HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-07 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2011 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ted Watson Jenni Knox Brenda Metcalf Mary Ann Found John Cartwright arrived 7:40 Mark Bragg Don Rickard Councillor Wendy Partner STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Déan Jacobs REGRETS: Tom Barrie, Les Caswell, Eric Bowman, Marlene Werry, Gary Jeffery Ted Watson welcomed all to the meeting, members of the committee introduced themselves. Adoption of Agenda 011-14 Moved by Mary Ann Found, seconded by Donald Rickard “That the Agenda for July 7th, 2011 be adopted” CARRIED Approval of Minutes 011-15 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Jenni Knox “That the minutes of the June 9th, 2011 meeting be approved.” CARRIED Guest: Déan Jacobs from Planning Services Department, Official Plan Review Déan thanked the committee for the invitation to attend their meeting. Dean provided a presentation on where we are in the process of the Official Plan Review (attached). Discussion during presentation focused on how to protect Class 1 soils land from being developed on. Discussion regarding how to reverse decisions on lands that have been included within urban boundary areas that are prime agricultural and slated for development. If not possible to protect land inside urban areas, then it should be intensified so that expansion into whitebelt does not occur. How to protect whitebelt from future intrusions into it? Comments regarding how PSW’s are sacrosanct but agricultural land that produces food is not treated the same way. Discussion on why aggregate resources appear to trump agriculture and PSW. Dean invited committee members to stay actively involved in the Official Plan review process. Ted thanked Déan and invited him to stay for remainder of meeting. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 7, 2011 Business Arising Rural Funding Opportunity th Meeting has been set with GRCA and CLOCA on the rural road planting idea for July 26 at 1 p.m. Ted and John volunteered to attend on behalf of committee. The Grand River CA has a program for funding of rural road and hedgerow planting. Issues to be addressed are: - dye back in maples can be attributed to salt on the roads - removal of trees that have Asian long-horn beetle and emerald ash borer (program similar to when elms were removed). Council Referrals – OPA #80, Provincially Significant Wetlands Planning has met with CLOCA, MNR, the landowners and facilitator to see how issues can be explored and resolved. Have divided the area into clusters in relation to the different wetlands to work on the issues. Wildlife Damage Faye read out the June 30 press release from Provincial government about program, no information has been received by the Clerk, will be passed on when received. Liaison Reports – DAACSeptember 15 is DAAC tour, Uxbridge area. There has been no meeting since the last AACC meeting, no report. DRFA –No meeting to update on, however a couple of pieces of information; there will be a tour st Sept 21 of Lake Simcoe to showcase work. The ag trailer has been quite busy, attended Lakeview Park Canada Day celebration and that was very interesting and hit a target audience that needs to be given more attention. Waiting for robotic device to arrive, hopefully it is here for the fall fair season. Warning that PETA and animal rights activists have targeted the GTA area, if you encounter them best to not enter into discussion, realize they are filming, editing and posting to web, please report to Ontario Farm Animal Council. CBOT – Donald continue to provide invaluable advise. Clarington Farmer’s Market – Not full yet but produce is behind schedule. Additional vendors are welcome. Other Business As a result of the discussion during the presentation on Official Plan, Mary Ann and Don will work with Faye on a motion that will be circulated before the next meeting to be presented to Council regarding the protection of Agricultural lands especially Class 1 soils. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 7, 2011 Future Agendas Faye will ask Marlene to provide an overview on Durham Strategy for Development of the Agri- Food Industry at August Meeting. Kim Gavine from Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation about making a presentation for October. Wendy Partner moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting - August 25th, 2011. Faye will provide an update/overview on Port Granby project and end use concepts. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington July 7, 2011 Slide 1 Update, June 7, 2011 Slide 2 SINCE THE ADOPTION OF THE OFFICIAL WHY AN OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW? PLAN IN 1996 THERE HAVE BEEN SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO PROVINCIAL PLANNING LEGISLATION INCLUDING -INTRODUCTION OF THE GREENBELT Review ACT -PLACES TO GROW ACT AND THE GROWTH PLAN AND Planning Services Department www.clarington.net/ourplan -- AMENDMENTS TO THE PROVINCIAL POLICY STATEMENT ALSO THE REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN HAS BEEN AMENDED. NB: significant amendments to it overtime to address the ORM Conservation Plan, Aggregate Policies, Commercial Policy Review - these amendments have kept it current with relevant provincial policy. Slide 3 Introductory Discussion DISCUSSION PAPERS RELEASED TO DATE Paper -2008 (Orange) - background paper and explanation why OP Review is needed resulted in Council resolution for Staff www.clarington.net/ourplan to proceed Following the release of the discussion paper, we hosted 6 Community Sessions (including Newcastle, Newtonville, Solina, Orono, Bowmanville, Courtice) met with a number of council advisory committees What we heard as priority Protection of the natural environment and agriculture Job creation Preservation of the small town character Community Forecasts Population and Employment Projections -2010 (Green) Prepared by Hemson Consulting Ltd. The growth forecasts are for population, housing and employment for the entire municipality and for the three urban communities and the rural areas within Clarington. Economic Base and Employment Lands 2010 (Grey) Prepared by EDP Consulting (Economists) 0 ¯¤± ±¤«¤ ²¤£ ¨­ .®µ¤¬¡¤± {yy‚ (0´±¯«¤) Prepared In-house, dealing with Urban Design Employment Lands Built boundary Secondary Plans Complete Applications Courtice Main Street Study Issues Review Paper 2010 (Blue) & Master Plan (Council adopted) Slide 4 A number of Watershed Studies are Background Studies underway, of which the results will also Robinson/TooleyCreek Watershed Studies; feed into/inform the Official Plan All the watershed studies in GRCA area; Review e.g. re-designating lands and incorporating additional policies Oshawa Creek (just complete by CLOCA); Harmony/Black/Farewell and Bowmanville/Soper www.clarington.net/ourplan CLOCA is in the midst of preparing background studies for the Harmony/Black/Farewell Creek & Bowmanville/Soper Creek Watersheds; Slide 5 By 2031 approximately 30% of COMMUNITY OF THE FUTURE Population Projections the age of 55 years. Population will increase by 59,000 people between 2006 and 2031, requiring the construction of 25,200 new homes; Planning Services Department Household sizes will reduce from 2.87 people per household (2006) to 2.66 (2031) mainly due to an aging population; to grow by 110%, Courtice by 51%, Newcastle by 134% and the Rural Area by 5%; Slide 6 Prepared by: EDP Consulting ECONOMIC BASE AND EMPLOYMENT Total jobs in Clarington increased PROJECTIONS by 7,200 between 1996 and 2006, whic 7200 new jobs in 10 years h is a growth of around 54% which In 1996 there were 13,700 jobs in Clarington is higher than the percentage growth i by 2006 this grew to 20,900 jobs (54% growth) Thekey sectors: n Utilities Agriculture, Durham Region. Construction Planning Services Department . Close to half (48.5%) of these jobs are held by Clarington residents Clarington only has enough jobs for about half of our labour force. Slide 7 Major components in this amendment MAJOR COMPONENTS -AMENDMENT #77 Urban Design Urban Design Employment Areas Built Boundary Employment Lands Secondary Plans Complete Applications Built boundary Secondary Plans Planning Services Department Complete Applications Why this amendment will make Clarington better. It provides clearer rules and ensures more accessible planning processes. It gives us more planning and financial tools so that municipalities are able to meet their compact form, redevelopment, infill and sustainable development goals. And the urban design policies will make clarington look even bett Slide 8 Major components in this amendment PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT #77 Urban Design Fall 2011 Sept. 2010 Council Adoption Statutory Aug. 2010 Public Meeting Amendme Employment Lands nt Dec. 2009 Available Public Information Session Nov. 2009 Discussion Paper Built boundary Planning Services Department Secondary Plans Complete Applications Slide 9 COURTICE MAIN STREET STUDY PROGRESS Secondary Plan & Zoning By-law #®´­¢¨« Fall 2011 0±¤²¤­³ ³¨®­ 3¤¯³¤¬¡¤± {yzy /¯¤­ (®´²¤ *´­¤ {yzy #®¬¬´­¨³¸ 7®±ª²§®¯ &¤¡±´ ±¸ {yzy #®¬¬´­¨³¸ 6¨²¨®­ 7®±ª²§®¯ *´«¸ {yy‚ www.clarington.net/ourplan Slide 10 OPA #80 Since 1996 MOE has made numerous Provincially Significant Wetlands revisions to PSW mapping - through Fall /Winter 2011 Fall 2011 Clarington will be transferred onto Council Public Info Adoption Session Official Plan Mapping. April 2011 Statutory Public Meeting March 2011 amendment available www.clarington.net/ourplan Slide 11 Intensification Dillon is making final changes to Discussion Paper aiming at Other components next steps Fall 2011 to release; Growth IntensificationRural Paper Management Growth Management Dillon is still Discussion PaperDiscussion Paper Discussion Paper working on Discussion Paper may take Secondary Plan Open Space & Sustainability for Courtice Trails Master longer to complete in view of ROPA 128 Employment Discussion Paper Plan lands st appeal, the 1 hearing which is scheduled only for late Spring 2012; Rural Paper (Greenbelt conformity) Sustainability Paper to follow in 2012 Open Space and Trails Master Plan (special project) to be prepared in- house also to follow in 2012. Add Secondary Plan for Courtice Employment lands, next step after watershed study for Robinson/Tooley is completed. Slide 12 THANK YOU! Planning Services Department