HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-14 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2009 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: S. Laing W. Tanner M. Carlton P. Ford K. Isnor J. Rook J. Witheridge B.Colville Regrets: Mayor Abernethy J. Murray Absent: Councillor Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Executive Director at 7:14 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the agenda be approved as amended. MOTION CARRIED 3. NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT K. Isnor be nominated for the position of Chair. K. Isnor accepted the nomination, and as there were no further nominations for the position of Chair, K. Isnor is the chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Directors. MOTION CARRIED At this point the K. Isnor assumed the role of chair of the meeting. Moved by: P. Ford Seconded by: S. Laing THAT J. Witheridge be nominated for the position of Vice Chair. J. Witheridge accepted the nomination, and as there were no further nominations for the position of Vice Chair, J. Witheridge is the Vice Chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Directors. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: P. Ford THAT J. Rook be nominated for the position of Finance Chair. J. Rook accepted the nomination, and as there were no further nominations for the position of Finance Chair, J. Rook is the Finance Chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Directors. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: J.Witheridge Seconded by: S. Laing THAT B. Colville be nominated for the position of Property Chair. B. Colville accepted the nomination, and as there were no further nominations for the position of Property Chair, B. Colville is the Property Chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Directors. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT M. Carlton be nominated for the position of Collections and Event Planning Chair. M. Carlton accepted the nomination, and as there were no further nominations for the position of Collections Chair, M. Carlton is the Collections Chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board of Directors. MOTION CARRIED At this time the Chairpersons of the various committees called for members for the committees. The members of the Finance Committee are: J. Rook, Chair J. Witheridge P. Ford Mayor Abernethy Members of the Property Committee are: B. Colville, Chair S. Laing W. Tanner J. Murray Councillor Robinson Members of the Collections and Event Planning Committee are: M. Carlton, Chair J. Rook J. Witheridge W. Tanner P. Ford The Chair of the Clarington Museums and Archives serves on all Committees. 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: M. Carlton THAT the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of November 12, 2008, be approved as amended. 5.BUSINESS ARISING The Executive Director showed the board plans for a “Living Wall”, which is a landscaping project for the Clarke museum that would become a sound barrier along the west and north sides of the museum to minimize the noise from Highway 115/35. This project of willow trees and shrubs costing $500.00 per square metre is greatly needed at the museum. The Executive Director advised that a grant from the Trillium Foundation will be applied for in March, and the Orono Horticultural Society has agreed to be lead on this grant. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: B. Colville THAT the Executive Director partner with the Orono Horticultural Society in constructing the Living Wall along the west and north sides of the Clark museum at Kirby. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Finance Committee: Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Witheridge THAT the Finance Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED b) Property Committee: There was no report from the Property Committee. Discussion was held on various items, including snow removal and outstanding work needed on the museum house. c) Kirby Church Committee: The Executive Director advised the board that a Robbie Burns supper will be held January 24 at the Orono Town Hall to raise funds for the Kirby Church project. Tickets are $35.00 per person and are selling well. B. Colville reported that the fall bazaar did well and that the building is in good condition being inspected regularly. Discussion was held on raising money for the move of the Church which it is to be hoped will be in the near future while the Church is in such good condition for the move. 7.Executive Director’s Report: Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the Executive Director’s Report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8. New Business: a)The Executive Director informed the members that Mills Landscaping has completed mapping of the museum grounds and has presented a plan to rejuvenate the whole area. The plans were shown to the board members and include every tree, shrub, and plant on the grounds which are badly in need of professional care. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the Executive Director pursue the matter and obtain quotes for this plan. MOTION CARRIED The Executive Director stated that the museum would be making a presentation to Council on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. Any board members who can attend would be welcome. 9.Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives FEBRUARY 11, 2009 Board of Directors will be held on commencing at 7:00 p.m. 10.Adjournment: Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:15 p.m. January 14, 2009 Minutes for the meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on ____________________. __________________________ ______________________________ Chair, Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director, Clarington Museums and Archives