HomeMy WebLinkAbout1807A by-law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute and affix the Corporate Seal to a certain agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville and the Bowmanville Police Association. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN of BOLAIAITVILLE , hereinafter called the 11CORPOHATION " , AND w.� . The members of the BOWMANVI L E POLICE DEPARTMENT , excepting the CHIEF CONSTABLE and the DEPUTY CHIEF CONSTABLE , hereinafter called "CONSTABLE311 -- ARTICLE 1 - FURFCSE ( a ) The purpose of this agreement is to establish the salaries , hours of wcrks overtime ,,, statutory holidays , annual leave , sick leave , service recognition , insurance , Hospital insurance , Physician ' s services insurance and Pension . (b ) This agreement shall cover and shall mean and include the present ; members of the Bowmanville Police Department and any person sub- sequently hired as a qualified probationary constable as def ned by the Police Act o ntario , It shall not mean ai-nclude By- Law Enforcement Cf fic' ers , Special Constables or Civilian employees . ( c ) In event that any of the provisions of this Coll e ` tive Agreement are found to be in conflict with any valid or applicable federal or provincial law now existing or hereinafter enacted , such law shall supersede \the conflicting provisions without in any way affecting the remainder" of this Collective Agreement . r - - --- - ------ - --_- - --- A LE 2 -KGH _ OF D_ QRATION . - (a ) = The CONSTABLES ack owledge hat , subject to the statutory auth- ority tested in the R and/or YMISTRATE , it is the exclusive fun eon of the CORPORATION , through its Police Committee , to mainta ` n order , discipline and efficiency , and ( b ) To hire , ischarge , promote , _ demote or discipline Constables of its Police Department in accordance with the provisions of the Police Act of Ontario , and the Corporation agrees that its exclus- ive functions shall be exercised in a manner consistent iiith all provisions of this agreement . ( c ) The Constables acknowledge that the code of offences that ford part of the Regulations of he Police Act of Ontario #all be the code of discipline for this agreement . f A:Z - YOLUM 7 C Z 1 R F 2 r 1 ARTICLE BARGAINING CO MITTEE . } The CORPORATION acknowledges the right of the Constables to appoint or otherwise select # the negotiating comraittee of not more than THREE CONST L.LS and the members of ,he Negotiating Committee will not include PROBATIONARY CON- Th' BL Y The Corporation will recognize and deal with the said Committee with respect to any matter which properly arises from time to time daring the tern of this agreement . It is understood that the Bargaining Committee will deal only with such. matters as are properly the sub- ject of ne ctiations , such as proposals for the renewal or modification of this agreement at the proper time . A member of the Pol. Association of Ontario may attend ne ct ,iaticns in a dvisory capacity only , if requested k to do so by either the Corporation or the Constables . ARTICLE - _QUALIFICATIONS ,'UU FROMOTION S ( a ) Each new Constable shall serve a period of -probation or rob � �, � one year from the date of has appointment as it appears on the rclltinP Police Orders for the Department as signed by the Chief Constable . After this elapsed period of one earr y � provided his service in Performance and eff . icienc-y has proven satisfactory to the Chief Constable and only on - - the recommendation of the Chief Constable he m ay be pra ted to the rare of THIRD CLASS CONS ABLE After sc v ' � r ice of THIILD,_� CO TA-; LL for the period of one ear , -he - - Y # dmay be promoted to the rank of SECO14D CLASS CONSTABLE prov1din& his performance and effi ■ ■ . . ( b ) Promotion beyond the rank of First Class Constable shall be at discretion of the Chief Constable and the Corporation . � C ) If , in the opinion of the Chief Constable , A Constable which by definition may mean also a sergeant or corporal , has shown i exceptional performance or efficiency , he may recommend at his discretion that Constable for promotion before he has served his required term for promotion . ( d ) For the purpose of this agreement , the Constables qualified for rank shall be as follows : - Corporal K . Freethy . First Class Constable - D . Anderson - Effective April 1/61 . First Class Constable J . Bird - Effective April 4/61 . First Class Constable - R . P=arker Effective Mla 22/61 . Fir v-1 Class Con to L . Ricard - Effective Auguste. x./61 , Second Gass Constable - L. Fhillip .Ef'f'ective January 1/611 Second Class Constable T . Davis -- Effective ive June 1/61 . F,ature promotions will be in accordance with the schedule as set out in Article 4 ( a ) of this agreement . �5 ( e ) Salaries shall be as follows : Sergeant i / i t • i 4 r • i • i • # t • • / • r # • F t r # r • i $4800 . 00 p r n n l• • ` ---- - l • • • ; r • • fo 0 i i s f i * VV * t t # # # # # 4- `.'__• X per ann4m / 1st . Class P . C . . . t , r • . . . • • a • . , t , • • 4300 - CO per anmm . . 2nd . Class F . C . . . . . , , . . . • • . . . . . tr # . . . 44000 # 00 per annum -6 3rd . Class P . C . , . trrt • . tF . # rrrr . . . $3700 . 00 per annum . Frob . Constable . , # . • t . • . t # . . . . . . . . * . . 43300 . 00 per annum . ARTICLE 5 rt HOURS OF WORK . ( a ) The Constables acknowledge that a Foli ce Constable is appointed for 24 hours of the day , and that at times and for certain occasions it may be necessary to work more than the normal shift of 8 hours . The normal work week shall consist of 40 hours . where overtime is worked time off in lieu of payment will be the first conside-r tion , s v"--�.�-s'�---r:-..a_i•-_.�,.:_ ., .—..-....`e.:it.:-.mss■' w.i.W'.�.,Y R�=��v. -+F.i.��f.�.•a..y -.i TM 7 r y . 4 . i ARTICLE 5A - TIME TO ATTEND P . A . C . XEETING e ( a ) Time off with pay , ( not to exceed. 5 days per annum ) shall be granted for a delegate of the Local l olive Association to attend the annual meetings of the l olive Associaticn of Ontario . ARTIOLE 6 - OVERTIME & ( a ) Overtime shall mean the time worker in excess of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week . Each constable will be expected to attend without overtire payment local lectures given or { arranged by the 8hief of 1-,olive of the Town of Boam nville to a total of not more than 18 hours per year . Overtime shall be paid by either equivalent brae off or at the rate of $2 . 00 per hours ichever is practicable . Overtime shall be computed and pal monthly . formally court attendance will be limited to Constables on the creek of their Day Shift , however when circumstances beyond the control of Constable require his attenda ' on other than the Day Shift , overtime will be paid at . OD per hour ) with a minimum of two hours , � ARTl= _7 ANNUAL LEA E . } ( a ) After one year ' s service , each Constable will be entitled r to Two ( 2 ) weeks ' leave wi t1 pay , and THREE ( 3 ) weeks ' leave with pay after ten years ' service . ARTICLE STATUTORY HOLIDAYS . Statutory Holidays shall mean and include , New Year ' , Day , Good Friday , Victoria Day , Dominion Day , Civic Holiday , Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Armistice Day and Chris as r' Day , Time off in lieu of holidays worked shall be granted at such times as it may be scheduled conveniently by the Chief Constable : ULM i # i 4 The salaries of onstables shall be paid every icon -L 4 ' eF and a dedact-- on slip showing the salary anCl tlhe ded .- ctions shall be incl�jded with eaC � Tay , } The Treas'Ar r of the " ar oral[ ion Jel'un the i olic �_j .-association of O.7+- uric {saes fron, sal cries of Constable - like sign a �� :Aes d� Auc Lion i rte , i :� � anr:er s a # lined in above I'1 d r ..C'.1 t t �. tz- to �. . t. � �:1..�T' �. T' C� � t r i iC" ca1 1 cllce tissoci t ion . RTI ALE 10 -- SE-)R1 ICS RE Cj0 IN 1 l I 0 N . ( a b n . Sv l r Cr: t ,' e worn on the S ' s. all be ranteA' to ::iCf G .7 O the 1 Olive Je7- r t .ent 3 t s s for each, aCrio J c rears of continuous Tose of this Cadge is to ' ,note sat ' : factory conauc f x' that pericd of tiro 0 b a Servi c pay a.mou.nti n� to 12¢ per d -y all employees of The owr anviIle Iolice Department T . o h ve been in its t'mploy s for a period of more Uhan yeal s less than 10 y� a<r S ■ c } 3ervi le pay arioun-11 to 200 per dayto n11 e.m� loyt,- es of - tra,a n� who h been- i its em ploy -or a perio '�J of micro: than 10 years and less fi.IlLan 15 Years. { d Servi ARTICLE 12 CLOTHING . {? All members of the Jepartm ;nt shall b entitled to Mee clothing , boots and gloves , oupplied in accordance �•rith � D � l � � himho 1 'clice Act of Ont -?= ln ;�; be., and rt.,1i :,.in the property of the Ccrporatlo ± and tc be r t}urnecl to the orpor tion at the requost of the kCaraie -f le fir any .a reason , R�ZCLE 11C LwIE . f r✓ ��nr —r r r r—.rrr } Sick leave stall be grantee to thw Const 'itlues whio are pre- vented from reporting for ut y t e c =,ease of i l�i:�e ss . gull salary is to be paid to any r CCmber of the i olive �s � ccyation durin illness for any reasonable 1 r,7,t_ o f tlT'1V , - ni if the illness is serf s , lengthy or susta . n "Cl � -to be reviewed by t e Chief ct 1 al ice who aill un�:n make his reCo r=un. t , ns the 1 oli e Committee . AIRTICLE 1 ( a ) In accordance with thu pl -an now in effect for Town eimplayee each Constable shall be entitled to ,1000 . 00 of Life insur- ance for every z'PlC FO . CO Salary . The Corpo ?r Lion shall --- a !=. -- the co t . Each Constable Shall, be as he qualyfi =- , according to the plan . ( b ) The Corporation shall bear 50,'0 of the cost , and the Con- ' stables shall bear 50; of the cost of thy. Ontario 11-'an for Hospital Services , M ( c ) The Corporation shall bear % of the cost and the Con- stAbl.es shall bear 50% of -the cost of 3 hysician ' s -' rvices lncorporat �d . ARTICLE l - rENSIONO ( a ) All Constables shall be eligible for the i erasion 1 lan of the Town cf Bowmanville in accordance 'With the By- Law dealing with pensions for Town employees . VOLU i ss Y d 1 ti r • 7 . f E . ARTI-CLE 16 EFFECTIVL DtiT'�'h � ire ment w� 11 be e,f f- e, ctly- From J', nun ry lsr, ) until Dt eL:b r 31st , 1961 , -i-nd s X11 run r i h v' 2 force -and efl ,. Lt u• lvil 1 o, F'1 cod or amolidtru 1 a L}l.l C�`�1 vQ v year , i ravJS-- ions t or r �.��r� � ion or c a' . ct: � I -) tion shnI1 be in accordance with the 10 ice tict of Ontario , o f f t x0e a w • i i i . • . • r . r . ■ r r isIayor _ of the Town of SoG� 1 nvi -L-L . Clark o fl�o4V7� o4r; 1 {T7T1 . • • ■ • # ■ i i # ! • • . . ■ . t • • . . • . ■ r • ■ a . ■ a 1 r e 5 nt ) 1 O ioEl. s,s ociLation . ollce Association , 4 ti VOL= 7