HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-198-87. n _.r ~ ~jj(~,® General Purpose and Administration Committee OgTE% Monday, July 20, 1987 TOWN OF NEL~CASTLE ~v L`~~ REPORT File # ;!~~/~°-~ ~~r~~ Res. # ~ ~ ~~'' By-Law # Fj~ ~; OP 3.13(4) CT: APPLICATION TO AMEND THE TYRONE HAMLET DEVELOPEMENT PLAN - BERNHARD HEMING PART OF LOT 9, CONCESSION 7, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON OUR FILE: OP 3.13(4) T #; PD-198-87 RECD ENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-198-87 be received; and 2. THAT the application to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan, File OP 3.13(4), submitted by Mr. Bernhard Herring, to increase the maximum number of lots permitted in the "Short Term Residential Expansion" Area in the northwest quadrant of the Hamlet be approved in principle as amended to indicate a maximum of 9 lots; and 3. THAT Amendment No. 4 to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their review and comment; and 4. THAT a copy of Staff Report PD-198-87 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the applicant. BACKGOUND: On May 15, 1987, Mr. Bernhard Herring submitted an application to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan to increase the maximum number of lots permitted on a 3.65 hectare parcel of land in Part Lot 9, Concession 7, former Township of Darlington from "7" to "10"(see attached). The site is designated "Short Term Residential Expansion" by the Hamlet Plan and is zoned "(H)RH-Residential Hamlet (Holding)" by By-law 84-63. ...7 ~J~~-~ REPORT NO.: PD-198-87 Page 2 The applicant submitted a similar application (File: OP 3.13(1)) in April 1986 to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Plan to increase the maximum number of lots permitted on the subject site to "11". This application was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant in June 1986. A plan of subdivision (File: 18T-86012) showing 7 lots was draft approved by the Region of Durham on April 15, 1987. The following is a summary of the comments received to-date on the subject application: Town of Newcastle Fire Department This Department has no objection to the above-headed application. The property is located on the fringe of the 5 mile boundary response limit to a fire station. Water supply for fire fighting is by Fire Department tanker trucks. Region of Durham Planning Department As relatively small lots are being proposed, the suitability of the site for individual services should be discussed in some detail with the Regional Department of Health Services. We note that the Tyrone Development Plan presently suggests a minimum lot size of approximately 0.4 ha while some lots proposed in the subject subdivision application are less than .3 ha. Ten lots would appear to be the maximum number of lots which would be accommodated in this area and a fewer number may ultimately be approved in the related subdivision. Region of Durham Health Unit This Department has no objection to the above amendment. However, our conditions in respect of Plan 18T-86012 are to be registered on title. The following agencies indicated no objection to the subject application to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Plan. - Town of Newcastle Building Department - Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Roman Catholic Separate School Board A number of agencies have yet to provide comments on the subject application. However, Staff were able to refer to comments submitted on the previous application to amend the Hamlet Plan and the related subdivision application. These comments are as follows: ...3 ,~~ ~~-1 REPORT NO.: PD-198-87 Page 3 Town of Newcastle Public Works Department No objection to this proposal subject to our comments relating to the application for Plan of Subdivision for this same property. Town of Newcastle Community Services Department We have no objection to this proposal. Since an existing park abuts this proposal, cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication is required and the development will be required to construct a 6 foot high chain link fence behind those lots bordering the park and a 6 foot chain link fence on either side of the park . Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority "No objection to the proposed amendment to Hamlet Development Plan. The draft plan indicates that storm drainage of the site will be directed through open ditches to the roadside ditch along Regional Road No. 14. The receiving watercourse for this drainage is a highly sensitive reach of the Soper Creek. This reach of Soper Creek is documented in both the Authority's Watershed Plan and Environmental Sensitivity Mapping Project as having clean, cold water and supporting brook, brown and rainbow trout. The presence of trout in the upper reach of the watercourse is an indication that local spawning occurs. The proposed land use change from agricultural field to residential housing will result in increases in the rate and amount of storm water run-off. It can be expected that during the construction and lot grading phases of development, the quality of run-off water will be significantly degraded through increased sediment load. Any increase in the sediment load of waters discharged into the creek may have a negative impact on the suitability of this reach for salmonids. Authority Staff are concerned that the development of this site may result in conditions that would be unfavourable to the Soper Creek fishery. Ministry of the Environment "Staff have reviewed the above-mentioned application and note that individual wells and subsurface sewage disposal systems are proposed. We therefore recommend draft approval be conditional upon: "Prior to final approval, the Ministry of the Environment is to be in receipt of a Hydrologist's Report which ascertains the availability of an adequate supply of potable water to service the development. Report should comment on the existing quality as well as the potential for cross-contamination and well interference."" ...4 ~~ ~~~1 REPORT NO.: PD-198-87 Page 4 Section 9.11 of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan requires subdivision applications within Hamlets to be accompanied by a detailed Engineering Report based on test drilling which confirms soil conditions satisfactory for the effective operation of private waste disposal systems, no adverse effects upon existing water supplies and an adequate supply of potable water to service the proposal development, and an adequte separation between watertable and septic the fields. Engineering studies submitted for this and for the previous applications state that area conditions are very favourable for drilled wells and that most wells in the subdivision would obtain adequate water at depths of less than 50 metres. The Report also stated that the contamination of dug or drilled wells on adjacent properties was not anticipated. These conclusions were based on a detailed examination of site area topography, geology, existing development and well water records, and interviews with area residents. With respect to soil conditions, the studies indicate that the site is underlain by a stony sandy silt till with traces of clay. Seasonal ground water could be within 1.2 metres of the existing ground surface on Lots 8, 9 and 10 and therefore fill needs to be added for ti le bed levelling and to ensure clearance from the ground watertable. COMMENT From a review of the subject application and the comments submitted, Staff have identified a number of concerns with the proposal to increase the maximum number of lots permitted on the subject site to 10. Staff's primary concern involves the area of the proposed 1 ots. The Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Section 9.4viii) states that the minimum lot size for new residential lots in hamlets shall generally be 4,000 square metres, although the Plan (Section 9.11) further provides that a reduction in the minimum lot area requirement may be approved if the engineering studies indicates that ...5 i~ ~~L~ REPORT NO.: PD-198-87 Page 5 such a reduction is warranted. However, the minimum lot size is not to be reduced to below 3,000 square metres. Staff also note that 3,000 square metres and 30 metres are the minimum area and frontage requirements for new lots in the "Residential Hamlet (RH)" zone of By-law 84-63. A review of the revised subdivision plan indicates that 6 of the proposed lots have areas below 3,000 square metres and that 1 lot is deficient in its frontage. In this respect, the proposal clearly does not comply with the requirements of the Official Plan. Staff also note that, although the Region of Durham Health Unit has indicated no objection to the proposal to permit the creation of up to 10 lots, this approval is conditional upon those requirements applying to the draft-approved subdivision plan indicating 7 lots. The Health Unit requirements with respect to the subdivision are as follows: "l. Each lot must have its own drilled well as the water supply. 