HomeMy WebLinkAbout1659ff -LAW No /(0 CORPORATION of the TOWN OF BOWMANVILLB A By -Law to provide regulations for the parking of..all' .vehicles on the streets, highways, roads and bridges. _ it is deemed expedient to repeal o ertain pa rkin g By -Laws of the Town of Bowmanville and to enaott a new consolidated By-Law for the purpose of providing regulations for the parking of all vehicles on the stireets , highways, roads and bridges. NOW TRMEFORE pursuant to the ai ghway Taf f i c3 Act,, and Muni o i pal Aot the Council of the Corporation of the, Town of Bowmanville enacts, as follows;- PART 1 DEFINITION_ Yor the purpose of this By -Law; (a) Commercial Motor Vehicle means a motor vehicle having attached thereto a ruck or de=very body and includes an'ambulance, hearse,, casket wagon, fire apparatus, police patrol, motor bus and tractor used for hauling purposes on the highways. .(b) Corner ' means the point of intersection of curbs or edges of the portion of the highway used for vehicular, traffic. ( o) Crosswalk means that part, of the highway at an intersection which s nc sided within the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from curbs , or in the absence of curbs from the edges of the travelled portion of the higriway , or any portion of aroadway at an intersection or 'elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines . or ,other markings on . the surface* (a) Gross" Weight means the " combined weight of the vehicle and the 'load, (e) Highway see Street or Highway. ( f Intersection, means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb - lines or, if none, then the lateral k boundry lines of two or more roadways which join one _ another. 4. an-,.' angle , whether one crosses the other or not,. fine-Wa Street means astreet --upon _ which veh cu ar. t,raf 'i a... .e.._.. : :.._., ....w :..: -e to movement in one direction. (h) Park means the. standing of a vehicle, whether 000upied or not o erwise than temporarily ' for the purpose of , and while actually engaged in loading or unloading. (1) Pedestrian means a person afoot and invalids ' and children in wheeled, carriages, (j) Police Officer means a member of the Police Forc=e ore person auth- or ze by Chief Constable to regulate or direct traffic r, (k) (1) (a) (o) (P) Roadwagy means that portion of a street improved, designed or rrdinA Ily used for vehicular traffic* Safety Zone means the area or space set apart within a roadway for the exa us ve use of pedestrians which . is protested or is so marked, indicated by adquate signs as to be plainly vieible at all limes while set apart as a Safety Zone. Sidewalk means that portion of a street between the curb lines or e lateral lines of a roadway and the ad jaoent property lines Intended for use of pedestrians* r St nd means to remain stationary, except when in obedience to any P'b, . ce Officer, signal or sin and "standing" shall have thsoorests , � g g � , sponding meaning* Sto.�Z when required, means the complete oessation of movenente Sto or Stopping when prohibited, means any stopping of a vehiole ix- 00 W on necessary to avoid oonf liot with other traff io or in oom- pl anc�e with the direotion of a Polies Officer or traffic control ' sig- ma l o VOL= 6 t. S�5' ..2.. (qj Street or Highi High includes a common and public highway, street, , avenue, i7arkwayt driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle designed and ine nded for or used by the general public for the passage of vehicles* (r) ''Traffic includes pedestrians, ridden and herded animals, vehicles, and ot r conveyances either singly or together while using any street for the purpose of travels ( sY Traffic Control Device means any sign, or, roadway curb or side- wa mar ng; or o er device erected orplaced under the author ity of the k:unicipal Council for thepurpose of guiding or directing traffic. '(t) Traff is Signal means any device manually, electrically or mechanical - y opera ed For the regulation of traffic. (u) HU " turn means to turn a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed.. n e opposit a direction. (v) Vehicle means motor vehicle ; trailer, traction engine , farm_ tractor, road