HomeMy WebLinkAbout1563 By-Law No CORPORATION , OF, THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE A By-Law to. license , regulate and govern electrical' .. contractors and electricians WHEREAS the electrical contractors carrying on business in the Town of Bowmanville have petitioned the Council of the Town of Bowmanville to enact a By-Law licensing an d regulating electrical contractors and electricians within the Town and it is desirable and expedient to grant the pray er of the said petition ; NOW THEREFORE 9 BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED. as a By-Law of The il Corporation of the Town of Bowmnville by the Counc 1 thereof as follows ; - n this By-Low ; (a ) Electrical contractor" means a person who engages in , performs or contracts to do - electrical work otherwise than as the employee of some other person . (b ) Electrical work" means ; jq ( 1 ), The placing , installing , maintaining replacing or. ins- _g ............. ny S. da ble­&j ot-uner W i07. r signed for the -p, pos, of ondui Lo 6 of - any" de8d' 1PTolph KV carrying or enclosing between any two conductors and the ground any electrical conductor for light , heat or power purposes upon which isimpressed any electromotive force aqua 1 to or higher than than the voltage prescribe d in the regulation respecting electrical Installations made by th Hydro, Electric lower Commission of Ontario regardless of the, characteristics of the current and intaining , repairing,, replacing ­(Jj) The placing ,, installing , ma or inspecting , in or on ' such structure of any " conductor- , ' switch , attacbment , fitting or any elemen t whatsoever of any pment ' designed for the putpos e of utilizing such f. elec tromotive forcelo c Electrician" means a person who engages in , performs or _ -- contracts tolVo electrical work and who holds an electricians license issued under the provisions of this by-Law. Sao no person shall'.__,��_ ,Zubject to the. provisions of action 109 engage , in , perform or contract to do electrical work ., in, - - - of Bowma nv 111 a of herwis a t ha n as the employee ' of some _w s r Pe, rson without-f irat, , obtaining, .an, eleotri.c.4 Pnt,r, ��qr licensee under the provisions of this By-Law 'Any person shall be ant itlei to, --obtain :_an .,el:ectri',CIXJ _:1 '.'.L�:.----..--,,-1.�"".-,��,.. . to 'Is license upon application therefor and upon contrae r payment of the prescribed fee if he has a fixed place of business within the Province of Ontario and either holds 'an electrician' s license under the pro visions of this By-Law or employs at least one person who holds such a license ,, The license of any electrical contractor who does not himself hold an electrician ' s license and who ceases to have In his employ any person who holds such a license shall automatically be suspended ipso to -and shall remain suspended and of,«,bo aeffect until he a sins employs a person holding an electrician ' s, license . (4 � The onus of proving that he employs a person holding an electrician ' s license shall be upon any electrical contractor who does not himself hold an electrician' s license and upon any applicant for an electrical contractor' s license who does not himself hold an electrician' s license * The fee to be paid for an electrical contractor' s license • and for each annual renewal thereof shall be Thirty dollars * K .0 '1CL%M 2 - _ 30 ( 1 ) Subject to the 3 provisions of section 9 and 14 , no person shall engage in , perform or contract to do electrical worX n the Town of Bowmanville as the employee of , some , other ' person -without first obtaining an electrician' s license under the provisions of this By-Law , ( 2 ) Sub Je ct to the provisions of section 8 and sub-section 6 of section 59 any person shall be entitled to obtain an electrician ' s license upon application therefor and upon payment of the prescribed, fee if he holds a certificate of qualification as an electrician issued . by the Board of Examiners constituted , by this By-Law . ( 3 ) The fee to be paid for ei , electrician ' s license and for each annual renewal t hereof' shall be Two dollars , 4.0 ( l') For the purpose of this By-Law, there shall be a Board of Examiners composed of three members, of whom the f first shall be the Area , Electrical Inspector of The Hydro- Electric lower Commission of Ontario for the Bn„.rmnnvllle Area , the second shall be an electrical contractor who holds . an electrician' s license and th.e third shall be a person , other t han a electrical contractor who holds an electric ian ' s li cense . ..:..;.. , i itkR #HHI U✓„dF.3itid.i�7uaitaFds5n;c�rczn.z,r ai t;. r s,s. ... ,c.. - ,.:,ar.-rr,r .�� ..,r.. ..... ..i .are,..; ft hi :cr.�:. ,Wrr' a: 1' /� ��1/!'L1(� /'� r��j,;,�y�,y ..tut,`��u yy t y� �;�� 7�, � ._._..._ - r'4�p. olf th a Boar, i�t�he-r. . ..3;+0.`^'”.���r R.f..�d�.� N ���yYV Vt. n�:`�.��.ar{�.,�!}t'�l. ����.