2. Each lot will require a raised septic tank and the bed with the importation of granular fill. 3. Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 (being the lots on the western portion of the plan) will require the use of a sewage pump and pump chamber for on site sewage disposal." Based on the Health Unit's comments and the results of the Engineering Study on potential well water supply, Staff have no objection to increasing the maximum number of lots permitted on the subject site, but cannot support a maximum of 10 lots due to insufficient lot area. Staff calculations indicate however that a maximum of 9 lots with areas and frontages in conformity with the Official Plan and Zoning By-law requirements can be created. ...6 ~~ ~l REPORT NO.: PD-198-87 Page 6 * Staff have therefore prepared an amendment (attached) to the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan indicating a maximum of 9 lots on the subject site. Staff emphasize however that, through our review of the required red-line revision to the draft approval plan of subdivision, more detailed information will be required of the applicant in terms of lot areas and frontages. As well, the Ministry of the Environment has requested the submission of a hydrologist's report as a condition of draft approval. It is therefore recommended that the application to amend the Tyrone Hamlet Development Plan submitted by Mr. Bernhard Herring be approved in principle as amended to indicate a maximum of "9" lots, and that the amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham for their review and comment. Respectfully submitted, . dwards, M. .I.P. Director of Planning JAS*TTE*bb *Attach. July 10, 1987 cc Mr. Bernhard Herring R.R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario Ll C 3K6 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Chief Adrhiln/istrative Officer -~v L i ~,~ ~ ` ~r Ln ~~ ' I.. ap._F ' ~ a~ ~ a ~ ~ ; ~~ - - ., a Q i ~ ~ O ~ It a ; ~ 3i , ~ o ~ ~/ ~ J . i 1 g ~ N ~ ~I~ Q ~.o ~ I ~ ~ I ~ _ - ~ ~ ~ a ~ I i ~ .2. , "~ -- ~ Z i,,- Q a. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- Q 3% ~` J~ ~ ~~ ~o _ ' ~v , ~ ~ I ~ ,;` (II 0 ~ ~ ~ `, _ 2~ _ ~ 3 - v - ~ I 'NE .~ aCJ '^o ~ _ J ~ ~~ O ~~- ~-\ I \ 1 ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ I 1 N ~~ ( ~ 1 i II I ~z,~ PROPOSED PLAN O.P313(I) ~.~ W U ®SUBJECT •SlTE LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 ~-- ~____.___..__ ' A I A~ Z A.I, ~ ~ EP RH i a w ~ & RH , U Z i RH i ~~ ~ ~ EP U REGIONAL ROAD 14 O ~ ¢ RH-5 ROAD 7 RH RH A (!~ i H)RH ' EP Z a A-1 ,41 W rn RH Z W U Z ~ U - ( 1 O U KEY 'MAP O 50 100 DJO SOOm ~~ ~~~ AMENDMENT N0. 4 TO THE HAMLET DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE HAMLET OF TYRONE PURPOSE OF AMENDMENT The purpose of Amendment No. 4 to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is to increase the maximum number of permitted lots within the "Short Term Residential Expanxion" Area in the nortwest quadrant of the Hamlet from "7" to "9". BASIS OF AMENDMENT This amendment to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is based upon an application submitted to the Town of Newcastle to amend the Plan to permit the development of additional residential lots within the "Short Term Residential Expansion" Area in the northwest quadrant of the Hamlet. ACTUAL AMENDMENT 1. Schedule "1" to the Hamlet Development Plan for the Hamlet of Tyrone is hereby amended by changing from "7" to "9" the maximum number of residential lots permitted in the northwest quadrant of the Hamlet as shown on the attached Schedule "X" hereto. 2. Schedule "X" hereto shall form part of this Amendment. IMPLEMENTATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. ~G). C ~~1 This is Schedule "X" to Amendment ~ 4 to the• Hamlet Dev. Plan for TYRONE • LOT 9 LOT 8 ~. o •. , t.® ; : Q 0 o: J a z 0 w o: '~'~ CONCESSION 7 CONC, ROAD 7 ^~~® HAMLET BOUNDARY D SHORT TERM RESIDENTIAL EXPANSION O MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOTS LOT 9 LOT 8 LOT 7 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. , ,,,,,...,......, . ,.,.,...,.,.. . ....,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. .,, ,.,,, ,,... I ~~ I ~ A: A , Ai i o RH ~ ~ EP ~' w +& U I~ • 2 ~ RH Z R ° EP v REGIONAL ROAD 14 c3 • ~ a~ ~"•5 CO ROAD 7 . R" RH H)RH a ' W A.I . A~l z EP ! Z o ~~ W ~ a" ~ ~ \ U Z --- .4.,..,....,.,,,,,......,,,.,..,,,.......,,,, O U Area of Proposed o co ao zoo aoom Amendment &~~-'~ /~ ~~