HomeMy WebLinkAbout1603.. u...,. .; *_rx sa z ,.. yn- .. _... •:ce ... !-.V ,� F4 . - BY-LAW No o3 A By -Law to provide for the qualification of Yaster Electricians and Journeymen Electricians engaged in Electrical Installation and Service Work in the Towr of Bownanvi 1 le. 19HMREAS the electrical contractors carrying on business in ,the Town of Bowmanville have petitioned the Council of the m Town of Bowmanville, to enact a By -Law licensing and regulating electrical contractors and electricians within the Town and it , is desirable and expedient to grant the prayer of the ' said petition. NOW THEREFORE . the Council of the Corporation of the 'Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows-- 10 ,In this By -Law, unle ss , c ontext otherwise requires;- Aa) The " Council shall mean the i•own Council of , the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, .(b) " blaster, Electrician" shall mean a person who is skilled in _ ww,w..,.,w. _:.__:..._._ _ • the planning, superintending, and installing of. wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other appliances for or using electrieit3 for light , heat or power purposes, who is familiar with the laws, rules and regulations governing the same , who has • a regular place of business in the municipality, and who,- himself, or by Journeymen electricians in his employ, performs electrical work. . " .. %I 9, , "k• ' 1"• } .. . `,, +}! �..._.... _ , ..__,_ . i✓ 1✓ Virg .i.1 V � iJ��iy .��. � V Vl.i A. il.i. �.ii �rli�+i.. i �J V'� � l iJ�I li �iv liRl . � �iiKii i e � _ Master Elecetr c- a------------ ho i -s b: has. _ been employed_ in electr cal installations or service work. (d) " Qualified" shall mean any person who has satisfactorily passed the qualifying examination of the association aid who is eligible to,- be bonded . j 2.' The provisions of the By -Law shall not apply to employers of , any Public Service Commission or the Corporation of the Town of Bowan nvi lle. 301. No person shall within the limits of the Town of Bowmanville carry on or engage in the trade, calling, business or occupation of Electrician, Master Electrician , or lourneyaan Electrician 'unti l he shall hake , been " Registered " and " Bonded" as provided under the By -Lays and constitution of the Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario, and every person so ",Registered'" shall be subject to this By -taw. 40 ( (a) No " Registered" Master Electrician, shall conduct a business within the _Town of Bowman 1La under this By -Law, unless he = has a regular place of business within the. Tawn of Bowmanville is. a • resident thereof , except as provided under Section 5, and i s of the full "'age .. of 21, years. ...... W W _ " n :�.b):. Tn :this section, a regular place of business shall mean P y an office• accessible to the public, which m�e, be entered from the street, having displayed out side 't hereo f a sign bearing the name or names of the person, in letters not less than 3 " high, clearly designating tlmt it is a Registered Master Electrician's shop, store or place of business. 5 •• No Non -resid m t " Registered " Master Electrician shall condpot business or carry out, a contract within the Town of wn vi le sri 'll t r s having paid the pre scribed fee of 3.00 which shall be in lieu of business tax that would hFav a been pai d b _ a resident . " Registered, " Master Electrician has tho work been done ; by him. 6. svery person to wham " Registration" Baas been granted, shall display in a prominent place in his'' place of business, the " Registered Master Electrician " certificate issued by the E.C.A. of Ontario, with a seal dated for the calendar year of Issue affixed thereto, to indicate that he is In good standing. 7 No " Regsstered" Master Electrician shall. employ ,a Journeyman Electrician who has not been qualified aiYd registered as . a " Regtatered Souurneyman Electrician. g. No Registered Master Electrician shall cause or permit an apprentice ID or helper, or other un- registered person to perform any electrical work, orinstal l any eleotrical material, or appliances, within the mewing of this By -Law except as an assistant to , and under the direot � ersonal supervision of a Registered Master 319otriaian or Registered ourneymen Eleatri oian . i f_, -.,�1 ., �p {�_..- !� " .i lry. i`t�i "e'�t1Pir'�RI?�it s•::A.ii��lr X111 "fi t t'MPM►M wir�rr voLuK 6 ' . ,. '.S" ,.._. .. : ,: -,r'' ' x ?,_.. •. ., .. ".' 't .::.> .. ""` Y3Y °L. 3vr:i ..L 3.a" .# C..x Y4;'¢ S. #. ...<r.. • ' ,. M ; :?it. . a 1: "., r. (!f7. "mss '. ^ <i �.ffi',. 4. `d• )`l+ x .4. 3 a, a 90 Alectriciar,ns eifiployed by visiting theatrical, or performin com ma work within the Town of­ Bowmanvil w o panie,s • Y le without registration, as assistants to and under the supervision of a Registered Master Electrician, 10, The Council may under certain conditions, issue a ' special permit to allow a qualified expert or specialist to install special wiring and �. connections for electrical experiments, research work or new inventions E , at a specified location such as Movie-Tone a P , apparatus in a theatre, or in respect to dt her special types of electrical work such as theatre work, provided that the of her provisions of t his By -Law are complied with, I 110 No person registered as Registered Journeyman Electrician under this By -law , s hall perform, any electrical work or • install 'any material or {5; appliances or engage in the electrical trade or occupation, except under the personal supervision and direction of a Registered Master . Electrician, in charge of and directly responsible for the superintendanc a of the electrical work performed. 12. Any change in the persons composing a firm, or person representing a __.,_.,.corporation, or in the location of -a business, shall be promptly reported to the E.C.A. of Ontario, and those persons •if not registered o a an, bonded, t the time aye of qty �hA �?► 4P�r �� ��,,� t bond a s re u.redby-Section T _ . q 3 of t his By -Law before carrying on or engaging in the business of such firm or corporation. ' 13. Every Registered Master Electrician shall comply with the rules and regulations of t be H.E.P.C. Inspection De ' rtmen't and -shall. only use • materials approved by the C.S.A and H.E.P C. 4D 11�. No Registered Master Electriian shall. allow his name to 'be used by any other person registered or not registered, for the purpose of or In connection wi obtaining a work permit ..from the H.E.P.0 Inspection Departnen t ,.. . , 15.0. The following s 11 be the duties of the Chief Constable;- (A) To ce�fse to be prosecuted any-person who violates any of the provisions of this By -Law, when such violation is reported to him and.. supported by evidence, by , any accredited officer Cr the association. performed o B Any act or duty to be r�ned by the Chief Constable under y. y per formed by shy Inspe this ,,.B Law mia be ctor; Sergeant, or: Constable authors zed to rf.omn such act or uty oR , d y provisions s of this 16, person convicted of a •breach of an of the r By -Law shall incur, for the first offence, a penally not exceeding exclusive of costs) the sum of $ 10.00 ; and for any subsequent._ offence shall ' incur a penalty of not less that 15.00 ( exclusive of ao --- _- --- - -- -= sus ) and not more that � 50.000 . This -Law shall repeal all existing - � p g By Laws respecting the examining licensing, and regulating electrical workers, but all licenses heretofore issued shall, during the period for which the sane have been issued , rem] n in Full :f' once and unaf footed by the repeal of the said By -Law. 1• This By —Ts+w �►,r ri.ven its first, second and third readings and finally passed `on the- (p -r day' of 1 . 955.. rr, . „ r, r r •ir , r t! r �`= r • „E Sqt. sn)ttas '.r; t, dr.:i c. ' ii ,'_,, ; rdJ'< fi"'' dni+ n- Ar, aVM�n• .- �raeavNdrttt4rlM� ,atRlSklr.>3arr r(,q?_•., VOLT c 6 k rz