HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 38-85REPORT #2 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD JUNE 24 1985 ADMIN. 38 - 85 F I I e No, SUBJECT: CONCLUSION OF BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council.: 1. Request the Mayor on behalf of members of Council to thank Mr. & Mrs. Doug Jackman for their contribution towards the celebration of the Town's 10th Anniversary and the Province's Bicentennial, and that Mr. & Mrs. Jackman be presented with a gift to appropriately recognize their contribution to this effort; 2. Assume the responsibility for the residual coins generated by the Bicentennial Project and use said coins for the promotion of the Corporation; 3. Use the residual funds to, in conjunction with the Museums, acquire the artifacts outlined in the joint letter from both Museums dated May 27th 1985; 4. Formally dissolve the Bicentennial Committee; and 5. Formally thank the appointees to the Bicentennial Committee for their valuable contribution throughout the Bicentennial year. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On November 14th 1983, Council authorized the formation cf a Bicentennial Committee to promote the Bicentennial of the Province of Ontario and the Tenth Anniversary of the Town of Newcastle. In addition to Mayor Garnet Rickard and Councillor Ann Cowman, Council appointed Mr. Herb Tink, Mrs. Marion Veinot and Mr. Sid Rutherford as a Bicentennial Committee. The Committee reported to Council throughout the year on the projects undertaken. ADMIN. 38 - 85 -2- Two major projects were undertaken in the Bicentennial year. The first involved the minting of a Bicentennial Coin which celebrated both the Bicentennial and the Town's Tenth Anniversary. The Town minted 10,000 coins as well as 100 pure silver coins. Numerous coins were gold-plated. This project would not have been possible without the diligent work of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Jackman. Mr. Jackman co-ordinated the distribution of the coins on behalf of the Town. While not all of the coins were sold, without his knowledge and expertise, the project would not have been a success. It was through Mr. Jackman's efforts that sufficient coins were sold to leave the Bicentennial Committee with a surplus of approximately $6,200 The second project that was undertaken was the hiring of a journalism student to write a series of articles celebrating the heritage and history of the area. With the co-operation of local newspapers having general circulation within the area, the articles were widely distributed and read. These two projects were complementary to the many Bicentennial activities that were organized by local groups and agencies. At the end of the year, the Bicentennial Committee had a budget surplus which was generated through the sale of the coins of approximately $6,200. At the April 1985 meeting of the Bicentenial committee, it was decided to pursue three options with respect to the possible use of the Rcnies. The first would be the possible development of a commemorative statue, the second was the possibility of purchasing artifacts for the Museums, and the third was the possible development of a bursary or scholastic award to students studying Ontario history at the high school level. On May 27th 1985 the two Museums responded to the proposition by indicating that the Clarke Township Museum would like to acquire a farm implement that was specifically locally made, and the Bowmanville Museum indicated an interest in the acquisition of either a Bru or a Juneau doll to add to their well known collection. I have attached this May 27th letter for Council's information together with the letter received ADMIN. 38 - 85 -3- by the Mayor concerning the statue option and a brief outline of what might be an appropriate bicentennial history prize. After considerable debate, the Bicentennial Committee is recommending that the Museum option be pursued. All of which is respectfully submitted, Davi S. Johnston, M.C.I.P., DSJ:nof Chief Administrative Officer att.