HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-21 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting June 21, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: David Reesor Karin Murphy a Tibbles Allan Kirby Tracey Ali zin Gyaltsan Councillor Hooper Karina Isert A V Kozak ABSENT: Brad Shields Isabel L'�; GUESTS: Darlene Proudfoot, Ministry of port Winston Wong, Mi '' of Trans Rebecca Sciara, A ical Se Inc. Lindsay Propert, Arc o Service;:.. ADOPTION OF M `. ES 11.17 oved b sonde . Ron Hooper e mi . :: of 20 a accepted as amended X, "CA , HIGHWAY 4''-. STEXT :• ION ATE Winston Wong an en udfoot from the Ministry of Transportation gave a project update on the 407 e ... w' nsion. A copy of the presentation is attached to these minutes. The highway ..I1f be constructed in two phases. Phase one focuses on the construction of the highway from Brock Road in Pickering to Harmony Road in Oshawa, and the west Durham link from the 407 to the 401 in Whitby. Construction is expected to start on this section of the highway in late 2012. The second phase of the highway will be built in two stages. The first stage will extend the mainline from Harmony Road eastward to connect to the east Durham link, at which point it will turn south and end at Taunton Road. The second stage will be the connection of the east Durham link from 1 Taunton Road to the 401, and the continuation of the mainline to the Highway 115 connection. The entire project is expected to be completed by 2020. The Ministry is developing a Cultural Heritage Resource Strategy to fulfill the 407 East Environmental Assessment commitments for environmental impact mitigation. The goals of the Strategy include Identifying, evaluating and documenting all built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes for its heritage value or interest within the 407 corridor for the purpose of: o MTO partial retention/adaptive reuse wher ssible, o Developing a short list of heritage buildi : cation candidates, o Developing a salvage plan for herita es prior to demolition, and .o Salvage and recycling of all reusabl Y ildi aterials Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports {C re being prep or identified heritage buildings. The results of the CHERs will rmine the building t have the highest heritage value. MTO will consider adaptiv :.. . se o , %; se build! here possible. I Relocation is being considered mitigatio The Munici tty or another public body can express an inter dertaking ocation project and buildings will also be offered to the public. A p ody or., „ ate individual must submit a relocation plan that satisfies the Mini 's re ents...� r.. An example was of a ding !o ick -hat was acquired by the City j and moved to the erng eum p ty. This example raised a question of whether there would sid ds fro e highway's development that could be provided . a" icipa M would provide financial assistance in movi . :° built a rtes i ington in order to develop a heritage subdiv or a herita se rk. Mapping pr d by Arc ologlc Services Inc. shows that there are eighteen heritage buildi ' ffected the 407 in Clarington, fifteen of these are within the Greenbelt Plan a Th reenbelt Plan is very restrictive and does not permit subdivision develop ; ; F . - search is required to determine if any of the buildings could be relocated to a " ' ntral location for public use and how the project could be funded. Rebecca Sciara from Archaeological Services Inc. provided an overview of the cultural heritage resources assessments being conducted in Clarington. Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports are being completed for eighteen heritage buildings. Nine reports have been completed to date. Field work has begun on the tenth and eight are outstanding. The CHERs include a detailed land use history, an inventory, analysis 2 i i and recording of the building's exterior and interior, and photographic documentation. Each property is evaluated for its potential to be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act Thirty five historic roads and two engineered landscape features have been identified for documentation. This work will be initiated in the future and in advance of the highway construction. MTO staff will be meeting with the Heritage Committee Clarington staff in the future as the project proceeds. BUSINESS ARISING Request for Addition to Municipal Re u q p 9' The Clarington Museum and Archives staf v- ., the , for of th wcastle Village and District Historical Society c cted a rec" ch on 51 Nort reef. There are gaps in the ownership rec require a le search at the registry office. Angela has contacted retired regi employ v. uth Gough, who is skilled in searching the land registr system eves. Gou agreed to assist Angela and Karina in condu search he p Ju Y- 2. Candidates for De tion The Co ,.w be a pr a addresses of buildings they would reco "'" to be ual nate as suggested that the building located at 156 C Street in an ould be' a good candidate. This property is owned by the R of Durham." taff ntact the Region to determine if there would be support for ^ ating the ding. Update Designate y-la , Research is ongoing on ",: Simpson Avenue in Bowmanville. Doors Open 2011 The Doors Open event in Clarington was held on June 11th. Tracey Ali reported that the event was very well attended. The house located at 5290 Main Street in Orono has been purchased and refurbished, and was one of the properties featured in the Doors Open event. 