HomeMy WebLinkAbout1614_,: r BCREDULIK "A" a , LANW WITHIN TAB CORPORATION OF THS TOWN of BOwYAMLLS DRSIGN,ATBD AND STABLI SHED AS Alt' AREA OF SUBDIVISION COI MOL �.. Those parts of original Township Lot Number 9 in the..Broken Front Concession se shown on a registered plan of subdivision of the Smart 3state made by L. He Shortt, Provinical Surveyor, dated April 14th, 1858, and filed in the Registry Office for the County 1 of Durham on the lath day of Maiy, 18589 more particulerljr described a s fo llow•e . (a) Blovks lettered H, I', L, M and T according to said Plan, and -b , 22 t 5 � � 9 � 3r� 33 . s 3' 1 Lots numbered ' 1 to, 16 inclusive in Block B, Lots numbered l to 17 inclusive in ,Block C, Lots nunbered. 1 to 6 its elusive in 1 to 9 ilaolusive in Block Go hots nunbered 1 to 15 inclusive in Block R and Lots numbered 1 to 11 inclusive in Block S. 2 Those parts of original Township lot No le in the Broken Front concession more particularly described as follows : - �a� Lots nhmbered 21 and 22, Block No lots numberedr1. to 17 'inclusive. - in Block No lots 1 to 16 inclusive in Blook P lots numbered 1 to 13 ir3olusive in Block Q, Block 19 and lots numbered 1 to 16 inclusive in Block 29 all according to a -- { 1 registered plan of subdivision of the Dart Kstate made by L. ' 8. Shortt, Froviroial Surveyor, dated April 149 18589 and f11e4 - - - in the Registry Off ice ' for the County of Durham on the 14th day _ of Mayo 18 5E 4b), All that part of original Township Lot Number 10 in the Broken Front Concession that is not within a registered plan of subdivision, or, is within a registered plan and not ` designated by letter or number other than numbers which indicate the number of the Township Lot and Concession: 30 { Those parts of original Township Lot Nuimbern1l in the Broken Front Gonaession more partioularly desoribed ea follows: (a) Block 8 according to a plan of subdivision .dated the 12th day VOLVO 6 -2- K a f KS n 3. (b) All that part of said original Township Lot Number 11 that is not within a registered plan of subdivision, or is within a registered plan and not desir;natt�d by letter or number other then numbers which indicate the number of the Township lot and Concession: (c) Lots numbered 1 to 5 inclusive, 6 to 9 inclusive, 39 to 46 inclusive, ,lots numbered 52 to 73 inclusive, lots numbered ?9 to 92 inclusive, lots numbered 16 to 102 in.elusive tjnd lots .numbered 108 to 114 inclusive, lots numbered 126 to 131 inclusive, lots numbered 137 to 143 inclusive and lots numbered 151 to 160 i'riclusive &a shown on, a registered plan made by Thomas Wallis Herrick for Messrs. Wilson, Armour ac Yearns dated November 15th, 1856 and filed in the Registry Office for the Coutty of Durham, Whose parts of original Township Lot Dumber 8 ., in. 'the lst , Concession more particularly ddaeri bed as follOUS: (a) , Lots numbered 1 to 32 inclusive at the north end of said Township Lot as shown on a regi 8tered plan of the Town of, Bowmanville' Mde by Go G. Hamming I .L. so, and dated the 30th day of June, 1869: b All that part of said arigina1 'down�ei��.p `Lot Number 8 that i� not within a registered. plan -of subdivision, or,, is within' a • e lac d not desk. ;nested by - letter "or narber other -rag. „stet p f .. ...c:. r then numbers which indicate th,e rnu�mber of the T ownship Lot and .............. - u._ - - -- Concession: 5♦ . , Those parts of original Township Lot number-9 ln.'thello,GQ nass af on n o 're partioularly desoribed as follows: a Lots'numbered.150 160 and 20 asoording to a regi stered plan o! Subdivision of the smart Estate =ade by Le He 9hortt, Provfnoial ;y Surve or dated April 14th 18589 and Filed in the Registry offioe y -_ for the County of Durham on the 4th day of leas►, 1858: 1b) Lots numbered 1, 29 39 4, •5 and 6 at the south end of sai . Township lot and lots numbered 1 to 33 Inclusive in Bl.00k 3,, all ao oording to a registered plan of the Town of Howmanville made by T. 8. Reid, Ontario Land Surveyor and dated J une, 1893. o 'Lots numbered 10, 2., 6 and 8 as at:own on a registered plan at the Town of Bowmanvi lle made by 0 . d'. Hanning , P.L oS e and dated the 30th day of Junes 1869* d A11 tljat part or nied original. TovVehip • tfi6t No. 9 '01at L mot' : r4: tic .. mrFrbiu na 4k,xnAMp,,x,d /,1�YJM:, • YOLUMIL 6 5• (d) withip a registed plan of subdivision., or, is withing ia_ registered plan and not deli €,nated by letter or number other than numbers which indicate the number of the Township Lot and Conce:_ Sion: Lots numbered 1 to 50' iralusive as shown on a re •i gter3d plan of the property of St. J. Hutcheson raido by ThoM83 Wallis Herriok, Provir offal Lard Surveyor and , filed in the. Registry Office for the County' ,of Durham on the 3rd day of October, 1856. 6� Those, parts of original Township Lot Humber 10 in the 1st _Concession. more particularly described as follows:,, _ (a) The unsubdivi.ded portion of , blocks lettered ,V 0, 1 , Q- and R as shown on a registered plan of tha Town of Bowmanville,. made by Co 0. Hanning . l'.L. S. and, dated. the 30th day of ,. rr (b) Pl.ock -numbered 3 and Toots numbered 4v 5� 6,, 8, 10; 11, 12; 13 and 14 in Block 4 lying north of King Street as shown on a registered plan of the' Town of Bowmanville made by Co G. Henning, P.L.S. , and dated the 30th day of �'une , l� 69 (o), All that part of said ori,;f nal Township I,ai� loo. to that i a not within a registered plan of subdivision, or, is within ra registered' plan and dot designated by letter or number other than numbers which indicate the number of the Township , Lot and Concession .dots _:..nusabere+d 21 i ..and:: in:: Blo: -ak C ic�t, ,,..hu ►boars.$. �0.._.. i_..... _. :_, 3-i 53.E - 54 in Block G, lots - numbered 42, 43-, 4+ , ? 5 5,. 5� - -.and 57 in Block E. that part of queen Street (now olosed) lying between the east limit of St. George Street and the west limit of Simpson Avenue, all as shown on a registered plan of the Town ' of Aowmanvi lle mad s by C. G. Harming, P.L .3. , and dated the 30th day of June , 1869. 7o All those parts of original Township Lots numbered 119 129 13 and 14 in 'the let Conoession that are not .within a registered plan of sub- division, or, are within a registered plan and not designated by letter ` or number other than numbers which indioate the number of The TOWID8hip ?rot and Conosssiout Lem All that part of original Township Lot No. 8 in the 2nd Conoession that is not within a registered plan of subdivislor,, or, is within a registered plan and not designated by letter or number other then numbers a whiah indioated the number at the Township trot and Concessions >: �Na.R �MtNNW�^1 /tWIHYtfE`'d';�k ":�I�i A•. .. .. � ........ _ ..__ _ .,,,.. ti_ - S g Blo two numbered i,," o 22 Block �tC ", Lots numbered 91 to 9 acid c L ino lu eive i n Block '"S" and Lot marked "Lot Res erved"p all as , �l :n of subdivision made by T. Viio tierriok shown, on a r eg i st are d T. P.L.S. for kessrs. Porter and i3rdsh <<w filed in the -Registry Offioe on October the 10th, 185 ' ' (�b) All that art of said origii al Township Lot Ko. 9 1n. the 2nd ' . , -Con cession that is n6t within a regi :jtered plan of subdivision, estersd is within a r g i plan any►. not desiFr aced by letter or or which indieei number o the r than numbers te the number of the .d:i. e::L:rl .., -..., t..s }: !Y F..f, d IhW r✓ .i .,.: ,,. fioy, ,,....t ,ym.i,. dr g ,,, . w 8..,±_ t4.i.., f .., . , r1 , , ,,:,:y�xym �ii � r/i.l` ai W �/ �:'V � !►tl i,y 1. i.i i�► - Those Darts of - original Townap -Lot -i�o- -10 in the 2nd Concession 1� . F d a more P artioularly udesoribed he follolis (a) Lots, ,Sometimes :nes referred to as Blocks, numbered 19,2 v 3,, 5;, c ;ord in to a registered, plan of th© Town o2' 8 and 9 so K deb C4 C. HanYiin�, , P.L.S. and dated the Bowmanville me y 30th day of June, is 69 art ff' said on anal, Town sh11) Lot rTq. 10 in the... fib) All that p , o 2nd Concession thtit is not within a registered ,lan of a T o is within a 'registered 7pla.n and not deaipn�t'ed a Subdivision, r, letter or number - other than- numbers which b 1e �`� i, o a to e r d Concession: 4 nuiaba r of t 1A To h wns �. p Lot at i 2 d - � -u -the ==2nd �onae�s�.on• 11. Those parts of origin al Township Lot a., n more part ioularly described as follows: 1 1 15 16 17 18 and 20 ao0W' 'd,ing'Fto Lots numbered 129 3, 4. . • • a registered plan of the Town of Bowmanville ode by 1 and tinted the 30th day o f . June , 1869 t u C, G. Hannitl€', P.L.S. n that fib) All Qa rt of said original Township Lot Ko. 11 in the 2n d Conaetlaion that is not within a registered p lan of Subdivi s ion or Is within a registered plea and not designated by letter or number other than num bers which number of the Township Lot and Conoession: �. . indicate the , w 129 Those parts of original Township Lot ho. 12 in the 2nd Concession srao►re partioularly desoribed an follows: 4 raj Blocks 10 and 11 lots 29 39 4 and 5 and that part of Lot 1 oluded in registered plan Ho. 595 in Blook 8, Lots 7 and not in 8 in Block 7v and Late 4 and 5 in Hlook 9 a000rding VOLUM OUNN F 3 :.x .. 3. a5'.'= 4 „ r% 4 >, ?5: �- a � i, r: "v :.,.z ✓T«x �ti- ,«a >: �'� s.,�'r� s s a�'`�.'�Y....ti.i;3.r &��`A:i�� .A: _ • lt: (a) to a registered plan of the Town of Bowmanvill y �� 4iw Sc H.12 DU L141 p13 . RP�GIS'T ED PL 1S 4I, SUBDIVISION AND PART OF IFTFRED PLAI`TD OF SQBDIVI STON WITHIN THE CORP07,11,,TIOr, OF THE TOWN Or NOT TO BE R GI STY' D PT AITS OF SURDI VI: IoN. .1* That Part of the registered plan of subdivision of . the Sm &:rt Bat to being part of original Township Lot Yo. 9 ir_ the Broken Front Concession, made by L. H. Shortt, Provineiil Surveyor, dated April 1Lt h r 18589 and i filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham on t1he 4th day of May, 1878, more particularly descri.Led a-9 fol.lo- . s . t a) BLoak s lettered H. it L, V and T ac3 cord i nr to said Plan, and (b) Blocks number 4, r 5, 8, 99 199 110 129 13, 14, 17, 18 and 19: (a) Lots numbered i to 16 inclusive-in Block B, L ' t s numbered 1 to 17 inclusive in Block C, Lots dumber 1 to 6 inclusive in Block D, Lots numbered 1 to 9 inclusive in Block F. Lots nurloered L to , inclusive in _B1ork _ G. _mots. _- numbered 1- 1-- to -__1 -5 _ ncl-usive-- _i-n -- Block R _ and Lots numbered 1 to 11 inclusive in Block S. .Lots numbered 21 and 22, Block h. lots numbered 1 to 17, inclusfve in Block K lots numbered 1 to 16, inclus; ve in Block P. lots numbered 1, to 13 inclusive in Block 0,, Black 19 and lots numbered 1 to 1:6 1I1Clusive in Block 2 all aaeordinC to a registered plan of subdivision of the Smeurt . Estate made by L. H. Shortt, Provincial : Surveyor, dated April 14, 1858e. and filed in the Regiatrl Office for the County of Durham on the 14th , ,. -r . day of , May , 18580 Block according -- ._.. - - -_ 3 to a plon ag subdivision of prr:t of oriit]. . _..:. TTownship Lot o. 11., in the ,Broken 'Font Cnn� dssic�n dated-, - the _12th, -. 1924 and registered in the Registry Office for the Reelstry Divialon of-the West, 101 Riding - of the, County. of Durham on the 8th day of Auguat 0 19240 r as No. 1980 • _. _ a Lots numbered 1 to 5 inolusive, 6 t 9, iricluaive, 39 to 46 inaLueive lots numbered 52 to ?3 inclusive, lots numbered 79 to 92 inclusive, lots. numbered 96 to •102 inclusive and lots numbered 108 to 114 inclusive , lots numbered 126 to 13.1 inclusive, lots numbered 137 to 143 ' inolusive and lots numbered 151 to 160 inclusive as shown on a registered plan mad' by Thomas 5 s o �ieesre. Wilson Armour '& Kearns dated November .15th, Wallis derrick for • 8 6 and filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham on the 28th 1 5 # day of lay Cig57. R Lot a numbered 1 to 32 inolusive at the north and of Township Lot Ho. 8 TPF is the let Conoession as shown on a registered plan of the Town cf, r all t S Bowme►nville made by C e Go Hannine, P.L.S., and dated the 30th day of June 1069 d" -wit ;. VOL= 6 -"�•, r�rCF,,�s •?;: �.+ a,�r,,- .' :tt � ��. � .t ,,, =nom. .r tc` _,.a .r��+ + ..2 5 • Those parts of pltans in oririnul Township Lot Wo. 9 in the 1st Conoes-sion more particularly described as follows: (a)' Lots 15 , 16 and 20 a e cordin.- to a registered plan of subdivision, of the Smart . tate made by Le S. Shortt , Pro vine ia1 Survey or, dated April 14th; 1 5�', end filed.-in the RccL5tr�� Office for the County of Durham on the 4th day of May1, 18589 {bi Lots numbered 19 29 3'9 49 5, gird 6 at the south ei d, of said Township lot and lots nunbere d 1 to 33 i.nclusiv6 in Ploek ' 3, all ai, lii� ar i _3_ To, , The regi stered plan of sub wd1Vi810n of part of original. Townahip t e 2nd 'a'oneession made by T. if. Herrick, P.L.S., for Lot Woo 9 in h , ` show filed in the Registry Office on October Messrs. Porter arid Brad lv described Eli being Lots r,ur��bered 1 to 10th, 1856, more particular , 4 Y.. , B1ook "A "Lots -numbered 25 to 54 inc tiiv�. in Block ?4 inclusive in , to 60 inclusive in Block "DT', logy �bered • B , Lots numbered 55 Block "C" Lots r�ur�bered 91 to 9 find Bldoks, f ,61 to 90 inclusive in B1 , z. Block "h" aid Lot varkfA "Lot Fie >>erved ": numbered 1 to 22 inclusive in �. S. That per of a plan of or i inel Township Lot No. lU in the, 2nd Concession F s shown on a registered Ilan of the Town of anvi12e �f Tune 18699 C G. Henning, P.L.S. , and dated the 30th day L . ,. 'mad a by C. bein7 Lots, sometime s referred ed to as Blocks , numbered 19 2, 3 , �►, 5 � �! o r d n.gz a4o , , to suid plan. ......... __ __ . __ . 9 • Those parts of a plan of original Towrnship dot _ .• _-. oncession as shown on a , registered flan made by C. , ' June, 1869 beiIig conposed o� Lots numbered and dated the 30th day of J , s k 1 Jg and 20 according to said L_jlan. 13, 14 15. 169 7 , original Township Lot No.. 12 i, n the 2nd f 10. Those parts of plans in . ed e $ follows: Conte ess , ion more partioularly desorib a Blocks 10 and 11, Lots 2, 3. �+ and 5 and that part of Lot 1 1j 8 � Lots b not included in registered plan No. 595 in Block s and 5 in Block 9, according Lats and g in Block 7 and d n d , I are istered elan of the Town of Powinnvi le_ made by .... ,_. C t ' f 19 .. :.. z.y�. , ...:,. _...,.>•s,x . ,.. _.. ._ _ $red dated the 30 h e ay o U118 e T -0 0. Henning, P.L. .. b _ Ltit a numbered .1 to 16 inalusive ac(.-ordin- to red; stored 1 - b , y o property of ',�illi� Hembly dated February lgth plan of the Y .3' the Be ~iatry Office if or the Count of Durham , 1857, filed in €. on the 3 y of l.'iercYi, 1857 • rd day. ` v le Yls of the Town of Bow manv ilie made 11. Those parts of registered p �{ and dated the 3ot�h day of June , 18690 by "ET by C. G. Hatnnint+ P.L.S. , r and by John are nt j Reid Ontar io Land Surveyor, dated June 193, j • 7 • , y , A ril 20th. 18520 within orif-ina]. Township Lots p.L.B., registered on p numbered 10 and 11 in the lat Go end g, 9 , 10, 11 12, ill and 14 in the let and 2nd Cron cession , that are not by letter r numbers which I ndioate the numb of the Township or number other than r Lot and Ctomoesgion. 120 Lots numbered 78 to 84 i naLu give and 10t S 94 to 100 inc lueive to re i atexed Plan Number 820 according g k 1 r a ' VOLUMi� 6 d, Y: KA'