HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-10 Minutes Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities Minutes of Meeting Thursday,December 10, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. Meeting Room I Present Were: Mayor Jim Abernethy Bill Humber Paul Halliday Dorcas Gordon Valentine Lovekin(arrived at 8:13 a.m.) Staff: David Crome, Director, Planning Services Linda Coutu, Executive Assistant to the Mayor Regrets: Pierre Tremblay Deborah Patrick Mayor Abernethy called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Dorcas Gordon, seconded by Bill Humber that the minutes of the meeting held on November 5th be approved. "CARRIED" 2. SELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIR(Carried over from meeting of November 5th) Discussion ensued pertaining to the position of Committee Chair. Moved by Dorcas Gordon, seconded by Bill Humber that the position of Committee Chair be filled on a rotating basis. "CARRIED" Paul Halliday agreed to chair the remainder of the meeting. 3. ASSIGNMENTS (Carried over from meeting of November 5t"). There was a brief discussion about the different approach that each committee member tools to outline their topic. Further discussion ensued pertaining to what is the potential of each subject and what action might be required. Bill Humber provided an overview of his topics which were Water Sustainability and Food. Discussion followed and several ideas evolved. The food aspect can be considered an economic development strategy which can be linked with the agricultural industry. Several colleges already offer culinary programs such as organic farming at Sir Sanford Fleming. It was decided that the Committee would need to confirm their focus before committing to a specific topic. The Water component of Bill Humber's presentation was also discussed since water is increasingly becoming a much sought after resource. It was agreed that this subject would be more inclined to be a University research and education program. This is a multi dimensional topic as a result of source water protection plans and jurisdictional issues. Valentine Lovekin presented his overview on Health Care. Discussed followed pertaining to the partnership between Lakeridge Health, UOIT and Holburn. There was also some concern about Oshawa being the largest site of Lakeridge Health and any expansions would most likely occur in and around Lakeridge Health Oshawa. Further discussion ensued pertaining to the need for serviced lands in Clarington. The Municipality is working with the Region of Durham to move this item forward on their forecast. Valentine Lovekin left the meeting at 8:55 a.m. Pierre Tremblay will be asked to provide an overview of his presentation at the next meeting. Paul Halliday provided a brief overview of a Community Education Foundation. There was a lot of discussion about this and the members present thought that this initiative could be pursued using similar guidelines as the "Valleys 2000" organization,which is a charitable organization. The Valleys 2000 committee operates at aim's length from the Municipality and elects its own board. It was felt that the public could provide input into how this Cormmunity Education Foundation could become a reality. Dorcas Gordon provided her overview on continued education models. Discussion followed and it was agreed that a physical address is important when trying to attract programs and/or satellite campuses. It was agreed that there were other universities and colleges who have succeeded with expansion projects and their models could be followed in Clarington. 4. ONE-DAY CAMP 30 SUMMIT—SUMMARY BY DAVID CROME David Crome provided a brief overview of the summit that was held in November to invite the public to share their ideas for possible uses of the Camp 30 site. The site is privately owned, however, there is a strong community will to have the site recognized nationally as an historic site. There were a lot of suggestions brought forward at the summit which include using the buildings as a campus. David has also received a recent proposal prepared by a group of Ryerson College Students and copies will be distributed to committee members. 5. OTHER It was agreed that the members are starting to narrow down the focus of the committee and the Camp 30 site is an exciting possibility. The members were reminded that the Municipality does not own the property and that Council would not likely support a request for funding. There is, however, a"Friends of Camp 30" group who are looking at possible fundraising initiatives in order to ensure the buildings are preserved for historical value. Martha Rutherford-Conrad, who is the Administrator of the Clarington Museums and Archives, is part of this group. The members thought that it might help to invite Martha to a future meeting. The members present also thought that Ron Stead of Holburn should be invited to a future meeting. Bill Humber agreed to Chair the next meeting. The committee was reminded about its first interim report to Council, which is due early in the New Year. It was agreed that the next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. in Committee Room IA. Subsequent meeting dates suggested were Thursday, February 25th and Thursday, March 25th but they were not confirmed. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Bill Humber, seconded by Paul Halliday that the meeting adjourn at 9:50 a.m. "CARR I 1'.D"