HomeMy WebLinkAbout1696• t / / .. - BY*--IAW No THE CORPORATION OF THE T00 OF BOW"IM:LLS A BV -Law respecting lionnoes for Nursing Homes. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of omaville on&o is as follows;m is In this By -Lair; (a) Board" means the Local Board of Healt' h for the Clounties , of Northumberland and, Durham's (B) Nursing Home means any promises In which persons are oared' for or lodged for hire where, in addition to sleeping accomodation and meals, personal care, nursing services, medical care end treat- Monts areprovided or made available, "'Occupier means-the person who,operates a nur sing home under this By-law'p (d) personal care "'meanes personal services such .as the provision of aid to residents in walking or in climbing or de standing 'st' aria, in getting, in or, out of bed, in feeding dressing bathing or in other matters of personal hygiene, and nal' U des'the preparation of special diets the. provision of tray service for meals, the su or' vision of medication and other similar milar typ-Lees of personal assistance,, re'sidant means a person who is C"�&d for or lodged for hire in y. nur sing home, y. 20. No person shall, within the limits of the TO 47 of B0-Q%WV1LLE,,' operate a nursing home unless or Until he has obtained a licence' therefor from the Board. 3. 'A fee of"A 2 0 shall be',paid - by the occupier ,for the licence issued' to him,,' Zach licence shall be issued, in respect of g,specified location and the .occupier for a location other,, licenoe shal I not be used - by, the QAaa, the one speolfied therein, 5e Sach licence shall be issued in respect of 'a specified number of persons d the occupier'shall not permit a number of persons greater than t4at r specified in the licence to be eared, for or lodged for Jaire at the locatioin,in respect of which the -licence Is issued. 6. Zvery applicant for a lioence or renewal of a licende to operate as nursing home shall submit a written application in which he shall state*, • (a) . the name and address of the applicant; (b) location of the promises for which the licanoe.,, is sought; (o) the number of rooms used for 'sleeping a000mmodation by the residents and the number of beds in each• , (d ) the maximum number of residents which the applicant, proposes to accommodate at one time; (e) the number of bath tubs or showers, wash - basins and flash toilets available for used by the residents; VULUKK 6 (2) (f) such Other information as the Board may require, 7. Each application for a licence ,or renewal. of , a licence shall be ..accompanied by (a) a certificate of 'an officer authorized `,to insr.ect buildI.ngs under the Fir9 larshals het certifying that the premises hove been inspected by him within., 3 months of the date of al)llicat.ion and that they are reasonably safe from fire t:azard;., and (b) a . certif:icate of the T.edical Officer of Health aertifyin6 that the -premises hf ve' been inspected by hire or hi s re -nre: enta. t ive •,vitnin three month of the date of t ne aT1plicati on, and that, in his opinion, tney . are in reasonGble compliance with the requirements. of this by-law. .J The - occupier shall provi de, sleeping acconmodation for ,residents in rooms with a minimum of A (a) 4C0 cubic feet of `air snllce and fift:17 scuare feet of floor spb ce 'for each person under .sixteen .years > ,, of age specs 600 cubic -feet" of air/ and seventy -five square feet 1 i. of flog snace for each person sixteen 'years of ,age, . > and over, an:d. each -. -room✓ so_ gig rd sha.1.:.+c,c�nQta ire at i.est. one w.naow o?�eriing ..directly ' - .r .: _ -and t die sire =of the windflw. s ha l 1..: be , , -not 3: e s s .: ,t�Y am. _ o .__ t- � _ -: o�.t-_s. _ - d e w, 0 per cent of the floor area of the room and shall be capable of being opened or closed at all times 90* Sleeping accommodation shall not . be provided in any space in the premises 1 I , used as a lobby, hallway, clo set , ' bathroom, stairway or kitchen. 10. The occupier shall-provide toilet and bL think; facilities which are readily I accessible to all residents with a minimum of one wash -basin and one flush toilet for every eight residents and one bath -tub or shower for every twelve. residents I 11. The ocoupier shall not admit or retain as a resident any maternity case, or any person who requires treatment for alcoholism, drug, addiction, mental 001ness or disease, or any person who requires active medical or ,surgical care or treatment of a kind usually provided in a hospital. 