�ri+E: �r �a;n . ... ...,, .. _ 1• �_ , J ; .t e 0, b t., h"..w .,.i i. . ., t�,. .._ f t h.e T �. , _P_ 7 � ? n.V. _:_shall hold office during the pleasure of the -Council . ( 3 ) Any two members of the Board shall constitute a quorum of the Board 4� Two members of the Board of Examiners to be chosen by the Board shall act as chairman and secretary respectively of the Board . ( 5 ) The Board of Examiners shall sit , for the purpose of conducting examinations under the provisions of this By-,haw at such place or r places within the Town of Bommanvi l.le as it shall select from time to time ( 6,) Each membe r of the Board of ,,Examiners shall be paid a fee �of S-i:x, dollars per diem for each day or part thereof during which a Board sits for the conduct of an examination and such fees shall be payable by the Treasurer of the Town of Bowmanvi lle upon, receipt # of'' the Board ' s report as he reinaf ter provided . F The Board of Examiners shall sit , preside at , and mark examinations . ._ ... .. ._..r ._ , . . ._ of candidates for certificates of qualification as . an ' electrician (2) " 'The, examinations set by th a Board shall be in re sped of the k candidate' s knbwled' of the regulations made by The Hydro-Electri c x lower Commission of Ontario respecting electrical installations , r�3 ' ( 3) Any candidate at any such examination shall obtain not less than Seventy (70 ) per centum of the marks obtainable on such - - - - examination in order to become entitled to a certificate of qualification as an electrician , .r ( �. ) Any candidate at any such examination who obtain s less than seventy (70 ) per centum of the masks obtainable 'on such examination shall be deemedto have failed but shall be entitled to be informed of the marks which he obtained and to see his examination paper after s --�� - it has been marked and shall also be entitled to be a candidate at the next following examination without the payment of further fee . ( 5 Forthwith upon the completion of any examination , the Board of fi Examiners shall report to the Treasurer in writing signed by the f Chairmen and Secretary of the Board , the date , place , and time of the examination , the names and addresses of all candidates writing the examination . the names of the , successful candidates and the name of , and marks obtained by the unsuccessful candidates and shall remit to the Treasurer the examination fees paid by all candidates . lgl ( 6 ) The Board of Examiners shad Issue to each andidate w obtains G ho seventy ( 70 ) per oentum or more of the marks obtainable on any examination a certificate of qualification as an electrician signed by all members of the Board but such certificate shall lapse and become void and of no effect unless the holder thereof obtains an electrician' s license under the provisions of this B -Law Y , tr within six months following the date of the cert if ioat e. VOLUM FAT • x; 1 my Y' 3, I Subject to' sub-section ( 3 ) of this section , the f ollowing and no -other person shall be eligible to be candidates . far examination for certificates of qualification as an electrician ; ( a ) A-ny person who has had practical experience for four ( 1+ ) years in electrical work . fib ) Any person who holds a certificate of completion of a course as an electrical apprentice issued by the Department of 7,abour of therot! ince of Ontario . ( 2) The onus of proving that he Is entitled ,to be a candidate for examination as aforesaid shall be upon any person who applies to be such a candidate and he shall f ile with the Board of Examiners such evidence-, as the Board may require to prove to 'its satisfaction that he is so entitled . An candidate who fails at any two succ e�ssive examinations or who ( 3 ) y � i A q n of a candidate, at the next - fails at any examynst ♦on and i following examination shall `not be entitled to apply for a further examination 'for a period of three ( 3 ) months from the l._. date of the last examination at which he was a candidate . ? • ( l ) Any eligible candidate for examination fora certificate of ------ --- -- qualification as an electrician shall file with the Secretary � : ng of the for such examinat.' can and: shall pay t o _t�the ,- See r e�t:�.�. t�:.c �` p ... ;fir: , .. �'e r L ►',R, by sub-section 2 of, this section * - 2 The fee to be paid by each candidate at each examination , except as provided by Sub-section 4 of section ' 5 ; shall be Ten Dollar s and there shall be no refund of any such fee t 3 ? Upon receipt by the Secretary of an application for an r examination , as aforesaid , the Board of Examiners shall se a date for- such examination , which date shall be in the discretion t of the Board but not later that the last day of the calendar month following the date of filing of the application and shall notify each candidate in writing of the date , hour', and place of 5. . examination . _ . All licenses issued under , the provisions of this By-Law shall expire on the 3lst day of December of the year for which they are issued but may be renewed In. the following year unless the Board _.