, Road Safety Co-ordinator, Durham Region REGRETS: Ron Baker, Traffic &Transportation Co-ordinator, David Reesor, Gillian Bellefontaine, Councillor Adrian Foster, Sandy Lyall, Kerry Meydam Yearly Election-Chair & Vice-Chair The meeting was brought to order by Tony Cannella to facilitate the process for nominations and election of Chair and Vice-Chair. After the election the meeting was chaired by Gord Lee. Election of Chairperson First nomination: Clayton Morgan nominated Gord Lee as Chairperson; Georg Krohn seconded. Gord Lee accepted. No other nominations were received. A count of hands showed that all were in favour of Gord Lee accepting the position of Chairperson. CARRIED Election of Vice-Chairperson First nomination: Elwood Ward nominated Clayton Morgan as Vice- chairperson; Georg Krohn seconded. Clayton Morgan accepted. No other nominations were received. CTI\/fAC N/fi»tites 2 -- Jaimgry 15. 2009 A count of hands showed that all were in favour of Clayton Morgan accepting the position of Vice-chairperson. CARRIED 1.0 ADOPTION OF MINUTES-(November 20,2008) The following motion was proposed: THAT: "The minutes of the November 20, 2008 meeting are approved without changes." MOVED: by Clayton Morgan; SECONDED by Georg Krohn CARRIED 2.0 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 2.1 Road Watch-(Gord Lee) Cumulative totals of Road Watch reports for 2008 from the drop boxes located throughout the municipality were 65 incidents. Additionally: 25 incidents reported on- line for a total of 90 incidents processed for the year, compared to more than 500 in 2007. The Radar Technician reported 1008 speeders in 2008 compared to 1696 in 2007. Unfortunately none of the radar speeders received notice due to restraints and staff shortages at 16th Division for Durham Regional Police. The Road Watch Committee would like to see increased public awareness. Drop boxes have been removed from locations where there haven't been reports in the past three years. Locations such as Mitchell Corners, Hampton and Enniskillen showed no speeding reports. Tony Cannella advised that Engineering is currently considering potential enhancements to our Municipal Road Watch program. -V 1 2009 2.2 Highway 407 Update-(Leslie Benson) Engineering staff attended an Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design meeting conducted by MTO and their consultant on January 7, 2009 where they were brought up-to-date on the study. The Environmental Assessment is still being prepared. The preliminary design is well underway including traffic model results as well as traffic analysis. Each is available through Leslie Benson if anyone would like to view them. The Environmental Assessment will be submitted to The Ministry of the Environment in June. There is a public information session being held on January 27th from 4-8 p.m. at the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex. Utilities have been added to the preliminary design to ensure there are no conflicts. The new peer review consultant for the Municipality is Dillon Consulting. 3.0 AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 3.1 Yearly Election-Chair & Vice-Chair-see page 1 3.2 Queen Street Traffic Speed-(Ron Baker) Ron Baker undertook traffic studies at the following locations: ➢ Queen Street at Division Street-(west of the hill)-85th percentile was 49.4 KPH ➢ Queen Street-(east of the bend before Scugog Street @ King Street)-85th percentile was 47.2 KPH Both locations are 50 KPH zones. 3.3 Parking on Brown Street-Bowmanville-(4.1 from Sept. mtg.) The car repair operation on the east side of Brown Street south of King Street has been monitored by the municipality's By-Law Enforcement Officers, but there have been no reports of parking for extended periods of time. Engineering staff will follow up with the By-Law officers in the spring for a report on what has taken place over the winter. 