12. The 000apier shall 7 r VIOLUB 6 1 (31 (a) provide for nursing services for resident's by . or under the supervision of a registered nurse, and (bj ensure that medical care . and attention are m8de available by a duly qualified medical pree'titioner to residents as required 130 The occupier shall employ such persons who are in'. the opinion of the Board or the Medical Officer of Health sufficient in number and qualified to provide the nursing services and per,somal care ' required by the residents. 14* The occupier shall provide (a) nourishing meals at regular intervalp and special 16. The occupier shall maintain the nursing home in a thoroughly clean, safe and sanitary condition, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, he shall _ (sl I eliminate fire hazards including the provision and maintenance of protection from radiators or, other heating equipment 'r R i' (1) I.M 6. t u» �. f Sgt, eS` A � 3• � ��- .� 2 1 .�„ i Y1 =f',T `� {Y ! k 0 (4) 16. 1a) (ii) water supplies adequate for all normal needs includin& those of f ire protection, and (iii) at least two separate means of ogress to the ' outside from floors with sleeping accommodation; (b) maintain a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Farenheit in the nursing home from the 1st of, October to the 31st of biay ,; (o) have the premises inspected at least once in every '- twelve months by an officer authorized to inspect buildings under The Fire Marshals Act; A (d) have the premises inspected 'at lea st once in ; every six months by the Medical officer of : Health or his representative; (e) keep all parts of , the building free from rubbish, garbage , ;,.ashes, flammable ma terisl s a nd other debr i s,; (f) beep the cellar of the nursing home well drained and ventilated; keep the nursing home weatherproof, , -free f rom r dampness, 'adequately heated, end all heating equipment in good repair; (h) maintain adequate kitchen equipment and f ac, LI ities to ensure the proper preparation aniil protection of .... —.. ._..... a. nlYf•SDt11Y.C- 1';if.Y:4•Y.S••'1 '.GAS:.FL9.. ».1. .. .. •.:. .: - _ ..f,00d._ i ) take all necessary s to r. s to keep the building free from vermin, insects and Dests. t 17 The Medical Officer of Health or his representative, an officer authorized to' inspect buildings under The Fire Marshals Act or, any employee of the Corporation required ' to administer or enforce the provisions of this by -law may enter a nursing home at any and all reasoneble times for the purpose of inspecting the premises and every part thereof to ascertain whether the provisions of this By-law are being or have been complied with and it shall be an offence for any person to prevent or obstruct any ,suoh official carrying out his duties under this By -law. 180 In every nursing home, the licence shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the lower hallway and a printed copy of this by -law shall be made available by the 000Upier for examination upon the request of any resident in the nur sine home. r 190 The Board may at any time revoke any licence issued under this By -law, and notice thereof shall be given by the Board by registered letter mailed to to the occupier at the address in respect of which the licence was issued. 20. Each licence shall be in force for one year from the 1st day of 4&-acember to the 30th day of November. 21. Any occupier or other person concerned in the management of a nursing: home who is guilty of an offence under this By -law shall on summary conviction be liable to a penalty of not more than 50.00 for each offence. } 22, This by -law shall take effect' on and from the 1st day , of 1111011 s 6. r • • r r r , 1 r • r r f r I . r r r 1 p. I t - ;fry: ;r .� '.. .r'. .. I. - � .. � r • srl:l � I vo r r r 1 A 1 r r I Y , . c \ , ,r r r r , .,'4:.i: '.. r r r ,l .. .� r:..Y • r .. � � { ,' ( :. •hrrl ilr..ro l 1 ; �. tY `f 1 I) i. r r 1 r r. 1 , r r '.f..` r. s. iK ..: i .r.v r N a 1 • r .: r . 1 rr. .i rrv. j , �, �.. +r.: ... y.-sh TWIT i 1 t _ - r 4 —tl .. n. - r - -. -: �. I a` ~r , , r r , I nt IT r Srs� pit • I �• 1. b'.tiWfiii ,az }`-1, 3'i 3J, .. t.'. . 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