wilding machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or. driven by any kind of power including amts cular power but not i nc Judi ng the, oars of Ole otrtc Qr steam ra�.lvre�T run��.n� only Upon PART 11. OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC REGUL LT I ONS 10 Police to enf ore a BZ -Law The Police Department shall, enforce the , provisions of this Bye Law. 20 Obedience of Traffic Sign and Signal s Every person shall promptly obey all signals given either* by a Police Officer or by traffic control defice or traffic signal. PARS' 111 - PARKING - Method of Parking ( Double Parking ' prohi bit ed ) 3.. (1) Parallel No person shall park a vehicle on any street other than as one -way �r street unless on the ` right hand s1de of the rOBd , Or street, havilt regard for the direction in which the vehicle had ,been proceeding and unless the right front and rear wheels or runners of the vehicle rt - are parallel to and distant respectively not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway, provided that this provision shall not apply where parking on the left hand 'side of ' the street is specifically authorized by -law. 4 2) An le 'Where angle parking ' is pemitted, -no per son shall park a vehicle ea- dept at an angle of florty -five degrees with the edge of the roadway and so that the front end of the vehicle is nearest to the edge of the roadway. k (3I one -Way Streets where parking is permitted on a one -way street a person may park a vehicle facing only the direction in which it was proceeding and with F. the .left front 4nd left rear wheels parallel to and distant not more a than sic inches from the edge of the roadway. �w Y �x�' '. (1) In speoified, planes (conttd. ) On any street in such a manner as to ob struct ' traff io On any roadway for an unreasonable length of time hewing regard for traffic requirements of such roadway and in no case for a longer period of fourhours between 12 o'clock' midnight and 7 a.m. On any authorized taxi s ta.nd . In front of the entrance to a hospital: In front of the entrance to a theatre auditorium or other building, or for any reasonable time Immediately proceeding or following such assemblages. In front of a parking lot authorized as such. In such a po sit ion a s will prevent the convenient removal of any vehicle previously parked or standing. Within six feet of a fire hydrant. (2) In specified places where signs are di splare d When properly worded signs have been erected and are � on di splay no person shall park a vehicle in any of the following plaoes:- Within twenty feet of any intersection on any through highway. Within twentywfivd feet of the lot on which a Fire Hall -is lo- rr�ed ar within one, huridret`eet e' such .ot, ot� the opposit e side of the said street. r r 5e Parking restrictions on Spec if i ed Streets_ when properly worded signs bave been erected and are . on di splay no person shall park a vehicle on any of the, streets , or parts of the streets hereinafter set out in Column 1, on the • side. or sides of the streets set out in Column 2 during or in excess of the period set out in Column 3 COLVMMT- i COLVIVIv 2 cozv� Street From To Side Period Sing Sougog Ontario Both sides LIL excess of 1 hr. 9 ra.m. to, 6 p.me a r . King e rty North side At an y t i me King Ontario Liberty south _side.._ _ ...... In excess of -2 hrs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ontario Queen King Both sides At any time. Silver. King wellington West side At any time. Silver King Church .6ast side in excess of 2 hrs e 9 a.m. to. 6 p.m. S ougog King Odel west side At any time. r ; saugog King within.' 160 East side At any time, ft. of in- tersection f Division'. Church 'Wellington West side At any time. Division King Churoh Fast side At any time. Division King, Quo en Both sides In excess of 2 hrs. a 0m. to 6 p.m* George King Church .fast side At any time. Temperance King Post Offied -Bast side In excess of 2 brae �rirewa a.m to 6 pono Toppranoe Choroh Post Offios last Ado- In exoe es of 15 mine privetMay q a.m. to 6 p.me r r r , ra,r:,sr+ n, `." A''�},.° 6 h'E.'aT.•A b n OR .