HomeMy WebLinkAbout1567 t,',V;F,'M W C ORPORATI ON OF THE TOWN OF BONMANVILLE By-law No -A BywLaw to provide for the borrowing of ' the* mum of 150' 000 . 00 upon do'bentures to defray the 'cost of the b ilding and furnishing of a six room Public zsohool on . Church Street . WHEREAS the Public School Board of the Town of Bowmanville has made application to the Municipal Council of the said Town ,of Bov' ananvi'lle for, the sum of 1509000 .00 for the puLrpose of paying the oost' of the erection and equipment of a six room Public School on Church Street in the said Toip. AN D WHEREAS t be Council of the said Town has a proyed of the p 'said application,, �J AND WHEREAS for the purpose of constructing* and eqaiping, the said Public School it is neoe ssary to borrow the sum of 'One Hundred 'and Fifty Thousand Dollars on the. credit of the Corporation at large and to . issue . debentures therefor, bearing interest at th e. rate- intended-, to�--be ozeatod'- tIVI" ov"'a' ' th De e Ao',' by­--thi-s--­By ' IAw. ' AND NHEP.&Z , the amount of the whole rateable property of the. -Municipality, according to ,the , last revised assessment roll is $ � 690309936 *00 AN D WHEREAS the amount of the existing debemture debt of the Corporation as of October 318t , 1953 , is 7009601 * 89 amA no part of th principal and interest is in 'arrears , AND WHEREAS by order dated the 18th day 6fkarch , 1954 , The 'Ontario Municipal Board, has - approved the , puipose 'of the , said borrowing and the , passing of all requisite By-Laws. ' Ina luding debenture By-Iaws "IF NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Gounoil, of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows * � That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be ' borrowed on the credit of the' Corporation at large the mim of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars , and debentures shall be issued therefor in denominations of not leap then 100900 each,, . bearing.. intereotat_tho. reLteL of 4 ' * � per, " ,­­­ annum, payable annually and having coupons attached the ieto for the ent of the interest . 20 The debentures shall be dated the First day of J'Ume,1954 and shall, be payable In twenty annual instalments on the First day * of June , in each .V, of the years 1955 to 1974 inclusive , and the respective amoants , of priniotpal and interest payable in eaeh of suoh years Shall be as Set forth in Sohedule A hereto attached , 3 do The debentures as to both principal and Interest shall be. payable In lawful money of Canada at the prinoipal office of the Bank of Montreal inothe City of Toronto , at the branch of the k of Montreal in the Town of Bowimanvi,lle or a t t be Of fi a a of the Municipal Trea sarer in the Town' of Bowmanville at holder' s o ion, Pt 4e The debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and signed by the Mayor ,, or by Some other person authorized by By-Law to sign the same , and by the Treasurer , The said interest ooupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written , stamped , lithographed or engraved Gonmenoing in the year 1955 and thereafter in each -year in which an -debt and interest became due , th instalment of prin6kpa of the said Corporation shall levy and raise the speoific an shown for the - of the said $ohedule, *Such sum shall respeotive year , in the . 4th oollinn be levied and raised. by a speolfto rats sufficient therefor,, over and above all' other rates upon 611 the rateable property of Publio dohool supporters In the lolpalityo P A 7--i­­,,­�!,�,;- .:: e __. �e,.....`_ , _. ,r,.a.� ..n�x�?. .-._„T+ R -n..•. sx��x�s., .:. �."... -..., 3 e..:.. ,:-G �„'G '.". F"'.d . ..,.k Tt' rr.'�`' __ _ 2 � s fs. The Corporation shall have the right at its option to redeem the said debentures maturing . in the year 1974 on any date prior to maturity at the places where , and in the moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable , -upon payment of the principal r amount thereof , together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention .to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper • of , general provincial circulation , published in the City of Toronto , and one a in a local newspaper , such notice to be adverti si ed as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date set for such redemption , to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is s rl registered , at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book , 70, The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the = _ registration thereof , pursuant to section 335 of the Municipal Act g Pending the sale of the said debentures the head of the Council and ,the Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum . or sums , of money not exceeding in' all the sufn hereby authorized to be borrowed and - may, hypothecate such debentures for such loan,, I - 'f.':c_. ,.c..t,u.t,1..SVwbI.WA;LY1i18ksA,l3L'f WAt4Ka2'L'vuYevY;zartn,'r,c,[;m�:'tIG2.ci I.s;v.•-I::.n I.,:r.:.:.:Lail tJ..1..J:.. ., -a;r t,r8.r..rar„ ... __....__ ___..__�_ .S' _ . ....,sc,;:. .f r., ,...•IY.zdl+1+'v,.1'q-•. r .LaA J.Y;4 \•:./,1.VtR'.1 4 a..L.I:UtC./19TY,:vuy r_ _. _. .. ..__ ., ... .. .. .;.,,, r, r. 1 1 .r r... p ...I e 1 e,;r. r ,':,g i 1,. 1•re_`. r ., e 1¢n 3 +"rt aL1,I�vk�'",r{Iti t+'uv.;c,,: „ ,,":,,• ,:.. -r„11,x, I „r, _. r r t —j a; d Read a first and second time this 'Second day of November , 1953 • Ak , rk Mayo . m t Read third ime and ' finally .passed this Thirteenth day of I ' { Ap41 , 1954 va • , 1 ..,_,.. .R. .,...._.- ..x....wnx.•.nasmw.aMnm®mcst.oyyy!�vfy:,'.YC .v.w....r. ,1•- v .. ..... v ,f..:{ -... ,f�„ ,.a If`• .. ,r a. - .. t� __. ...-... ..�.. ..+......_......., u.•r..r.n rr ., .-tr •.n n'i•.�R^1'ifi'IflTZ4fS—T:—vn.-..'e`•��t:-'r',aRRiTnd'lIRi4`.errli*f44.ru1vvT♦ m• ,•u..r ,uLL•-u•wu ,urr•.lrrY •• •••••• .r ,r,.r.l. :. ................,.. .........�.- __ ....,. trr'. . 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