HomeMy WebLinkAbout1590 i!i 11 1 W mmw�MRWA�-lwlrr�AIIM MMUM �ZWW. l�ll,'MI'X-,X-Wi�,WAMp�,,,&,',,W�i',�&'F&,T&lm"'I ?c T *V * BY-�LAW,, NO A' BY-LAW TO FAVIDE FOR TMEE 1 EXPENDITURE ON ROADS OR STREETS TOWN COUNTY 114 THE OF VILLAGE DISI#MCT �ffil,;REAS under The Highway Improvenent Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval . town 11EFORE the counbil of the corporation of the said Vill J age enacts as f ollows : C, C ( 1) The , sum of C -0'0"is hereby Appropriated from monies. raised by levy , debenture3 ar,.� government sut�zidy f9r, total expenditure . a on construction and mainten'ance of the ro ds or , streets 'under its the - year 1��as f ollows jurisdiction durinz, ................. BRIDGES ROADS A&.0 V1 V,E�� 1�T8 C) ? CONSTRUCTION C �q t? (7 0 00� O 00 N CE ]&=Wrn.EN;i C7 $ LL20- 13' 670 T 0 T A L S C7 C7 00 (2 ) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in , accordanee with The Highway Improvement Act . of The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies this by-law to the district of fice of the Munieipa=Roads. Br' evie h Pepartment of Highways * this DAT � o AOD,el Passed f OVE�W K 3j J , MUNICIPAL E LOr =YOR off-am 0; Clerk of, the Corporation of , the Town of C&6�/ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Isy-lavi No . �Y�AC_ passed the Council of the said Corporation on the day . of tf 14 ,4 ... ..._. S.,,yr5 a..+{ r,...rr' s.an_. .. "'1.. r':..-Y x.n -_..eiti:-,.a, .. r. „,a`(.�_.f..._ ...� -£d.:.r•:,:n a.. r.:�. 4'S. _'k`k ,_., f 1 BY60TA,4 Ito T' • C 4"� `0 �� ';'IQ?� 0 T A Ili OF RO till Y�1 LL �r A By -Lair to provide, ., for the exer=ption from k'unioipal Taxation except fbr Local Improvements and Sc=hool purposes of the property of t h's Canadian Legion . The V.unioipal Cou'r:oil of the Corpca�etion of tdie, Torah of Bowuarville hereby eneots, pursuant to the Municipal Aot It eJo0 . 19501 Chapter 2439 r . i I Seotion 3669 ::pub-'Action 549 as f vlloas ; / 1 . That t )w pro rt% of t. be Bm#rcnv-111e Branch of ''the Canadian Legion� „ dituate on _Lueen A,%cat 9 be oxorpt from hunici pa 1 Vexation other _ _. than for Local lrprovemor t and ohool purposee or the year 19559 Mead a first and seobnd times this day of , ..vri r it v +,uruil. r ...,...,1. ,�,.r.•...:....._.,.i..r. ..r ....M.....i. ... ..r. .1 .,. I..M L :. r r • .r 1 •••1 .• ,.•9.'. 9•9....9• ....1..—r r- ...t, r .'.._1.r _...,...ILI' rk . - r i ..., ....!9•.: W•..L. k• y-.-, .r_1 1_o r tsnally p 9r 5.�...i t I t 1 1. 5 1 9.-_.5..,.dayof . .,5 a.. third. t i e, � th k. Mayor MA 2 �T, of MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS • M• •••• DIREO MUT" ORMN 1 ....,. ,. ._,:Aip�r+l-ilex'ti!e.7.A��le�RUri+{Vt'i�e�.1FPlA{� il/lrl�1VR��+9wlww�rl�1��1M1MM1>F'A-...•i �•. r4]1 C '� e ,1 R$ . t