HomeMy WebLinkAbout1805A By-law to provide for the total 1961 expenditure on roads in the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Northumberland and Durham. V PPLMTY Farm MR-25, ' 55-1389 BY-LAW NO. A BY-LAVA To PROVIDE FOR THE 19§1 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS ToVI1N COUNTY �H�B� 0 A1qD } IN THE �. � __IN THE jusoft-'s OF— DURHAM WHEREAS under The Highway improvement Act a by-law to provide for expendi. tures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the 1V hister, of Highways for opproval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of- the said Town enacts as # } 1 !lows: , i S The sun of 160000000 �- _ s hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the constructs I and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction • during the year 19— as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS . . . . . . $ 70000000 99000000 $ 16jjW0e00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS . . . . . ■ . . $ ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD . ■ ■ — _ _— - .- $ i e TOTALS . . . . . . . . . . . 760W000 0 4 r000 ��■ (2) The said monies shall be expended on work ant erformed in accordance e wi th The Highway Improvement M. r The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office = of the Municipal Roads BrawA, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st, of Me said year. ` (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board all be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will a f nan'ced by tine issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent gear, this day of D• 19—= 3, ( SEAL ) r Clerk Mayor JACK L* RIED If Clerk of the Corporation of the Town do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-low No.... passed b the Co Cv of the said Corporation an the day of JULT - r+ n dop000000r Cleric. r - y4` f 2LL 0- VOLUME 7 FORM MR-26 RE; BY LAW NO. TOWN OF _ROAD-ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 ITEM 2—CONSTRUCTION—BRIDGES AND CULVERTS \ ESTIMATED COST BRIDGES—STRUCTURES OF 10' OR OVER �• `� TOTAL CORPORATION'S SHARE STREET TYPE SPANt i T - - r CULVERTS—PIPES AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN ID' SPAN NUMBER TOTAL ITEr 2 �L ITEM 3—ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7" OF ITEMS 1 AND 2 i r f ITEM 4—MAINTENANCE—ROADS OR STREETS EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING TYPE OF SURFACING STREET FROM TO LENGTH 4 C 4 i ` r f � I r ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR f - SNOW CLEARING MILES-- — WINTER CONTROL SANDING OR CINDERING MILES_ - ._ � APPLICATION OF SALT MILES ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIRS a , 0008- 00 STONE GRAVEL OR CINDER RESURFACING 9 50040 MILES ., 500.00 PATCHING ,. DRAGGING i .. DUST LAYING (CA-CL,,) MILES OILING - MILES -- - _. CURS AND GLITTER REPAIRS CATCH RASfNS GLEAWNG AND REPAIRS � I Repair Boulevard- Liberty 4* 000.00 800. 00 i �t . ti TOTAL ITEM 4 96000000 ITEM 5—MAINTENANCE—BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGES NUMBER CULVERTS NUMBER TOTAL ITEM 5 ITEM G—ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD fMAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS A AND 5) SUMMARY OF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUESIDY UNDER TIME N.I. ACT CORPORATION'S SHARE ONLY CONSTRUCTJON—ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 1) ( IVW*LW —BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) —ENGINEERING AND OVI!AH AD (ITEM 3) � MIAINTSNANCIE — ROADS OR STREET$ (ITEM A) 90 --BRIDLES AND CULVERTS OTIKM S] — —ENGINEERING AND OVERI"11l±AD (ITEM 6) / TOTAL f If Ill>WffW d rlgM 01111116 G&IJ UMI MOM SM46 th• &to to Ift fm SLY Zt 10th o 61 - CLZRK r , VOLL 7 - r ' . 11 BflAwANV ILLE FORM M.R_ 26 • c3wN of ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 U ,PLEV$ i A l' ITEM l-CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS STREET FROM TO LENGTH WIDTH DESCRIPTION OF WORK ESTIMATED COST ` " TOTAL CORPORATION'S SHARE �y Q F- a ^^ U R! dd R Li .` t low Gratis 1 - a bit-ChIng and Gravel n 003 Libert Soot Ki Wit . Baaline Ia 6b* Balance of Pa vi Co t w r zr C a - f o LL. z U3 x tti z 0 - w - w x a - z 0 a " lu - - a o O ar Z - LL i w_ U 7 t r TOTAL ITEM 1 7,000o00 VOLUM 7 4 i4 Y • } S C . T , v , ( s ) ONTARIO DEPARTMENT T Fr HIGHWAYS Toronto 5 , August 29, 1961 4 ` . R . B . Reynolds , Town Clerk , Town Hall , BOX 40, Bo manville, Ont . Dear Sir : Re : Supplementary Road Expenditure BY- Law o . 1905 mount - 1 000. The Honourable Fred M . Cass , Minister of Hi gh wa ys has authorized the approval of the above - ' Pp cited by- law to a limit of 7j0000 for Construction and 91M0006 for Maintenance 16 , Total The ou for construction has received considera- tion as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Pro je cts in the current year and the approval is �'P liven SUBJECT TO THE FOLL01,,dNG CONDITIONS Tr I . That the expenditure (g) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by- law aid supporting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted , eithe-r in whole or in part , to any other purpose , withnut the prior content in writing of the Municipal Engineer , 2 . That the individual works of road construction and bridge construction shall be sub j ect to the approval - - of are engineer of the Municipal Roads branch . - 3 • That tenders for work to be undertaken by contract shall be publicly advertised and Department shah. apply on the` _ tinent subsidy PP y mount- c�f t-he lowest -tender only unless the Municipal Engineer approves subsidy on a higher tender , N . B . In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be ' obtained before the wort or purchase is authorized or any Commitment made with respect thereto One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith . t Yours very truly , Y J . Ludgate , L as Muni ci pal Engineer , attach . VCLCM 7