HomeMy WebLinkAbout1782 4 i"S 4 - r .zx sk a6' TOWN OF BOWMANVILLIJ BY LAW NUMBER 1 82 CONSTRUCTION BY .'AAW , s,n ? a BY-- LAW to authorize � the, construction of a' ,;Ani tgry 3eaer on from :t�1e schedule "A," attaWied to and fora in part o �' t�� i s h law. g T� y to as a local improvement , . under the ' provisions of the . Local ' Improve 4 ment, Act . Whereas , Clarence J . Aelland others have petitioned the Council to construct as a local improvement the work hereinafter . described , and , the Clerk has certified that the petition is sufficient . And whereas it is expedient to grant the pTayer of the petition in the manner hereinafter provided Therefor the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville enacts as follows : ist . That a innitary Fewer ' be constructed 'on from to _�4e yc ed�lle n "" attached to nri, for:..thg Part of r. � bylaw. as a local improvement under the provisions of the Local Improve- ment Act . 2nd'.' That the Engine'er 'of the Corporation Bowmanvillaido forthwith. make such , plans , profiles - and specifications' and furnish such in- A :formation as- may be necessary for the making of a contract for the „ - execution of the works . . 3rd. That the work. shall be carried on and executed under the superintendence and , according to the direct ions and orders* of such Engineers lath The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the ' construction of the wohrk to be made and, entered into with some person or persons , firm or. corporation, subject 'to the approval of this k Council to be. declared by resolution. s 5th. The Treasurer may agree ( subject to, the approval of the Council ) with an. y bank or person for any temporary 'advances of money to meet t.h , r...t. the cost of the work pend„ ng a comp e io,n of it 6th. The special assessment shall be paid by zo annual instalments . 7th. The debentures to be issued for the Loan to be effected to p y for the cost of the work when completed shall bear interest at d e w' �o ears on the instal- " r per cent per annum an be payable within y went plan, and in settling the sum to ba raised annually to pay the debt, the rate of interest on investments shall not be estimated at more than four per cent per annum. $th. Any person whose lot is specially assessed nay commute for' a payment in cash the special rates imposed thereonf , by paying the portion, of the cost of construction assessed upon such lot , without the interest, forthwith after the Special assessment Roll has been certified by the Clerk and at any time thereafter by the payment of such sum as when invested at four per cent 'per annum will provide . � an annuity sufficient to pay the special rates for the unexpired 1' portion of the term as they fall due.. 9th. This Bar-Law shall come into force and take effect on the date: of the passing thereof. Read a first and second time this 5tilday of DOa• 19 600 Read a third time and finally passed t1hLs 4y-/day uf �A4--Z 1941. " r. 1 _, ► , .. ` ` ' 1, ' 1 ... i 1 Y . v YY' f TOLM b 4 S.rx r.ti s ,4 p .Fe&6345 60 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 3`!i 1'�iE "t�4ATT ER OF Section 64 of The Ontario 1�uu��ipal Board Act, 4. and .' IN THE TTER OF an application of the . Corporation , of the Town of oowmanville ' for authority to proceed with and raise 05, 5 •00 for the construction of sanitary sewers, i nc lud ing private house connections, as set .forth in Schedule "A" attached hereto, as local improtieme nt s on pet'itio n. , .B 8 F 0 It a _ z V is*4hairman t _ and WEDNR6 l AT$ , ., the 4 h day yA• ; 4 of J191=ry, 1961 A. L. "I"s Bsaber r T UNDF under and in Pursuance of the' legislation Y i •h*rejnb9fors referred toy and of any and all other powers vested in 4 the Board that the sz,3.d application ® and the same is hereby approved and that th® sa.id Corporation may now proceed with the said undertaking,. ' lna as 'all requisite by_lawes including debenture and for such purpose Y p 444999 ...... ..... ....... ........................ .. ... ......,. .... .....,........., ... .......... ........ by—laws and may borrow money to the extent sutfci.eirt toorov es nn f di the awn of X55 500.00 therefor, prcwided that the. • - ' ' �OUnf. not eXCee rig � tern of debentures in respect thereof shall not •exceed twenty ye r if ` A .. it .. ACTLIG GC : 3 ENTERED � � I .... ................................... , Folio Na ............... ............ JAN 10 1961 GICININ 1' 0. Cmotiro !•kv)Ma11o1 to t .' . ` ?' `,!9,-4 x `--,€4 5� {; .r#"' GF.- "e. ...�r, &'v,s:: � � ' i s ''s4 "ai F ' � ?• --.atut'•+':'i + S`€ 4' �� '.b::" r ,. _.. L,..x.„4.. 4,...,.F..._, 3 - r.,M S,,,x'.L,.:�, - #!,Mc`.. , kif ,t;-r;.::2 s„ ,mot✓. - " ._,...,n.-.a.,,_�..,..:..,:z.,,....�,... w.- ,- -. -' .-"-- '_ w9"'^'.-.�� `t` '#+.a.ms�6r�'$�' a •" a t xr-.IV �. 4 , P.F.E 63k ^� I t* ,I . r' - *1, , , . 11 �11 , , ONTARIO . s;.;> �. - •1.11.11 THE ONTARIO MUNICI PAL BOARD . If `. ' 1 r : _ _ SCH�UIE �'A” . L I .1 . .. . TO TU UNDER OF THE�' OUIT A1110 MU'id1C IPAL $OARD DATED THE,. 1�th DAY OF JAN UAKY� 19 b1 . ' . , , ' . ' _ ,s- 1 Co t i�►ttt3�on ©! 5AN IT A>iY 3 ai Si inclu�i.rig � private sevelr ; , , sonntations, ons 1 TY �TRT, froo� the existing ee�rer at 11 . Liberty place to 352?' test Forth of the . . ; ' •/ '111.. North Street line of Conceasaivn Street ' . ' $40;000,00 - . , 2. THIRU_,..�T�T, from Liberty Street to a ~ , - I , I "I'll 1�w . . I . I. , , I int a p aximate 150 feet East of , p ' • . the Centre line of High Street 9,500.00 .11 .. ' 1 , V 455,500.E > , ' '; - I' I '1.1- .11 . r ". , w " .11. . . .1., ,1 . ,. " a� .. ,.;. : I .. ' r r. , f, / Y( aft. -:. - r - I. • , , Ir,; 1 •' `� I r�-�- VIIIIIIIIIIII f .. _ ' . -L 11 z. • r . L.' {? .V I 5- °' S + .i I ' a '7i�:1.u, ,. , + ,r I ' 1 1 I _ .> �. ' , ..,: " , I i , I. ,. '.e� 1/771 . . :. ,. 7, . r L .'. + • 1,' - b), . , tl , {„' 1 L , ,. .,. ,. , • is 'I ..1 ,. • /. .. , ,. 1 ✓ 1 5 , : . „ e _ r ., ,� I I _ ..1 ., XL, 11 + I u, v,; _ _ i4 + • , ,i - r .. , ,: - Q .,o.. - '11.11 „ . I 1 • „ .. I.' r . :, •. . , ,; , , .. " .r.5 I(1 - ` u� , I ,f, 1I • 'Y 0 �•' � 1 ' V ., . . -- 1 � y '-. -I 571�' I +1. ..gr,-. . % .,.# .. ' 1!, , it ,.", 1t .. �I ' ,,, . • , . : ` . , , 1 . .I I , ' ° I. w 1 + '. ,1 it - I P, I .'�''i ' ,'' ' � ! I � I. .I I ;.I I j I I ,.. � I � � I .1, I I I ,, ��I I I � � . I " w r, iu„ .. 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