HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-09 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 9, 2010 at the Clarke Museum Kirby, Ontario Present: K. Isnor, Chair J. Rook J. Witheridge W.Tanner B. Colville M. Carlton P. Ford S. Laing Regrets: Mayor Abernethy Absent : Councillor G. Robinson J. Murray Staff: Martha Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:00 p.m. 2ADOPTION OF AGENDA . Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the agenda be approved with the addition of item 4(d) ACO MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the minutes of the meeting of April 14, 2010 be approved. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) ACO Report: The Executive Director reported on membership in the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario – Clarington Branch. outlining the advantages of the museum holding a membership in this organization. Discussion was held on the matter. On a point made by the Finance Chair stating that the Board of Directors not place themselves in a position of conflict with the Municipality, an ongoing discussion took place. After much debate the following motion was passed: Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the Clarington Museums & Archives become a member of the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario – Clarington Branch. MOTION CARRIED b) Policy Follow Up The Executive Director provided the members with section 7a) ‘New Business’ from the minutes of the December 2007 board meeting. The Policy Manual was discussed and Section 11 was attached to the Agenda for the July 2010 board meeting. Section 15 is currently undergoing review as the result of the Fire Safety inspections held in 2009. A copy of this section will be brought to the Board for review/approval no later than the September 2010 meeting. c) Programme Co-ordinator Update: The Executive Director advised there had been 36 resumes received for the Programme Co-ordinator position; to this point the Executive Director and the Archivist have been covering the responsibilities of the Programme Co-ordinator position during the hiring process. S. Laing and B. Colville have been conducting interviews for the position of Programme Co-ordinator with the Executive Director. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Finance Committee: Moved by: J. Rook Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Finance Committee report be accepted as amended. MOTION CARRIED 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the Executive Director’s report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 7. NEW BUSINESS The Executive Director invited the Board members to view the McLaughlin Cutter which has just been renovated and is now housed in the Volunteer building. The Board members gave direction to the Executive Director to redo the policy on museum rental before a new form is drawn up. It was then decided that the Property Committee would meet regarding drawing up the new policy. Gail Barrie and her volunteers were commended on the fine job they are doing on the museum gardens which currently are looking wonderful. 8. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums JULY 14, 2010 and Archives will be held on at the Sarah Jane Heritage 7:00 p.m. Centre at 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:10 p.m. At this point the Board members retired to the Volunteer building to view the McLaughlin Cutter.