HomeMy WebLinkAbout1541.�.� tj A" x. r BY -L07 NO oZ �dU�P1IC1. ?-%fjITY OF THE T00 OF RO,��SahTiTILLE 4, A By -law. to regulate the traffic of motor vehicles upon the public streets of the Town of Bowmanvi lle , (�) A].1 vehicles shall come to a full stop when travelling on any The Munic ipa 1 Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowe —_ nvi'lle hereby enacts pursuant to the 1':uni. c ipal Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, with El in 'St and before proceeding g .Section 388, Paragraph 107, as follows;- 10' The " Rules of t he 'Road as enacted in the provisions of the Highway Intersection,* Traffic Act shall apply mutati s mutandi s and become a part of this By -Law. 2,(s) . All vehicles shall come to a full stop when: travelling on any street of motor vehicles shall ,,be permitted inter sect ing with King Street, and before proceeding; across such caused intersection. (b) All vehicles shall come to a full step when travelling on any street intersecting, with Church Street and before proceeding across such inter sect ion except a t . the 'D4 vi sion 3t. and C hurch St intersection and the ea st side of Ontario St frm its Temperance St and Church St intersection and here they will come. to a with frill stop when t rarell ing on Church St and before proceeding atcros,s Queen St to its intersection with King such intersection. ,+ v� w _ 1,naa �.1 c0i?�_ , t. n .a full sto Wher t ra lung a��� et�ee On ... . _..�...: � -c eyed ��g�- sc��-o :�s . _.such -_ �- inter se -et -in with ..i ll in ton -:. St---- �an -€l.. bafor, g intersection intersection, except at the ' Division ,arid iffe111ngton Streets intersection and 41 emperence and Wellington Streets intersection and here they will St corns to a full stop when ravelling on Wellington Streets and before intersection. pr,oeeeding across such ( d All 'rehic les shall core to a full stop when travelling on any street !n Intersecting with Coneession Street excepting at the Elgin and Conces 'sion intersection streets intersection and' here they will cone to a full stop when travelling on Concession Street' and bef ore 'proceeding across . such at intersection. I e) b All vehicles shall 1 come to a full stop an any street intersecting with Liberty Street, excepting, at the Concession and Liberty Streets 'Intersection and here the will come to a full stop whe n, travell ing on Y � _ Liberty Street at its intersection with Concession - �Strset'- -and before. _ y . , proceeding across such intersection. °(f) All vehicles shall acme to a full stop on any street 'intersecting With,. queen Street - excepting excepting at the ©nterio and lusen Streets _ intersection- and at the Liberty and. ,queen _ Streets � nterso+ct on, and, here - - th ®y will c ., om.e to a full stop when travelling c.n -- �uee#'1 street. and before proceeding across such- intersection. - (g) All vehicles shall come to a full stop on any street intersecting with Ontario St excepting at the Liberty and .Ontario Streets , iriterseetion and here they will oome to a full stop when travelling on Ontario St at its intersection with Liberty St and before proceeding across. such Intersection. .(h) All vehicles shall corns to a full stop when travelling on any street intersecting with ftke St and before proceeding across such Intersection. ..i t) lling on Centre All vehicles shall eons to a full stop when trave ��t� et its intersection with - -.Lowe St and . before_ _ proceeding-, across intersrection . (�) A].1 vehicles shall come to a full stop when travelling on any street Intersecting in g with El in 'St and before proceeding g across such Intersection,* ,' �� 3 No stopping of motor vehicles shall ,,be permitted except where caused by traffic; On the ea st side of Ontario St frm its intersection with Queen St to its intersection with King St. On the west side of Silver St from its intersection with Ding St to its intersection with Church St. !n the ee►st eide of silver St from its intersection with Churoh at to its intereeoti.on with Wellington St. t." 2 • s r• r , On the west side of Division St from its intersection wit } Churoh St to itS inter sea o e ti n with wellington 3t. . And proper aigns to , bs erected accordingly. la• Parking of any vehicles within 20 feet of the intersection of one street with another is prohibited, 50 No motor vehiole shall lark, fox a period exceeding four hours on any street in the Town, 6. Parking of motor vehieles- is prohibited on the , east side of Division St from the Hotel driveway to its iaterseation with King St, ?. Than ,angle parking for a period not exceeding four ' consecutive hours be permitted on the west side of Temperance St from its intersection wit I4 King St to its intersection-with Queen St. 8. No parking of a -motor vehiole be permitted on Brim St within an area of 73 feet north of its intersection with King "St, A ta=i stand on any street shall not exceed a distance longer theme 30 41 feet and at one regular Locatiom designated by the owner of the taxi business. .. LI t p .,: lot e nj Ales s ndt o premises adjoining 'a street. 11. No-motor vehicle shall stop within 6 feet of- a hydrant. 2 . No motor vehicle a hicle hall be driven across or through any military, funeral , or other lawful procession. 13 . No motor vehicle shall be used from which any portion of the contents any leak, overflow, or babome im any way detached from the vehiole. 14* That the " No Parking" or " No Stopping" . be pes fitted where signs for temporary " No Parkin&" or " go Stopping" are ereoted for the purpose of rem oval od 'snow or ooastruation for the . purpose of emergency through roads. 1510 No U turns shall be allowed on Ximg St. Ua The applicable provisions of Section 26 of The Highway Traffic Act is hereby made a part of this Byq -Leer. L7 - Any person who violates any of the prIvi siohs . of t his By -Law shall be offence - - -and - ;shall be 3 ab3�e.- .:#'off' the . - first- ._'otfenoe- - _:other- n....,:. _ than speeding, to a fine of not Less than W6 Dollars, and for a subsequent offenoe to a fine of not less than Five Dollars and may be re c Overed under the provisions of the Shimmery Convictions Apt., 18. By -Law Number 1170 1,& hereby repealed, ftceed t hi a Da y of 1g B te.. �#s a ` r ' r +'•� + «..: ,.-. .,.r....�..a a.,, e• 4: r. U+ IA; 4AlIHl) � :1;IJ!llli.6la'fA- !A711AIij /:1l AIIIAI'l 17 Wp1: YJl V), i ':.'UlA's:.IlJns,.�:IILUIS.v).s 11lAllG'u sHl 4v.0 :�H +,,..w{i w. >u tirY 'r.N.,+ ,�,«.lor +J1 .-.s.x .r.a ,MA+.. .1..e r sw, r,,. • #F w+ .. .:+w ...,, . ♦ r:+. .+i J .., ..+ax. r , ,. +. -, ,.w+. ar4 .++IwtiN.. .. J+.� -•I'• F,.. »+%> . rY 411 i r r r , WI •, t. w, J ; J,, � � , 1 �.r �. ' .,, 1r (t r•;rr�iv+'••r>°•Y L�.L... 4'l in }Ii 1 , R r . . _ .... _ „- S;L; tl,Lh ai;�i7G�tii'(kr ll�iW'., Ar 1axAAMw�r .Nan,- ..,...�+wrMtro+1NM7 >{v�tl1�Ar +w.u•;i d � v ' � � ,� �. n.L � at � 5 ^,� Aq �}T aS � � ,. ef5 a � 5t � �� � � v'w'(>♦ ?x d _. I f °" i s� ll§� �� � vl 6 s � }, tA�i`� Av' +v.