HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-11 Minutes Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities Minutes of Meeting Friday, September 11, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Meeting Room 1 Present Were: Mayor Jim Abernethy Bill Humber Valentine Lovekin (arrived at 1:30 p.m.) Paul Halliday Pierre Tremblay Carlos Salazar, Manager. of Community Planning and Design Linda Coutu, Executive Assistant to the Mayor Regrets: Rev. Dr. Dorcas Gordon Deborah Patrick David Crome, Director, Planning Services Mayor Jim Abernethy welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves to Mr. Tremblay, who was unable to attend the inaugural meeting. Mayor Abernethy gave a brief overview of the inaugural meeting and advised that many ideas were shared. As a result of the first meeting, there was a request to bring Committee Members up to date pertaining to growth of the community, and a presentation will be provided at this meeting. 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Paul Halliday, seconded by Bill Humber that the minutes of the meeting held on July 20, 2009,be approved. "CARRIED„ There was discussion about the name of the committee containing the word"facilities" and whether or not it could narrow the scope of the committee. It was determined that the meaning of the word facility is not restricted to a 15-storey high rise or 20 acre learning centre. 2. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Discussion pertaining to the next meeting date was referred to the end of the agenda. 3. PRESENTATION Carlos Salazar, Manager of Community Planning and Design, gave a presentation to the committee entitled"Official Plan Review- Compass to our Future". Copies were provided to all members present. Discussion ensued pertaining to the presentation and the topics included intensification, transportation, services and infrastructure. Carlos answered questions posed by the Committee Members relating to these topics. There was a lengthy discussion surrounding the type of education facilities that this Committee should be focusing on. Should the committee try to encourage facilities or programs to accommodate the existing types of industry or employment in this area or should the focus be extended to include new employment opportunities. The committee members discussed the need to develop a coherent collective vision in order to move forward. There needs to be some process of elimination since it was felt that the objective needed to be more specific. Another discussion about whether or not other municipalities were also looking to attract higher education facilities. It was mentioned that there were opportunities in the Niagara Region, because of their proximity to the United States. It is cheaper to get an education in Ontario. Also, the City of Oshawa should be considered a competitor as they already have facilities. However, it was determined,that this committee could learn from other municipalities. 4. SELECTION OF COMMITTEE CHAIR The position of Chair of the Committee was on the agenda,however, it was decided that this should be discussed with all members present. It will be on the next agenda for discussion and, if needed, it could be decided at the November 5th meeting. 5. OTHER BUSINESS It was mentioned that the Durham Region Local Training Board prepared a report which includes statistics pertaining to the levels of education employers require, amongst other things. A copy of that report will be obtained for the next meeting. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Mayor Jim Abernethy advised that he is unable to attend the next meeting. It was determined that September 25t" at 2:00 p.m. was best for all members present; therefore the meeting date is September 25tH It was determined that the next agenda should include discussion about developing a plan. It was suggested that a variety of alternative visions should be explored and, with consensus of the group, a selection would be made. Mayor Abernethy offered the services of Carlos Salazar to act as facilitator for that portion of the agenda. 6. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Paul Halliday, seconded by Valentine Lovekin, that the meeting be adjourned at 2:45 p.m. "CARRIED„