HomeMy WebLinkAbout1612BT-LAIN N o i. 10 THE CORPORAWON OF TONN OF POWIUANVI P LLa A - BY-LAW TO AU D THE ZMING BT-L&W KU ORR WHI PEAS By-LeLw Vo 1587 was passe,d on the 2nd day Of 'August, 1955 to regu.4,sit e' ani restrict the use and locati,on of buildings and prealses, the height and bulk of buildings &nl. the occupanoy of Lots within the Town of Bomanville and for the division of the said Town into Zones for such par po as a AND dEVUW it 'is desirable to wend the said By-Law; TH EFORE tke Corporation at the Town of Boyamnville pursuant to Seotion 390 of the Munialpal Aott RsBeCo 1950, Chapter 243,, 'as amended enaots as fol lows ;� Sectioul sub-secti ' an' (A) is' amended ' substituting- the. 'worit for the word humans" In the fourth ino'thereof so that th* - Said soot ion 1' ( A shall. now read as follows; kooessory building 'shall wean a sub6ndinate building or structure whether eep&rate or attaohe d located on the lans lot as the main building, the use of which In'clearly Inaidental to that, of'the main building and steal 1 not be used for human babitation, . and includes a private garage. section I sub-seotion (J) is struok out and the following substituted e building divided, Duplex" shal 1 mean a so, parat horizontally Into two dwelling units and - Two, Zemily Dwooll,ingll shall mean a,tuilding containing two dwelling units* Seotldn-1, sub-seotions, (k) (1) iml (a) (o) (p) ,(q) sad jr) are struok out amd the following substituted therefore; (k) Seni -detached shall mean a. separate buildbuilding, -divided vertically into two dwelling units. (1) Multiple fant.17 dwellings" and '0 Apartne n t Houses *heal mena a building oontaining threear more dwelling units* Lot in a residence, area, shall mean the land appropriated for the exclusive use of one dwelling and roe 1 of be p elsewhere It a, -land on whieh a''building or group . ......... ..... ... - .....Ot A)uildl ngs Ls erectedo Frost lot line" shall mean the line widah divides a., building lot from the street,, provided that in the ease of a corner _building 16t the shortw building lot - line that o b the front lines and etbuts a street shall be deemed t e .................. 7*4,­:- the longer that, so abuts shall be termed a. side lot line'*. (n) Ter d means an open, mucovered and unooeupied space appurtenant to a building. Front Yard means a yard ertending across the lull width of the buildinglot be Hereon the st"oet or front boundary of the lot, and the near4st wall of any building on the lot Rear Yard" means a yard extending across the lull width N, of the building lot between the rear boundary of the lot and the nearest wall of the main building Side Ward" means eyerd extending from the front yard to e building the rear yard and from the side boundary of this 10A to the nearest wall of the nain building. (o) Storey" shall mean the portion of the bu ilding other than the cellar whioh lies between the surfaos of the floor and the surface of the next floor above It, then the space between such floor and the oollIng of roof next above it, Half-storey shall mmu the portion of a building situated wholly or In part within the hoof and in which there is,, sufficient space to provide a height between finished floor and finished ceiling ,of at least 71,m 60 over a f loor area equal to at least 50 of the area of this -Ixfloor next below# tt ISO ,r ,. W tit rj she pu r Toros a �.r f • , . used for c Ate: C •,n *.ti�ct. Hc+ �� the �;; pn1.Yi r.g of r t e, rBdA c ;,fie � rave.l nor, is by tc. tl of 91Aepi� aocolsod•t1oi, cjt food and a qo by rie Turns 3hing f from c ar y oth"r �t less the11 all bedroc�a ; e9 drat irguished e r oee n_ or connected bus ldi age ubed �inl T for �' �aaoxil building b week or of � ©:�w19e , o o are of 3uFp1yin8 trod and lodging y ehi 1 +Ting quarters 1a:owt es boarding ]Ouse P Or or furni ng a aiming rocs or restaurynt, " for Tamil iss and d haTinB r t houses " or pr:Qat a hotels oo�a ©n iy lcn owzi a a apartment rtme whi. ch III not „ t Industr " shall neap n industry of the amount • Li gh yy. f e n si Te by rea a ou feneire or 1.� ice y to be off of not eo , emote, odour or vibration o � .shall mean seed rater to snob ctrl oar Inspeotoar of buildings tiou eu� may be designated a$ such " ee of the Corpera the or e�nploT the Counoll of the Corporation, end in resolution of atioa shall mean and rarer to the a soenoe of such design a to time eaployed by this : t'i. oar or' edployee from time -_- _ -� .... ,...... of of down �ssessor� .. oitT Corporation in the oapa P be added to paragraph 7 � t) a furt he r provision �naa�el Y There .... ....... . r lots in the rear pr . • t q � A single garage may erected on such Y bD of ten test dr m,�re f Tors � the rear wal 19 r thereo f at a di stance , o r at r..• 3e ba c 0 the average e a but i e i rear yard '(Ar garb' ° n `'heir Ld ezi e t i ng of two feet and providing all of 3�er mir.1mum side yard re adhered to ,u r,�gulat lons for a oar gar ag e r - s struck out and the tollovrl, ng l e. substitutes 5. section .9 �� 8,19 ; therefore `.. rrbera operated as +a busine,33 or with Cireenhoase s but n o t.is ide st ores a c " building" d b substit�utiug for tD� wcrQ 60 sect ion 9 (01 is amends �" drnl.li " so that the said gubaeation In Lines ths�sof the Hard 8� 1 nc m read., area of building c 1 1L i u imu�n �' dw�erl ling , a olio %t' orey bui 1 di ng For a s Ingle remilY ee of not i ass th n '750 IshI5 1 bare a &round f ioor ar at ore • bus icing I a -- square feet and for 1 Bnd S - - oc�r area of not lees then 600 syue�rs fee ground r� a �iwell.inR unit in a semi- detetched or duplex at not Er04 s star e t eet nr d a dare l 1. i ag unit in a _ - aX e fee ..1. .., tl�n t,. ,ass .. bt not less t'� 54.0 . �Qu , Multiple dwelling -. is ltut�'ing for the word room in ., ..I. Illr,r.� ,,.,,.,:..��v�,,�.�,�•,,, ��.I, � . ..., .�.I,�II�►�.�, .._ ,: , r .. ,. .. .,•.,f...l ,.�. �• 1. deal ,x . a � sly. ..QOw eub rac t ot� Ln� the r eo f the word per 9c a 90 t hnt read for b . - r n or roaming houses dontaining more than - r rer d i B Pe lnaludiag feuaily� . •80 F't froQteWe with a Idnimum area of 100000. - , area free of buildlings 66. % of total ;c area, - M i n im= r sun plus sc 0 sq.tt for each sddit one pe �; � �. • Sect iot�l 9 t g) is amended by adding thereto the fallowing eu►bseotion; oo�i house containing more than g (51 For a boarding or r , Soft frontZgs wit-h .a Idaimms 07ea persons, including f8ml 1Y.V of 7000 eq a ft. i ld i s 50 � of .total let area • � minimum area free of by � , plus 50 D sq ,, rt ,. rar snob addit.Ional person.: ; a �'• i nR immediate lY to l l oMd ng th a heads ng feat ion ] 0 (b) is amended b'3r owl Kin a sun Building-Lot Areas the f . l 1 ng 10 l b 1 and 10 (a) , if 1 i v l n qua2't er s are " In the section• alal building the roquiramonts as . o oub i ued with a n oenne r r �.al us" a teal 1 apply o to minimum .eize of lot for resident #; s bol • r; d 1p � o) are =ended by -striking out the ya► 10. gaation 10 (b) and ` N " therein w 1 - •9 a .h � I r y i I 1.. � I y , . /.:`.a'q i+ 4 . n14 fl . b ._� ,( sx' ` + _! I a4 . ..l •flt . ,4r ;';.r ..: ,. _.. r�, .r rt+•r',. ... ,.__ • -, 11 vn , , ,� %i' f��..i'�.��A " "���.I:. ,.:r�•>�r �';7F? .. �.rr 7Uf .fir... .... ..,. .h [l1'•.� • iT VOLUMl+: h . t x x r. RV d - by Ptriking out the 11s* throb 41hes tr aseirt Ins l n p;.sce th'jrecf t$h f o; yards Fr nt vard t tabli9`ie1 buy ldi g s f or the s. l m tn: ., . ti � a A n i 1nA but 1r, q,ny event not less than 6 It l!' iivlr ��:ertr�r� eir�+ oamboieA with e. c cam roiel bull ling, the r"q,�'i: Amyrt 9 a:� t a m! ni.aium size of lot for rdel3ttnt lal use shall, apple 1 1- 2 a 3ectlon 11 (c) is ennnded by adding thereto the t0110wiag; (fl For employees park ng and oonpnay loading faollities, :-';u lrrment s shall be as in Section 13 beloM. 13. motion 1" is amended b striking out the symbol and figures SO .CU and substituting therefore the symbel and f i guess so that x the saki section shall now reed de follows; o* a breach of the ro i si o :7 Any P arson oonTi oteci > �e shall e discretion s e ret on of the * oaf e � t and st th convioti ag magistrate a penalty not ezoeedi-ng the, sum or 300•00 fo r e aoh of fenoe arc tusive of a oats Sobeau: a of Lonen its amended by adding , under the heading Im 0 ehiP lct, i ; In Concession 1, iMMedletelyfollowing line 11 thereof' the u f o Sri ng; • t r. `R t ?^' ,rT, ',,, 'a,,li„1C'!� lie 5 T,.. ut 1 ,taw t, of .t n Block 3� situated at the uorthwP`�r,q corer o�' base irt�e ai. Liberty Street 9 i~ voce o edui a of :ones Is emended ender tbo beading " Zn Township Lot 10 1 i t *� t the figure 52 In the *ourto line 1n Concession L : by striking out � thereof and by s "st i tuting tbAretoro the t figure 78 y. AM by striking out the figure 78 Ln the 14th line thereof and by mubstitutiag therefore tho figure 52 " And by adding lmmediatelyafter the eaid line 14, the following; 4 " d eastern half of said lot in said Concession and lying In ea i Dort het' 1 of LOU* 3 and a zzending northerly to a Line drawn &arose 3:]£ said Lo uthern limit 'thereof and distant e o from said southern lialt 78 ' chains in Zone 1. The re f are In Township Lot 10 in 4 ono e s s ion 2 " shall read as follows; In Conoession 2;_ � r r in the western be] f thereof f3ma the southern lia�iti Of sal. d Lot in, said C Daces si on to a 11ne running ac�roee said Loot aa. _ distant lras said with southern limn thereof en southern limit 78 ohai ns , in Zane 1 In the eastac a halt of said Lot in said Conoessi on' troQe the t - southern limit of said Ut to a line running across said ou pastern half of said Lot and parallel to southern limit thereof M; distant frca said southern limit 29* ohai n s * in Loa• t. In said eastern half of said hot in said Concession and lyi ng northerly of the line last above mentioned and s =vending northerly to a line drawn across said Lot and aparallel with said southern IJAI.ti thereof and dz slcsat trQ` s Q ease Halt it 5 2 r oha i ns , In Lone 3 said In • eastern half of said lrot in said Cono ession and lying 1 northw ly of. Zane 3 and ezzending northerly to a line drawn .. Dross said Lot And parallel with said southern limit thereof a and distant from said southern licit 78 chains, in Lone 1 Concession in Lone 5 :g All ransiridez of said Lot in said , r Fa , r 51 r r r f r t +y r v , • Ir }}Irt - '1 r � _., ,. ; i.: yl nL'r,i,4 r• .t !I i, ,��^' +1ryh�T'S:');''1 �F�� j+�' ,,a'Ai� ?:. `±., .,''�'r , voLm 6 i x . „` 3 � zw � - e m , sua � ,�' . - a a - ' e � , tr �a?.ah -�` -.n r wa„� _ a� -�., ',.�....�..� •.°* ti Recd a f it it tine this 5th day of March, 1936 Raid a secoao►d time this 5th dW of No o'h, 19" b bL Flowp! ai ;vus °t y r , , •r- li rte'.` 1 • • • ,. ,, r. .. °, , ter , • If t f r Ry I , AML7i1•i "fi 1 t • i+ yy + i �•1 i'� 1 i��il ,� r 4 ,� ! /r f�•(1 t ': { i i ' r �1 1 ! 'f,.� � 4 � ,f �1 r ' • ^ CC irA� f rlr�ki;'1 ft1 ifrt k1x d} ..... n r �, A� tf •.* +�1i w , +b.ii1S1 {I fist' '. 11Y' it1� RRR r i 5, i' , v 8 « r mnv Lt IV I I I VOLUM