•hw4+dF „{ d S {•"., N ?3i w$ a 5 m Ml -WT COLUMN 1 C0LV -V'N 2 COL T'IT titre et From To Side Period Temperance King Wellington West side In exe,e ss of 2 : hr s. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Temperance Church '�lellin�,ton West side At any time. "Wellington Church ellington East side in excess ,of 2 hrs. 9. a .m. to 6 p.m. Church Temperance Division North side At any time Church Tpmpergzoe Post Office ' In excess of 15 mi'n. Driveway South Side 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Queen King Liberty North side* At any time. Queen Ontario, Liberty South side AU any time. Queen Queen's Ontal -io South side In excess of 3 hrs. ♦vex , ,:,m, t0 p,. � ue en' s Queen St* Rai ne s Ave. Both sides At any time a.m. to 6 p.m. Brown ring Church east side at any time. 3 Uarli ale Liberty Centre • North si dd At any time. Temperance King Queen Both sides. ' In excess of 2 hrs. 9 a.m.to 6 pm. Centre Concession Carlisle East ,side At any time, G 'Division Church Lowe West side At any tim ®. Devitt* Lane Queen ¢NR Yards Both sides At any time. p , , . PART Iv OPERATION o F w�HT L ES IJ t s _ { ! m5 ilk when properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall make a '"U" turn upon any, street or intersection and are prohibited from making "U" turns on an intersection on a "Through Highway" or '"Through y g u6 Street". ?. Obstructing Traffic • 1 No person shall drive,any vehicle upon or 6/1-0*ng any highway so as to obstruct traffic unreasonably or when the vehicle is so overloaded that the horse power or motor power is un- able to move such vehicle,,,.*at a reasonable rate of speed. 2 A person operating a slow moving vehicle. shall operate it it .ht as near to the right x g edge of the roadway as o iraumatanoee and weather permit*. _ 3) No person shall drive any vehicle fr6z whioh any portion � � of the contents may leak, overflow. or become in any de- taohed from the Vehicle . Uteri i g The drive of a vehicle enorgleg From a driveway, lane, lot or building shall stop the vehicle immediately prior to driving onto the sidewalk and shall not enter the roadway until he can do so in safety. �. Vner9l and Other Processions 'I (1) No per son shall 'imersoot a funeral or other properly authorized parooession while it Is in motion ezoeptl under the direftion of a n 1NN y yyyyyyyyyy�y,� r; f1i/! IJ. {'if f.trvl1r{A,,1f , t1.1 0•�I'I1Flla,Rti)�++Y la,..rn,: .. 2G s .*' 6 i a, t; •:% :tea.. ,t =v :y ' 5^i 5_ 9. (contl d) (1) Police Officer. rs (2) The driver of a vehicle 'in a funeral or other procession shall drive as near to the right hand , edge of the roadway as prae ticable and follow the vehicle ahead as close as is practicable and safe. < a 109 Boller Skates, Etc No person upon roller skates or riding in' or by, means of a coster' toy. v vehicle or similar device, shall go upon the roadway except While crossing a street on a crosswalk. PART y - PMTALTIES f ; lie- Any person violating any of, the provisions of this By -Law' shall be subject to a penalty of not, more. than Ten Dollars for the first of fence and not more than riVenty -Five Dollars for every subsequent offence' exclusive of costs, all such pe nalti es shall be recovered under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. _. , : _ .. _ _ , . _ .a�AR'�i �..1 �, tai ���i `ark �t3�` �1�"►'1 _ . 12. Ontario HighwM Traff is Act to Gov ern, The provisions of this By -Law shall be subject to the provisions of the ' Highway Traffic Act and amendme nits thereto. 13. Bar -Laws Repealed. By-Laws. Nom. 1170,1377 ,1517,1578 of the Municipality of the TcNr n of Bowmanvi ll a are hereby, repealed f 14. This 13Y-Law Effective }T:r 'This By -Law shall not become effective until approved by., the Department } of Highways and until signs referred •he rein have been erected and ar a on display, r e d fir t __aad_ second -t ime da -. - , .,...t...:.::., LZTU A:?% �:. Z.). r::. f... C.. i.:.._:. L.,,. i.. i, s.... a... wvr.:..... ..,........ T........ W.._ .,_:.�._._..Lw.._:.::t+ar., «;. .il .._,.. .. ..,. .. .. .. -a .. .. ....,. ....,. .. .. ... _. . eoeor& C ler Mayor Read a third time and finally passed this day o 19 57 . r er mayors i !t ;1 r' r , ' tv ! it x VMW b i� iU47 5