__ of Examiners notifies the Clerk of the Town of Bowtnanville to - - tha c ont rare O Any electrician s license w ic is not "renewar� during the year . t ..:r.. . , . . _ _ renewed f�i l o�v �.�c- th a . ;dear . ,f'.or It any subsequent year and the certificate of qualification as an electrician held by the holder of such license shall lapse . _-_ and become void and of , no effect ( 3 ) Any license issued under the provisions of this By-Law shall be r' revocable , and whenever the Board of Examiners so recommends , shall be revoked by the Clerk * n tiffs' Whenever the Board of Examiners notifies the Clark, that a license should not be renewed or recommends that a license be revoked , it { _.---.-_ - shall give to the Clerki An writing its reasons for its { notification or reoommendation , as the case may be , and the r r holder of such license shall be entitled to appeal against such notification or recomunendation to the Council of the Town of Bowmanville which may sustain, vary , or set aside the notif icat ion or rec ommendat ion and give such direction respecting the license in question as it may deem just and proper. All licenses issued under the provisions of this By-Law shall be issued by the Clerk upon proof to his satisfaction that the applicant therefor is entitled thereto . . d r ' >`;: ... .. , r r:., „i , ,.r:,Ir t..,,ll.,.i3,11, rrf<• al,rlr r: 4„:, ..,. 1 rr' , 1 ::,.,. . .W,.r lli?d it S ..1':r'11!IIf .+ i!:rV'a6r 114!'rtr,aS 17 t.":l Tr! 1,..or,rgli,„r„il ..1 X11 fir„ ,. ,i , .` ' ... w ' : u , 1 , . ,r1 •. ^'P`t r 'tea #I�+ if W..,. 1/w1'Mnv/ A. i 1` � 4 '-w.x._ ..T iz.. ..,af f - 4 - 90 t1 ) The provisions of th is By-haw shall not be deemed t o •prevent the elnployment of any apprentice , helper , or other unlicensed person , by an electrical contractor ' or electrician but no such apprentice hel per or other unlicensed person shall engag e ' in , perform or contract to do anyelectri cal �, lrk except as an assistant to , and in the # presence and under the direct P personal supervision of an electrician continuously •employed on the same work . (2 ) No electrical contractor or electrician shall emply a greater number of apprentices, helpers and other unlicensed persons on any electrical work than the number of electricians employed on r the same work . 100 The provisions of this By -Law shall not apply to ; (a ) Any electrical work performed within power houses , sub-s' tio# s or other laces wherein electrical . p � power is generated or, distributed by . any corporation under the provisions of The Public Utilities Act if such electrical work is performed by an employee or employees of , such corporation , EXCEPTING HONEVER laces to which the P public has free access on busine ss . b ), kny electrical work performed on railway cars or locomotives ,.•. j,: r Y o 71 au, Y' 1 . iu'YJ� �-��' Ye:• lec'. ¢ •1 ,Y` l� s work is Pe rl 0 ■ I R M1! r+ e t - Qf, _,t.he N 4 ■}�� , ., n 1 n , , t}G.CfS^V7•,.i... 6^Ilu. _..,.,. ,.P. :�+.Y►'�. �dn.�.� or •,,o, . .. •rl",s:�e�t'�: � ut. �, r �.•�,.Y�+l� __...._..._ _.. : •�. :,,.. ..of;.. L., .,...._; .._ .. . a_.. ._ . cars.. o � 00,omot'i gyres. (c ) Any electrical work performed in any factory or plant having s . i"ts own electriczl maintenance staff if such electrical work is T performed by such staff., (d ) The insertion of lamps in sockets or receptacles , the replacement of such lamps , the - carboning * trimmin or , g operating of are lamps , the connecting of utilization equipment by, means . of attachment plugs ,, the use ,sand operation - of such equi pmet. t and the insertion or replacement of fuses controlling circuits or equipment e ) The erection , installation or maintenance' of works and -apparatus for I.t elephone purposes . ( f ) The electrical work allowed to be performed b holders of . certificates of first second and third class : - -- - - la _ issued under '­- the the provis ons of The . Op _ Gratin Engineers . Acto Any electrical work ':done by an y person on an � / occUPied ,b him as . dwe _ _ _ cause �- , house .. .,. _ a i.ng ., This By-Law except sections 2 . 3 and 8 thereof shall come into , i force on the date of its final passing . - . ( 2) • Sections 2 ;,3 and 8 of this By-Law shall come into ' force on the first day of January , 1954 This =Law was given its first second and t s, , � g , r hard reading and + , 1 finally passed on. the f day of 19530 rk • Mayor, x - 1, I :+• _' r ' -r: +l - ' _ • , ' I I III . ... 1 ° ' . ' I I •I _ ' • I, „ M • i r • „r 1 i , I• t '+n+l,att . •+nl xT}.ri e1 .",k4" i.i Fy ,rM.Mr!M'M'IiVYi+x. , ,. , `'ti` ,NU ,.' w ' `•IF;sI :n..rl =1k �I/ar.-,vS::BA.ik ell•; 1 #v a /VI v ss . . -, _ , Q i r - r. , + • r ,I- - - ' ' F , r r • , - , , ` _ l ' I� r I I . r - > ,Wli 1111 ' :__. -_ -_ 1.1 ", , _ , , a7f , . , - . , . > , , I I . I : . n , • r•, •• I WJ' _ ...>_ n w _. _ • .. , _ ' d ( , • k , ! 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