HomeMy WebLinkAbout1545A by-law to authorize the carrying on of a community programme of recreation within the meaning of the regulations under the Department of Education Act. ,..,- .. Page 2 , (b ) , The Council,:: in appointing • the members to select one Member as representing the following organi$atioAs: .v ( 1) The Public School Board 2 The Community Centre { 3 The Memorial Arena Board z (4) Parks 'in the municipality s a . cc ) The Council shall appoint three further mega ears ' two of tihom shall be members of Council. ` 4 It shall be the duty of the Department and the . Department shall have power to conduct in the municipality the ..o; ...., . a.. . .. ........... ... . ... ........„ ..w ,,. ... - .....,. .-. - pPw.a.nTN SSnhuvyuw,:axn9 'Fc!cssnprt' iD#M`F?fi*Y+S"�A.7z r 'bra z wo 'W .., " re reat,.i,o an .. ., riaho�ut. lamitl ca generality of the foregoing , the De'partaent, may: 4 : ( a) Elect officers from among its members.,: b) Guide and co-ordinate the activities at the C®unity Centre , The Memorial Arena, and the Parks ' and Playgrounds, in the municipality. r ( c ) Incur expenditures, to the extent provided in the o estimates approved by Council and to enter into , contracts In its t own name for the purpose of its business. p (d)- Promote, organise and operate recreational activities and __ E .. _prQ rammes with the exception of those activites which the Community Centre ,'. The Memorial . Arena or the various Park associations may wish to operate for the purpose of raising money for the maintenance of those facilities under the control of the above named organisatioms . (e ) Recommend to the Jb3ni.cipal Council the appointment and discharge of a director and to fix his or her powers , duties and responsibilities . The Director to be an employee of the municipality participating in the privileges as designated in the terms of S UP lo]uent . •, (f To appoint from time to time such other rreounel all it say dean necessary to conduct and carry out the coamanity programme of recreation and to fix and pay the salaries of said personnel. t (g ) Make rules and regulations for the conduct of the as uni P t yro ramme of recreation or as part thereof and to govern $ YPa the conduct of all persona who in any way participate in or be in attendance at any part of. the prograa . J , l 'ice r .. 4Sf4 n.s trS .fir . r All Page 3 - ( h) Prescribe fees for participating � in ©r admittance -to any part of the community programme of recreation. ( i ) Appoint as it deems necessary such committees to Act in an advisory capacity to the Department . ( ) . � Solicit or receive gifts or bequests of money or an y . donations to be applied in furtherance of 'the community progranmes of � recreati on hereby es- . blished. 5 . The Council shall establish add operate three bank lks accounts on behalf of the 'Department as follows . ( a ) Bank account No . 1 shall be known as "Recreation ,1 � y�t��`.yy� �i,�*�.,t.�^! r�^t yp ,�.�^�*�)t^^, r''.�'r"�.i+'°,,.'k^ rw- •t :.«+rr rrw . y.. .+r ,. (y.• e -Qavt ;�: n^i .. ,. VA •fiV i• ... ��..� ..�..v ,� .. � WA.ALA .ate yi - ••• � i VV ( b ) Bank account No . 2 shall be known as "Recreation Department ccount maintenance': ( c ) Bank account No ,, 3 shall be known as "Memorial Arena Account': (d) From Bank' accounts Nos . 1 and 2 .payments only shall ; E be made upon requisition of - the. Department and from Bank Ac count No. 3 payments only shall be made upon requisition of the Meoteri.al _ _Arena Board. Notwithatandi ' anything .. to. ..th�e -'contrary here ab+ef ore nt ine•d all by-laws , Ulee abd n®gulat ons of the . Departm emt v- shall be subject to the approval of Council. 7o The Commission shall before the day o in each year submit to the auditors of the Town ,of Bowmanvi 11e for audit a statement of its financial affairs for the preeedi.ng ar calendar year. � The Department shall on or about the l$t day of Feb 1uar in each year, submit a budget to the Council for its approval - and y y ze make a complete report of the programme conducted during the proceeding ear. The budget - shall p g y dget - shall contain separate estimates as - follows: T (,a) Recreation Department general programme (b) Parks and Playgrounds , ( c ) Menmorial ' Arena. 1 F ..,., yA 1 DIM SaAMMMMAY, e_ r', �k. • i ) ` - Page _ r ) In carrying out the provisions of this By-law, the Department shall at all times be ',the agent of the To of Bowmanvi lle , and while acting bona fide within the limits of the authority of this by-law, neither the Department nor any members thereof shall incur any liability -by reason of anything done or left undone by the Department , provided however , that nothing in this paragraph contained shall authorize or empower the Department to , incur any debt , liability ,or obligation IPor which the Town of Bowiaanville shall become liable without having .,previously obtained the consent of the Council . .........w v.TV.r...nrrwm4wwu„wwvwww..rwrw...rw»ww•wwr•w+ww«ywr.gyvw.vw .� .r.,w.u..>ww,r r' wv rvn•.rn .. .n. +.wwfwx mn. wnw+l rrr!wuu. wlwrww uw >«na „N . . wu`wwuww'wwww.eww'yt•rr dww+wWuµ ,rweNUmx�wwvawnrr�wrnunrRawnW+iLLrstwwwk±la=wlu_w.{w 1 n Mv., w,rv, rnvf r, ,r wvauwn,w rt,neurovnrxr VMnwr»a c. .. '.... I.. .. .,. .. ,.. T, I•.,r b r a , , ' Read a ,first and second time this JO dad* of ,. A. D . 1952 . ry r r yo r r. • r r C1 '1 Lot r I :,...... „•... ,._�.r '.YT.`^.: -.}. ..1. r ,...Ii:'.:•I , ,. ,I - ... .. ....r.rfr n r,l.+r r.•>dnrr n.trtlrn , r ' ;Read a, third ,.time and fi�a11 aced thi ��c�a �► _ . � �O A.D. 1 9 110 I r Mayor, _ r r . • . r r , I r , r a r r , d 1 , v 1 A r r r r. . , i , 1 r • , , r , f r ' a I • r � r '.. J• r ,, 1 • r r a � * r. n' �., r it .•« �,� /r 1 r, , . d r nn( s rl+ r{ i l I t: w.I. y t . . -- ,. , . . . . 1 : I5, .%�• - ' - il, <. r. ... fa , :' tt • , .. S' w ,. e. .. - _ - , _-. • .. • - 'r . P %. , :., i; .. - - . . -: - ,r .. . _ _ . ' r, z : " y ;' r r. v, I I . " _ " _%. • , - _. - -, .. ... _ - r ,. , .. .• r , a A., ,.. - - , , I (., ;.:,+ire.•- - t „ .r. r .. :�. _ _ ,, � � 0 • , I , ' ' _ ' • ' ; , it k , ®� • .1 1 r .• 1.I Y, , . 7 '* I I r. . I � I � I - . .1, I I I I . . I I .I I . . I � I . 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