3 SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Bowmanville CIP i The next meeting of the Bowmanville CIP will be held on June 29t". Orono CIP The Orono BIA has requested an update to the PI a next meeting of the CIP liaison group is July 6t". On October 25th there will be a seminar hel - 1.r he Orono Hall on hosting events and building partnerships. The events t esentedldiscu include Canada Day celebrations, maplefest, the apple festiva Orono Chilli coo the Newcastle fall festival, and the great family adventure to t wa " ' A gested he CHC could attend the seminar and participa having a g , ; oting local h ge. Newcastle CIP The Region of Durh Depart t exp omp` a draft gateway signage policy for a June = eeti the D gio is Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committe 'II be re" wing th t policy o er the summer months. It is expected that the dra licy be finaliz nd forwarded to Regional Council in the fall. µ ; The st to theme icip to hav Memorial Park on King Avenue East renam Atkinson as ed back to staff in April to consider other options. Council r sted that i be ht from various groups on the history of the Memorial P` nd dedica'.. a par o Joseph Atkinson. A second staff report was forwarded to I it in May ommending that the grounds surrounding the Newcastle Village Commune Il be ed the Joseph Atkinson Park. This report was tabled. Other options are b red and will be presented at a later date. The CIP Implementation roup was formed on August 18t, 2008 and its term ends on August 1St, 2411. The members agreed that they were fulfilling their mandate and would continue on. The CIP Group was notified of the Clarington Heritage Committee's recommendation to Council to nominate Ed Vanhaverbeke for recognition under the Ontario Heritage Trust's Heritage .Community Recognition Program. The next meeting will be held on October 61". 4 CHO CONFERENCE David Reesor, Karina Isert, Angela Tibbles, Tracey Ali and Tenzin Gylatsan attended the Community Heritage Ontario conference in Cobourg. The conference was well organized, well attended and informative. A thank you letter will be sent to the CHO conference organizers and the Cobourg Heritage Committee thanking then for a well run conference and their hospitality. Notes on the conference workshops were prepared by Karina Isert, Angela Tibbles, and David Re , and were distributed to the members. PROJECT REPORT Heritage Inventory The photography of the designated buildings nder<ry Website I The CHC members were unable t nn e the", .. •:-sville Heritage Committee members at the C nce to uss le I ping. Options, such as hiring a Durham C e stu will be FINANCIAL REPORT Open! nce 25 openin 4,556.02 A erest 0.04 May ° ce $4,556.06 11.18 Mo' Alla . by, seconded by Tenzin Gyaltsan THAT I report be accepted "CARRIED" CORRESPONDENCE Copies of the CHO newsletter were distributed. The Ontario Heritage Trust's Heritage Matters newsletter was circulated. The newsletter contained an article on the Enniskillen Valley Land Acquisition Project, which 5 is a project to acquire lands in Clarington. A copy of the article was provided to each member. NEW BUSINESS Former Boys Training School and Prisoner of War Camp, 2020 Lambs Road Council has supported the application being made to the Natural Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada for national designation o ortion of the training school and prisoner of war camp. The Committee memo re provided with a copy of report PSD-049-11. Meeting adjourned. Next m g S mber 20i Room i i i 6 3 407 East Extension - � Cultural Heritage Resources Strategy Meeting with Municipal Heritage Committees Ministry of Transportation Municipality of Clarington -City Hall June 21, 2011 ��->Ontario Purpose • To provide an update of the 407 East Extension Project Environmental Assessment Provincial EA, Federal EA �. Implementation • To provide the opportunity to discuss the Built Heritage Strategy • To discuss other work done to date: a Heritage Screening Document CHER's and .� Partial Retention, Relocation, Salvage Options dune 2611 Sride 2 Project Update • On June 3, 2090, the Minister of the Environment with the approval of Cabinet made a decision to allow the 407 East Transportation Corridor to proceed subject to conditions. • The approval and conditions can be found at ❑ www.407eastea.com L3 New website being produced for implementation stage • Details regarding commitments are provided in Chapter 8 of the EA Report and in Impact Assessment Reports • Overall EA commitments, including monitoring, are highlighted within Chapter 9 of EA Report. • All municipalities have full paper and electronic copies of the EA Report June 2011 SGds 3 1407 East EA — Approved Route 1-- � � .i � I, � rwnx vr,lr ax os�i�at vra i � � � °-i— ' { �TOE_ i) ❑ 407 Mainline—Brock Road to Hwy 351115(approx.50 km) ❑ Two north-south freeway`links"with Hwy 401 (approx.10 km each) ❑ Protection for a dedicated transitway&links (60 m ROW) June 2011 Sfide 4 Commitments Specific to Heritage Resources (Chapters 8 & 9 of the EA, & Heritage IAR) • Complete Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports for all directly affected properties to determine heritage value and specific mitigation measures • Develop a 407 East Built Heritage Relocation Strategy • Complete Settlement History Reports (Cultural Heritage Landscape Document) for all potentially affected roadways. • Transfer all