3.4 Sidewalks on Simpson Avenue-Bowmanville-(4.4 from, Sept. mtg.) Bruno Bianco from the Engineering Department is responsible for the construction of capital works such as sidewalks. He has been liaising with the public regarding the possible extension of sidewalk works on Simpson Avenue. There are two areas that he is considering sidewalk improvements, Simpson Avenue at King Street and in the vicinity of the Visual Arts Centre to Baseline Road. In addition Engineering staff advised that in the long term there is consideration to improving or eliminating the "S"bend approaching Baseline Road. One member suggested that in the meantime an asphalt sidewalk could be a temporary solution. The Engineering staff will reassess this area as well and plan for traffic studies and pedestrian counts. This item will be on the agenda for February. 3.5 Mearns/Longworth Avenues-Bowmanville-(4.4 from Nov. mtg.) Constable Esther Rathwell has completed traffic studies and suggested that a sign re-directing traffic to Bennett Road (in order for vehicles to make their way to the 401) would be very helpful in reducing the congestion in this area. The Engineering staff will look into a sign and this topic will be on the agenda for February. 4.0 NEW BUSINESS AT DIRECTION OF CHAIR 4.1 Lambs Road Interchange Corridor Study-Bowmanville The Planning Department is reviewing the Official Plan and Engineering staff have worked with the MTO with respect to the proposed future 401/Lambs Road interchange. There is no official timeline set as of yet. MTO is reviewing the Townline Road and Holt Road locations for future interchanges/improvements. To date the MTO is working on a corridor design study through Clarington. 4.2 Tim Horton I s-Baseline in Bowmanville The new queuing line has improved traffic flow on Waverley Road greatly since site improvements were completed; however, some traffic has been transferred to Baseline Road. 4.3 Bus Watch Constable Esther Rathwell had nothing new to report. 4.4 Pedestrian Cross at Liberty Street/Memorial Park-Bowmanville Stuart McAllister advised that the Region plans to speak with residents and staff at the Municipality to gather suggestions as to where the pedestrian crossing on Liberty Street (across from the Memorial Park) should be relocated when Liberty Street is reconstructed. He also added that there will be a traffic count and pedestrian study in the near future. He was advised to speak with the Principal of St. Joseph's Catholic School for his comments. . `..'..7 i i:i`- 4.5 Liberty Street-Bowmanville Liberty Street will be reconstructed in the future. The date of completion has now been changed from 2011 to 2013. There were comments from members regarding their frustration with the lack of inclusion of capital project in Clarington in the Region's capital budget. 4.6 Traffic Lights-Hwy 2 & Green Road-Bowmanville Traffic lights will be installed in 2009. 4.7 Hampton Traffic Flow Hampton residents would like police to have more presence in this area to try and calm speeding vehicles through the village. 4.8 3-Way Stop @ General Store-Mill & Old Scugog-Hampton A 3—Way Stop has been requested by residents but their requests have been denied due to low warrant numbers. There was a problem with trucks parking on the side of the road at peak times when delivering goods to the store but arrangements have been made so that the trucks now drop off prior or after peak times. Constable Rathwell commented that she has visited this area and didn't ticket any vehicles. She will however try to revisit the area again in the morning hours. 4.9 Sidewalks through.Hampton Sidewalks do not exist on Old Scugog Road, north of Hampton and pedestrians must use the road to get to the store located on Taunton Road. 4.10 Wallace Bradley-Resignation Wallace informed members that unfortunately he has to resign from the committee due to personal commitments. He thanked the committee for an interesting year and commented that he enjoyed being part of the committee. 4.11 Snow Removal-Clarington Blvd./Stevens Road-Bowmanville Lisa Robinson will call the Operation Department to discuss snow removal at Stevens Road and Clarington Boulevard near the Secondary High School. 4.12 All-Way-Stop @ Longworth Ave./Meares Ave.-Bowmanville Members of the Committee would like Ron Baker to perform some traffic studies in order to see if this intersection warrants an All-Way-Stop. 5.0 NEXT MEETING DATE- February 19, 2009-7:00 P.M. Committee Room 1C-Enter via Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, through the north door on Church Street (Library entrance doors). 6.0 ADJOURNMENT MOVED by; Clayton Morgan THAT: "The meeting be adjourned at 8:55 p.m."