HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-10-08 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 8, 2008 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: K. Isnor W. Tanner M. Carlton P. Ford Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor G. Robinson Regrets: S. Laing J. Rook B. Colville J. Murray Staff: M. Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director M. Horne, Recording Secretary 1.CALL TO ORDER In the absence of the Chair, the meeting was called to order by Finance Chair K. Isnor at 7:05 p.m. Vice Chair J. Witheridge entered the meeting at 7:10 p.m. 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by: M. Carlton Seconded by: Councillor Robinson THAT the agenda be approved with the additions of an update on the five year plan for the Clarington Museums and Archives and a Property Committee report. MOTION CARRIED 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by: P. Ford Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the minutes of the Board Meeting of September 10, 2008 be approved with a correction in spelling of the name of M. Carlton. MOTION CARRIED 4.BUSINESS ARISING a)The Executive Director expressed concern regarding the previous commitment of the provincial grant of $50,000 being unavailable from the province due to the present financial problems. This money is to be used for repairs to the balcony, verandah and eaves of the Bowmanville museum. Mayor Abernethy stated that he did not believe this would be a problem. Discussion was held regarding the repairs to the museum, J. Witheridge stated that the property inspections of the museum sites had been completed. 5.COMMITTEE REPORTS a)Finance Report: Discussion was held regarding the Finance Report. Board members indicated the new format was an improvement. Further discussion was held on various aspects of the accounts. The budget information was thoroughly discussed. Councillor Robinson asked the Finance Chair to walk the members through the various items. The Executive Director will provide the work sheets on the budget to the board members. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: P. Ford THAT the Finance Report be accepted with the exception of the Budget report. MOTION CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Robinson Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the Budget Report be referred back to the Finance Committee. MOTION CARRIED b)Collections & Events Planning: The Collections & Events Planning Chair related to the members the schedule of events planned for 2009. Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: Mayor Abernethy THAT the Collections & Event Planning report be approved. MOTION CARRIED The Executive Director was asked to investigate more information on a potential exhibit that she has recommended on the Rwanda genocide. c)Property Committee Report: The Property Chair gave a verbal report to the members. Discussion was held on various items of expense to the museum, one being snow removal on the museum grounds. It would be hoped that the municipality could take care of snow removal at the time of clearing the municipal office grounds. Moved by: Mayor Abernethy Seconded by: Councillor Robinson THAT the Executive Director obtain quotes on snow clearing. MOTION CARRIED 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Moved by: J. Witheridge Seconded by: Councillor Robinson THAT the Executive Director’s report be approved. MOTION CARRIED 7. NEW BUSINESS The Executive Director was asked to peruse the five year plan for presentation at the November meeting. 8.DATE AND PLACE OF NEXT BOARD MEETING The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums NOVEMBER 12, 2008 and Archives will be held at the Sarah Jane 7:00 p.m. Williams Heritage Centre, beginning at 9.ADJOURNMENT Moved by: J. Witheridge THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:50 p.m.