HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-11 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 11, 2011 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre Bowmanville, Ontario Present: J. Witheridge, Chair S. Laing M. Carlton M. Morawetz M. Speelman Viney J. Cashin-Oster B. Seto P. Ford Mayor Foster Councillor Neal Absent: B. Shields Staff: Martha Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:05 p.m. 2ADOPTION OF AGENDA . Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: M. Carlton THAT the agenda be approved with the exception of item 6a) Finance Committee Report which will be heard immediately following the approval of March 14, 2011 Board Meeting Minutes; and also that item #3, ‘Approval of March 14, 2011 Board Minutes’ be changed to ‘Approval of April 13, 2011 Board Minutes’ MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: M. Speelman Viney Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the minutes of the meeting of April 13, 2011 be approved with the deletion of the hyphen in the name of M. Speelman Viney. MOTION CARRIED b) S. Laing gave the board members a detailed account of the Finance Chair’s report which included an analysis of bill payments and reporting formats. Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: Mayor Foster THAT the Finance Committee Report 2011-F-03 be approved as presented. MOTON CARRIED 4. CORRESPONDENCE Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: M. Morawetz THAT the correspondence be accepted. MOTION CARRIED S. Laing left the meeting. 5. BUSINESS ARSING a) Social Media Policy The Executive Director reported on the success of the blog and facebook ‘hits’, there being 40 hits on the Viking program blog. She is compiling a policy based upon feedback from other similar instituations and guidelines within the museum industry. Municipal staff has confirmed they will share their policy once it has been completed. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS c) Evaluation Committee M. Speelman Viney presented ideas for evaluation and indicated she would be setting up a meeting with the Ad Hoc Committee. Discussion followed which brought forward that a process had been documented in 2008 and it was this process that is under review by the committee. As well, Board was reminded by Executive Director of the commitment to set policy and have it approved as per the museum by-law. d) Chair Report The Chair advised that he had met with the Library Chair and Visual Arts Centre Chair to discuss the potential for future collaborations. B. Seto arrived at 7:45 b) Property Committee Discussion was held on the Kirby Church and what needs to be done on this project. The Executive Director informed the Board members of work that had been done on the project to date, including the weekly book sale at the Church. The Board should support the policy and a a report needs to be forwarded to the municipality. The Chair asked the board members to think about the situation for discussion at the next meeting. The Chair of the Property Committee reported that the committee had visited all three museum sites, and stated that several items need to be addressed on health and safety. A date for the next Property Committee meeting will be decided at the conclusion of this board meeting. 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT The Executive Director reported on the current Viking Exhibit, property standards areas of concern, staff management and ongoing programmes. Past Perfect is being used. The board members were invited to attend Canada Day celebrations at st the museum on July 1. Explanations of the events of the day were given, and a request for volunteers was extended. th The Bowmanville Museum is celebrating its 50 anniversary this year and plans are being made for this event. Moved by: Councillor Neal Seconded by: B. Seto THAT the Executive Director’s report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Committee Work Etiquette The Chair suggested that before a Committee meeting is held, the members check their calendars to ensure that all will be able to attend. To date, there has been difficulty in holding a meeting, as there has not been a quorum. b) Past Perfect Review The Executive Director presented a visual report on Past Perfect which included all aspects of this program, and what it can accomplish. 9. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums JUNE 8, 2011CLARKE MUSEUM and Archives will be held on , at the 7:00 p.m. beginning at 10. Moved by: Councillor Neal THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:00 p.m. May 11, 2011 Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________. __________________________ ______________________________ Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives