HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-10 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 10, 2009 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present K. Isnor, Chair B. Colville J. Rook P. Ford W. Tanner M. Carlton S. Laing Regrets: Mayor Abernethy J. Witheridge J. Murray Councillor G. Robinson Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:06 p.m. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2. Moved by: B. Colville Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the agenda be approved with the addition of item “c) reserve fund”. MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: W. Tanner Seconded by: J. Rook THAT the minutes of the April 8, 2009 board meeting be approved. MOTION CARRIED 4. BUSINESS ARISING (a) Total Hockey Exhibit The Executive Director explained to the board members that the museum has been considering developing a travelling exhibit for some time. The total hockey exhibit would be a relatively simple way of starting a travelling exhibit as a good portion of the display is already set up. Cost is a factor, and it would be beneficial if the municipality would agree to fund a portion of the expense. The amount needed to fund the exhibit is estimated at $99.00 per square foot. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the possibility of developing a travelling exhibit with total hockey. Moved by: B. Colville Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT Clarington Museums and Archives Board expresses an interest to act as an agent in the development and implementation of a travelling exhibit of hockey memorabilia from Total Hockey provided that a contract is in place that is satisfactory to Clarington Museums and Archives Board; AND THAT funding for the development and implementation of the exhibit is provided by the Museum Assistance Program of Heritage Canada and the Municipality of Clarington in its entirety. MOTION CARRIED (b) Grounds The Executive Director advised the board members that a building management plan is being developed including maintenance schedules and long term plans for the museum buildings and grounds. (c) Canada Day The Executive Director gave the board members a schedule of events for Canada Day at the museum. Volunteers will be needed from the board members for this event. B. Colville volunteered for the barbecue and John Witheridge was volunteered for the old time races. K. Isnor will be present for the ceremony on the verandah. . 5.CORRESPONDENCE Moved by: P. Ford Seconded by: W. Tanner THAT the correspondence be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS (a) Finance Committee Moved by: J. Rook Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the finance committee report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 7. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Moved By: J. Rook Seconded by: B.Colville THAT the Executive Director’s report be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 8. NEW BUSINESS (a)Metal detecting at the museum was discussed. The Executive Director provided samples of policies used by other museums. B. Tanner volunteered to create a draft policy for review at the next Board meeting. Moved by: W. Tanner Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the item on metal detecting at the Clarke Museum be tabled until the July meeting. MOTION CARRIED (b)The Executive Director presented plans for the 2010 travelling exhibit including the rental of a Vaudeville exhibit from the Peterborough Museum. Moved by J. Rook Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Executive Director proceed with the rental of the Vaudeville Exhibit from the Peterborough Museum. MOTION CARRIED (c) The Executive Director requested that $4,500.00 be taken from the reserve account to be used for purchase of the Heritage Sentinel and the conversion of data in our archive software system. In addition, plastic totes need to be purchased for storage of the doll collection. Some of the dolls will need to be repaired or destroyed due to improper storage in the past. Moved by: B.Colville Seconded by: S. Laing THAT $2,000 be used from the Sturch endowment fund for the purchase of plastic totes for the doll collection. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: J. Rook Seconded by: B. Colville THAT $4,500 be allocated from the Rinch Estate for the purchase of Past Perfect and the conversion of archival data. MOTION CARRIED 9. DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING: The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington JULY 8, 2009 Museums and Archives will be held on at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre beginning at 7:00 p.m. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Moved by: J. Rook THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:25 p.m.