built heritage mitigation measures into the Environmental Management Plans. Current measures and Best Management Practices available at the time of construction should be implemented where applicable. • Acquire all necessary built heritage approvals. June 2011 aide 5 Federal EA process e The ministry, working co-operatively with federal agencies, has completed a Comprehensive Study Report for the 407 East Transportation Corridor Project to meet the requirements of the federal environmental assessment (EA) process administered by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA). ■ CEAA concluded that the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. ■ The Final Comprehensive Study Report was posted by CEAA on April 19, 2011. The review period for comments ended on May 20, 2011. ■ A decision from the Federal Minister of Environment is expected in the summer of 2011. June 2011 slide 6 i III Implementation of 447 East Extension Project In June 2010, Infrastructure Ontario released a `Request for Qualifications' to Design-Build-Finance-Operate- Maintain the highway portion of the 407 transportation corridor from Brock Road in Pickering to Harmony Road in Oshawa, and the West Durham Link in Whitby ■ This is referred to as `Phase 1' m In March 2011, 3 bidders were announced ■ `Request for Proposals' released April 28, 2011, Bidders have 6 months to prepared their proposal ■ Award anticipated spring 2012 ■ Construction start late 2012 June 2013 Slide 7 Implementation of Phase I • Highway 407 East mainline; • New 6-lane freeway from Brock Rd to WDL (approximately 10 km) • New 4-1ane freeway from WDL to Harmony Road (approximately 9 km) • Interchanges at Brock Road, Lake Ridge Road, Baldwin St (Hwy 7112), Thickson Road, Simcoe Street and Harmony Road • West Durham Link (WDL): d New 4-lane north-south freeway connecting Highway 407 and Highway 401 (approximately 10 kilometres) u Interchanges at Hwy 7, Taunton Road & Dundas Street June 2011 Slide 8 i Highway 407 East Extension Phase 1 Hlghway 407.Eas e � � .M iA a u1.«a. � wr ne�u.1 iallrbb June 2011 �Eftle y Procurement -- Provincial Role >r The province will be responsible for: • Preliminary f reference design • Acquisition of the right-of-way • Some applicable permits • Some utility relocations • Funding ❑ Ensure the Highway 407 East Extension complies with all applicable laws, regulations, government standards and practices a Developing and implementing the Cultural Heritage Strategy for Built Heritage Resources & Cultural Heritage Landscape documentation June 2011 Slide 10 Procurement -- Private Sector Role n The Private Sector Partner will be responsible for the expertise in delivering: • Implementation of EA commitments and requirements • Engagement with the community and local industry in the design and construction phases • Innovation in design, construction, maintenance and financing • Utilization of the latest in construction technology to minimize community and environmental impacts - o Majority of permits and approvals June 2011 Slide 11 Cultural Heritage Resource Strategy 407 East Extenstion: Built Heritage and Cultural Heritage Landscapes EL Ontario June 2011 Slide 12 ... ..... ....... Transportation Projects and Cultural Heritage Compliance with the Environmental Assessment Act provisions and definition of the'en vironment"which involves the identification, evaluation, and impact mitigation of the environment for public projects ■ Developing a specific Heritage Strategy to fulfill 407 East EA commitments for environmental impact mitigation ■ Consideration of the Ontario Heritage Act(section 25.2) Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties June20€1 84de€3 Cultural Heritage Resource Strategy • Goals of Strategy: To further identify, evaluate and document all built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes for its heritage value or interest within the 407 corridor for the purpose of: -M70 partial retentionladaptive reuse where possible -developing a short list of heritage property relocation candidates -developing a salvage plan for heritage features prior to demolition -salvage and recycling of all reusable building materials • Maintaining communication with municipal staff and municipal heritage committees as technical heritage reports are being completed • Articulating decision making about identified built heritage resources in consultation with municipalities, municipal heritage committees and other interested stakeholders June 201€ Sfde 14 Cultural Heritage Resource Strategy >E Phase I west priority section Heritage resources in Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa Focus on detailed evaluation of specific MTO owned heritage properties within right-of-way , and documentation of cultural heritage landscapes such as roadscapes or agricultural complexes being directly or indirectly impacted A Maintenance of all MTO-owned heritage properties are handled by the MTO Properties Office in partnership with the MTO Environmental Planning heritage staff 5 June 2041 Slide 15 Heritage Evaluations based on Ontario Heritage Act Criteria Regulation 09106 Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value or Interest(Local/Regional Significance) • Design value or physical value • Historical value or associative value • Contextual value Regulation 70106 Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value or interest of Provincial Significance June 2011 Slide 16 Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor Project ;----------- Cultural Heritage Strategy v Impact Im act Miti ation E `�Resour` t Hentage Resources for MTO Decision Making Process ! patUal retentlea; ! mocaddri and r adaptive se+rse ! cancrdales Slep2 Step 3 MTO consultation Step 1 Fudherstudles coural Henlege t and partnering with Highway 407 Protect Henlage impact r peAaIr[ng la FnYrrorvnenrof Assessmenland Eva.ua9on MTO p fl. t faun€dpalities and Assessment Henlage Repods(CHERS) retention, stakeholders to Screening and Heritage adapts-a reuse, t discuss heritage oa ment 60 Rtevs re!o,a ,% salvage t strategy [1. Henlage Salvage t ON to demowon t 2. Recyr.3ng of ! maWWS as part of t defmRlon process ! I June 2011 Slide 17 MTO Partial Retention 1 Adaptive Reuse s Partial retention and relocation of selected heritage building or structures along the corridor for MTO highway related uses R Bus shelters, utility building, commemorative monuments and ruins, gateway features, etc. ■ An MTO adaptive reuse study for built heritage resources within the corridor will be completed :e June 2011 Slide 18 Relocation Candidates • When avoidance of a built heritage resource and redesign options are unavailable, relocation may be considered as a mitigation activity • Detailed cultural heritage evaluation reports may recommend relocation of significant heritage resources • MTO will also consider the structural integrity and architectural conditions of the built heritage resource prior to identifying a short list for relocation candidates - June 2041 Sii&e 18 Relocation Process - Municipality 0 Municipality can express interest in undertaking the relocation and stewardship of a heritage resource to MTO Municipality must present MTO with a satisfactory plan for the structure's relocation and long term adaptive reuse ■ Other than the Municipality, the owner of the heritage property may be a public body like a museum, historical society, foundation, etc. Possible public uses at municipal level: integrated into museum heritage area -integrated into municipal park -community centre meeting places -library or archives -local gateway features -other uses?? June 2011 Slide 20 Relocation Process - Private • Resale and relocation candidates short list based on cultural heritage value or interest and general building condition • Advertising of heritage properties with may include open house opportunities for potential buyers • MTO to sell heritage property at a nominal fee which is conditional to MTO heritage property relocation requirements June 2011 Slide 21 Relocation Process - Private ■ There are detailed MTO requirements for heritage relocation plans from a new private owner, such as: experience and qualifications of the moving contractor - license of the contractor - written description and work plan details of the land available for the relocation which would have been prepared with new foundations proof of required permits in place development charges paid as required by municipality consistent with municipal zoning - consistent with municipal servicing requirements ■ Any relocation plan(s) need to be acceptable to MTO June 2011 Slide 22 f rii f IN Relocation — Municipal - r - - - - e - - i�' r '-u-- W-- 3810 Balsam Road to Pickering Museum June 2011 Slide 25 Relocation — Municipal 3810 Balsam Road to Pickering Museum June 2011 Slide 26 3 � � W 44 Types of Heritage Buildings for Relocation Stone - Brick - Frame i _ µr, �R1 Clarington June 2071 Slide 29 Salvage of Exterior / Interior Heritage Features Prior to Demolition • Strategic salvage of specific heritage and architectural features for reuse prior to demolition • Heritage salvage recommendations to be made initially by the heritage consultant • Municipalities and/or municipal organizations must indicate to MTO that there is a plan for reuse of specific features of the built heritage resource 1 • Private owners may contact municipal representatives or MTO expressing interest in salvageable materials g Jens 2011 Slide 30 Documentation of Built Heritage Resources and Cultural Heritage Landscapes • Documentation of all impacted built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes within the preferred 407 east corridor by a heritage consultant • Resources include individual structures, agricultural complexes, valleylands and raadscapes • Documentation reports will be made available to ,municipalities June 2041 Slide 31 Cultural Heritage Evaluation and Documentation Report Dundas Street — Whitby Example za � June 2011 Side 32 Highway 407 Past Transportation Corridor Project Cultural Heritage.Strategy—Heritage Impact Mitigation MTO Proposed 2011 Timeline for PHASE 1 Heritage Properties Early 2011 February 2011 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Summer-Fall 2011 Size visb wLh Meet with Complete rrurdapal staff Make heritage IVACS&staff final CHER and andler heritage Resale Retocatfon Retenton, screen{ng to discuss doevnlentation ON7W.tees process for a shm relocatlon,salvage, doaxnent H@h heritage reports for boot to fina5ze ranking Gst ofheritage removal and the consuHarNS strategy and heritage and W otbuLt propervas demo%on process shod Bat of landscape henloo of boat heritage properties lesaerees propedtes for properties relacationlsalvage and provkre states of CNEfis V V Highway 407 _ Pre-r-owtruellw Design 8uld ! De4gn-Ov4d OesEgn—avid r Pro rose Progress schedule (/ June 2011 Slide 33 I