HomeMy WebLinkAbout1602.. ,_ ....... $.< 1, 5 .'f. ..'1 e - f- ?c .v.. ._ - •.. t "�ia.w. _ .., ..!_ : C : » #.. ..: .v _ -.�• . _. . Y .. .... Le s.rksi��>s.�n � M: i v, A Jr r, ' r / GURF OR.AT ION of THE 'T O' N Ur 1JU NMANVI LLE . BY LAW No.. A by -law to close part of Coleman Street, W HE ,'AS Mfrs. Evaline Hynds owns a house erected many -years `ago on the easterly part of Coleman Street ly Lng east of Chapel Street in the Town of 13owmanville, and ,has reauested a grant of part of Coleman Street lying ,east of Chapel. Street. _. " E man street . has not been ,extended AND 4tiKER�AS the • , e said Cole endue $ ; at., any time east :.of the easterly limit of Chapel Street and it , . . ,.. .. .. .:a..a . . CS . , o' ou. ah ear From the co it�ur and: hy sical. ch ar aste r st f -,t,. he .,t- ..... ..... _w area that. no good purpose will be attained by ever extending ;Coleman Street easterly from Chapel Street. ' AND WHEREAS 'Th e Bowmanv i 1 e P 1 ann i ng' hoard h as r e commend ed that ,Coleman Street be closed beyond the easterly limit of Chapel Street N94 THEREFOP3 the Municipal Council of the, CorporatiQn of the Town of Bowmianville pursuant to The Muni cipal ' Act,, Chapter a 2 a 4 Revised Statutes of Gntarlo 1 4 Secto b s s,e o ,. } '...a .._ h r+eb ena ct s a .. _.. — _.._._- -:. _...... __.. .. ....._ .. - . _. -.._ .. - _.- ......._.. ------ . , ]. ;-That a 11 of Coleman Street in the Town, of. Bowmanville lying easterly of the easterly ' limit of Chapel Street as shown on a plan inad•e by John Grant, P.L.S and registered on the 20th day of, April, 1852 , shall be and the ,same. is hereby closed and ' stopped up, ' 2. -A conveyance in fee simple of 'lands lands and #x Y p premises being part - 7 of the said Coleman Street closed as aforesaid and more artioulai*1 y. ,described as follows: » all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town' of Bowmanvi lle in the Count of Durham and being a f Y g part o - the unopened Coleman Street lying easterly from the easterly limit of Chapel. Street as shown on a plan made by John Grant, P.L.S. and registered on the 20th 'day of April, A . D * 18 2 , which plan to now in the Rego. $t M Tmt� b A .'