HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-14 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES April 14, 2010 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present : K. Isnor, Chair J. Rook J. Witheridge W.Tanner B. Colville M. Carlton P. Ford Mayor Abernethy Councillor Robinson Regrets: S. Laing Absent : J. Murray Staff: Martha Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:05 p.m. 2ADOPTION OF AGENDA . Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the agenda be approved with the addition of item 4(c) Social Media. MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2010 be approved. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) SJWHC Sign Repair: Discussion was held regarding the sign at Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre, the Executive Director advised the repairs will be made very soon. b) Mills Landscaping : Pest Control advised there is no presence of carpenter ants in the House. The Executive Director advised that Mills Landscaping’s fee of $700.00 to protect the tree in front of the house is reasonable compared to the estimate of $2000 to take the tree down. c) Social Media: The Executive Director showed the board members a sample of the blog which is on the home page of the museum’s website and stated that there have been several ‘hits’ already. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the blog becomes a permanent fixture of the museum site. MOTION CARRIED The Executive Director suggested that a face book page be set up on the website as well. Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: J. Rook THAT a face book page be set up on the website for a 90 day trial. MOTION CARRIED 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Finance Committee: Moved by: J. Rook Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the Finance Committee report be accepted with amendments to page twelve. MOTION CARRIED c) Property Committee: A complete maintenance work summary report was submitted. Moved by: B. Colville Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the Property Committee Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED b) Executive Committee: Moved by: K. Isnor Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the Board move “in camera” at 7:35 p.m. at which the following motion was passed: Moved by: Councillor Robinson Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Clarington Museums and Archives Board advise Council they have accepted the resignation of the Programme Co-ordinator from Clarington Museums and Archives. AND THAT: The Clarington Museums and Archives Board requests approval to advertise and fill the position of Programme Co-ordinator within the approved 2010 budget for the position. MOTION CARRIED The Board returned from “in camera” at 7:41 p.m. Moved by: Councillor Robinson Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Clarington Museums and Archives Board advise Council they have accepted the resignation of the Programme Co-ordinator from Clarington Museums and Archives. AND THAT: The Clarington Museums and Archives Board requests approval to advertise and fill the position of Programme Co-ordinator within the approved 2010 budget for the position. MOTION CARRIED 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT A discussion was held regarding fire safety. Mayor Abernethy suggested that Fire Chief Weir be involved in the fire safety plan in order to facilitate Council decision as soon as possible. The Executive Director explained the purpose of a “Doors Open” event. This event will be held in Clarington on June 6, 2010. This is the first event of its kind to be held in Clarington. Local businesses and public facilities are open to the public for information and interest, and these events have been well received in other parts of the province. The “Doors Open” event will be posted on the museum’s website. Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: Councillor Robinson THAT the Executive Director’s report be received. MOTION CARRIED 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Architectural Conservancy of Ontario The Chair of the Finance Committee informed the Board members of his reluctance to sign a cheque to the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario for membership in the association. Lengthy discussion followed on the subject of whether or not the museum should be a member of the ACO, whether the association should meet in the museum and if so, should the ACO pay rent to the museum for this purpose. Another point considered was the rental policy of the museum and the policy of the municipality. Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Chair of the Finance Committee be directed to delay signing the cheque for membership until further information comes forward from staff. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Robinson Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario report be TABLED to the next meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Director’s meeting of MAY 12, 2010. MOTION CARRIED b) Policy Manual The Chair requested all committees to check their respective policies in order to improve such policies in the Policy Manual as soon as possible. 8. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums MAY 12, 2010 Clarke Museum and Archives will be held on at the at 7:00 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:08 p.m. April 14, 2010 Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________. __________________________ ______________________________ Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives