HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 35-83CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 7 1983 ADMIN. 35 - 83 SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY AGREEMENT #7 COURTICE STORM SEWER RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Supplementary Agreement #7 be amended to provide for the advancement of additional funds equivalent to municipal expenditures in respect of the Courtice Storm Sewer Project. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Over the past several weeks, the C.A.O. has forwarded various pieces of correspondence to Ontario Hydro and Members of Council in respect of a possible amendment to Supplementary Agreement #7. Supplementary Agreement #7 has provided the Town with $150,000.00 towards the cost of the Courtice Storm Sewer Project. Recent calculations of expenditures indicate that actual project costs are in the order of $588,384.67, including various expenditures made over the last six years. Members of Committee are reminded that the Town has also received $350,000.00 through the Ontario Housing Action Program Loan thereby suggesting that an amendment to the Supplementary Agreement #7 to provide an additional $88,384.67, say $90,000.00 would be appropriate. Copies of recent correspondence is attached for information and reference as is a copy of Supplementary Agreement #7. Respectfully submitted, DNS:nof D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Mr. D.N. Smith Chief Administrative Officer The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street B064PNVIELL, Ontario L1C 3A6 Mrs. M. Hubbard, Councillor 132 Wellington Street BOYA7ANVILLE, Ontario Llc 1W1 Dear Mr. Smith and Mrs. Hubbard M 12 May 83 OUR FILE: NK38-11840 P Darlington GS Supplementary Agreement No. 7 Courtice Urban Area Storm Water Management In response to your letters of April 15 and 21, 1983, requesting a drawing of funds in the amount of $85,347.35, we find the supporting documentation satisfactorily demonstrates that the work has been undertaken and approve this payment to the Town of Newcastle from Account 'B' of the Impact Fund. In regard to future payments to be requested by the Town and a need to extend the date of the Supplementary to accommodate such palmients, we do not consider it necessary to extend the date of the Supplementary. The Town nas demonstrated that it intends to carry out its responsibilities to construct the Courtice Urban Area Storm Water Management System by the actions it has initiated. Future draws upon the funds can be made when they occur and upon the presentation of invoice along with substantiation of expenditure up to the amount of $150,000. In the matter of an amendment to the Supplemientary to authorize expenditure beyond the stated limit, I consider this request can be more appropriately dealt with by the Hydro/Newcastle Liaison Committee. In other instances such as the payment for a nominal increase in funds allotted for a growth management study, we have concurred upon its acceptability and authorized payment; in this case, I consider it required Mr. D.N. Smith/Mrs. M. Hubbard V, 12 May 83 that we return the matter to the Committee for their appraisal of this increased expenditure. Yours truly, J. D edie Pro' ct Manager lington GS CORPO^A T ION OF THE TOWN! OF NEWCASi'L-E 40 TEMPERANCE STREET eowMANJILLE, ONTARIO L 1( 3A5 April 21 1983 Mr. J. McCredie Project Manager Darlington GS Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Dear Mr. McCredie: Re: Supplementary Agreement 87, Courtice Storm Sewer Project, Town of New,;astle TELEPHONE 123 ;3/7 Further to my letter of April 15 1983 in respect of the above, we have now completed a summary of legal costs associated with the Courtice Storm Sewer Project, an estimate of future engineering costs associated with the contract supervision, and an estimate of administrative expenses. These additional costs are summarized with the costs included in my April 15th 1983 letter as follows: 1. Construction of storm sewer (Newcastle Tender T83 - 1) $190,288.56 2. Engineering (design, tender preparation, soil tests, appr6isals) $131,408.79 3. Land Acquisition ($113,650.00 plus $43,615.00 for future land compensation) $157,265.00 4. Legals $ 30,932.81 5. Engineering $ 25,000.00 (Future contract supervision) Sub -total 3Mi-'U9rT'U Administration Costs 53,489.51 Total $588,384.67 I Mr: J. McCredie Project Manager April 21 1983 Our total costs for the project are now, as you can see from the above, estimated at $688,384.31. I would appreciate an indication from you as to whether Hydro would be prepared to undertake a further amendment to Supplementary Agreement 97 to reflect our actual costs. An increase in Supplementary Agreement #7 from $150,000.00 to $238,04..31, say S240,000.00 appears appropriate. I have included copies of our legal invoices for yc.:r records. I thank you again for your attention to these matters. Yours very truly, Olv :nof D:'N. Sriith, M1 C.I.P. Administrator cc: Mrs. M. Hubbard, Councillor, Hydro Liaison Chairman Mayor Garnet B. Rickard and Members of Council D. Oakes, Clerk R. Dupuis, Director of Public Works T. Edwards, Director of Planning K. Campbell, Treasurer CORPORA. WN OF THE TOWN OF NEWCAST!+e 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 VIA COURIER Mr. J. McCredie Project Manager Darlington GS Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Dear Mr. McCredie: April 15 1983 Re: Supplementary Agreement H7, Courtice Storm Sewer Project, Town of Newcastle We have received your letter of April 5 1983 agreeing to the extension of Supplementary Agreement N7 to July 30 1983, thank you very much. Pursuant to Agreement N7 and further to my letter of March 4 1983, we wish to draw on the funds provided by Supplementary Agreement N7 at this time to the extent of $85,347.35. As anticipated and noted in my letter of March 4 1983, with the award of the storm sewer tender by the Town on March 14 1983 in the amount of $190,288.66, the total cost of the Courtice Storm Sewer Project has exceeded the Provincial Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs' loan to the Town. Our costs updated as of the award of the tender are $435,347.35. The $85,347.35 now requested represents our costs minus the Provincial Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs'loan of $350,000.00. The $435,347.35 is calculated as follows: 1. Construction of Storm Sewer (Newcastle Tender T83 - 1) $190,288.56 2. Engineering (design, tender preparation, soil tests, appraisals) $131,408.79 3. Land Acquisition $113,650.00 $435,347.35 As promised in my March 4th letter, I have enclosed copies of invoices and other material in support of our expenses. The attached material includes: I. A copy of Tender T83 - 1, as awarded; ..2 -2- Mr. J. McCredie April 15 1983 Project Manager 2. Various invoices related to the design, tender preparation, soil tests and appraisals (summary included); and 3. A staff report outlining land acquisition values with supporting documentation. The figure of $435,347.35 does not represent our final total costs for the Courtice Storm Sewer as--aUditional engineering costs are anticipated through the administration of the tender, legal and staff costs have not yet been calculated, nor is the land acquisition cost final. For your information, one of the parcels of land necessary for the project was expropriated; its value will most probably be determined through the Land Compensation Board. An amount of $3,885.00 has to date been accepted subject to this future possible review. In 1981, we anticipated that a settlement could be reached at a figure of up to $47,500.00, thereby potentially adding $43,615.00 in additional costs in respect of land acquisition. As I'm sure you appreciate, the expropriation process is extremely lengthy, the final value for this outstanding parcel of land may not be determined for many months, perhaps years. On that basis, could you please give consideration to forwarding $43,615.00 as an additional draw on Supplementary Agreement #7; at this time to be held by the Town against the final property value settlement. I think the only alternative would be further indefinite extensions of Supplementary Agreement N7. The construction of the storm sewer itself is scheduled to start on May 2 1983 and is to be completed by the end of June 1983. We should have no difficulty therefore in calculating our total final costs before the end of Supplementary Agreement H7 on July 30 1983. If our final total costs exceed the $150,000.00 specified in Supplementary Agreement $7, would Hydro be prepared to undertake further amendment to reflect our actual costs? Thank you for your attention to these matters, we would, of course, appreciate your earliest possible reply. DNS:nof Yours very truly, D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator cc: Mrs. M. Hubbard, Councillor, Hydro Liaison Chairman Mayor Garnet B. Rickard and Members of Council C(AP',, iATION Oi ri1-. TOWN OF NEWC:.aTLE ao TEMPEkANCE STREET BOV.1MANVILL ri 0r:TAR10 LAC 3Ai March 4 1983 Mr. J. McCredie Project Manager Darlington Generating Station Ontario Hydro 700 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario MSG 1X6 Dear Sir: Re : Supplementary Agreement s7 Courtice Storm Sewer Project TELEPHONE 623-33N Further to my recent conversation with Mr. J. Hale, please be advised that we expect the Town of Newcastle to award a contract for the construction of the first phase of ne southerly portion of the Courtice Storm Sewer• on or about March 14 1983. Municipal staff are recommending the award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder at an amount of $190,288.66. To date the Town of Newcastle has borne other costs in respect of the storm sewer project, calculated in October of 1981 at $161,000.00. Total costs for the first phase of the southerly portion of the Courtice Storm Sewer project will therefore exceed $351,288.66. Of that amount, the Town of Newcastle has, as you know, arranged for a loan through the Provincial Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs in the amount of $350,000.00. The actual difference between that loan and the project cost we will, I expect, be drawing from the Station "B" account, as per Supplementary Agreement #7. We will be forwarding to your offices copies of invoices paid over the last several years by the Town in respect of the storm sewer project. V ..2 -2- Mr. J. McCredie Ontario Hydro March 4 1983 I believe this is acceptable to you, but would appreciate your confirmation. It may be that these invoices will be forwarded to you after March 31 1983, which I believe meets the requirements of Supplementary Agreement 0, which refers only to the award of the contract before March 31 1983. As Lkn construction contract for the storm sewer now under consideration represents only the first phase of a portion of the overall Courtice Storm Sewer, I can foresee the lown wishing to proceed with further construction contracts that would use the remainder of the 5150,ODO.00 included in Supplementary Agreement #7 and perhaps additional funds beyond that figure. I think therefore, that Supplementary Agreement ,i7 requires amendment to extend its life beyond March 31 1983. I trust this would be possible and in fact looked on favourably by Hydro. DNS:nof Yours very truly, D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator cc: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Councillor Marie Hubbard K. Campbell, Treasurer D. Oakes, Clerk R. Dupuis, Director of Public Works T. Edwards, Director of Planning DARLINGTON GENF.kATING STATION �+ SUPPLEMIIJ'TAkY AGREEMENT NO. 7 COUR'T10E URBAN AREA S'1VRM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 20th day of October , 1982. 11 E T W. E E N: ONTAR IO HYDRO, hereinafter refcrrcd to as the "Corporation% OF THE F HtS'P PART, - .u1d - fill: RhGIONAI,_MUNICEI'Af.ITY OF DURIUkM, hereinafter referred to as the "Reyion", OF THE SECOND PART, - .,nd - T11E CORPORATION OF THE 'TOWN OF NEWCASTLF, hereinafter fc ferred to as the "'Down", OF THE 'I'HIkD PART. WHEREAS the Corporation and the Town have entered into an Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Newcastle Agreement), 2 - with respect to the social, economic and financial impacts arising out of the construction and operation of the Darlington Generating Station (hereinafter referred to as the Station) on the Town dated March 22, 1917; AND WIILI<KAS the Corporation, the Region and the Town have unturod into in Ayrc,:ment (heroinafter referred to as the Ruyional Ayruomunt) with rc:.pect to the social, OcOnomic and financial "P.Icts arising Out of the construction and operation of the Station on the Region and the Town, dated Auyust A, 1977; AND WHEREAS the Newcastle Agreement and the Regional Ayreenwnt Provide for the enturiny into of supplowciItary ayree- nlents hut:wcon the Corporation, the Region and the 'Down; AND WIlLid71S the CorPOr.ition, the Region and the 'Down },.,ve untered into a Suppl. nientary Ayrcument entitled Couununity Impact Monitoring Prugram which involves collecting and updating data On certain iwPuct items which may be affected by the con- \.. structiun and operation of the Station; AND WHEREAS the Newcastle Agreument provides that the Corporation agrees to cou,pensate the Town for those financial impacts undergone by the Town as a result of the construction of the Station which include the cost of advancing community facilities and providing community services; - 3 - AND WHEREAS it is recognized that population growth could have a financial impact to the Town in the costs associ- ated with the provision of service infrastructure of housing development undertaken to accouunodate Ilydro construction workers; AND WH1:RPAS the Town has undertaken a Plan for the provision of housing for future Ilydro employees pursuant to its obli.3.,tions und.:r Section 27(e) of the "Master Agreement", Ly undertaking the preparation and implementation of the "Courticc Urban Area Plan"; AND 1.7IIERI-JAS the COUrtice Urban Area Plan has been ipprovL•d by the Town of Newcastle, the Regional Municipality Of Durll.iltl and thu Minister of Municipal Adfuirs and lIousing Of the Province of Ontario, as Amendiuent 12 to the Official Plan of the former ruwnship Of Darlington"; AND W11EREA S the Town of Newcastle, the Region of Durham and the Minister of Municipal Affairs have approved certain plans of �,ubdivi:;ion for residential development in the Courtice Urban Area under the provisions of the Planning Act; AND WHEREAS the Town of Newcastle, the Region of k... m Durham and the Minister of Municipal Affairs have entered into certain agreements for the provision of residential development in the Courtice Urban Area. NOW, THEREFORE' WTTNESSF.TH that in consideration Of the covenants horein,�fter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the Corporation, the Region and the Town heruhy agree as follows. 1. The Corporation agrees to pay to the Town from Station Account 8131, the sum of $150,000.00 (hereinafter referred to as the "fulids"), to assist in the funding of storm sewer facilities in the Courtice Urban Area in advance of an evaluation of impact arising out of the Darlinyton Generating station. 2. The p:,yment of the funds is subject to an award by the 'Down of a contract for the stornn sewer project on or before March 31, 1983. RM - 5 - 3. The Town, subject to having the lawful authority to do so, agrees to recover the funds from the development charges through the subdivision process over a puriod coincident with the recovery of any other monies expunded by the Town. 4. This Agruement slial.l not affect in any w.,y any right of the Region to make a c Llim for financial impact caused to the Regiun from the „dvancement of the timing of services. 5. The recitals mentioned in this Agreement form p.trt of this AyreeuIent. 1N Wl'PN1i:iS WjjFj<E0p the Corporation, the Region nd the 'Pawn have caused this Ayrcement to be executed by OR - 6 - the affixing of the corporate seals attested by the signatures of their proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. I' A1.10tlIIlilt Vwto. �I ie L ♦�' 11 ......... 19... Per: ONTARIO HYDRO Secretary TIIE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURIiAM G.Ircy Ilerrena - Chairuiun ,l._�,;.� clerk Tul: CoRi-ORATION OF THE TOWN OF t�i:W_Pc '>1r[.E i Per: a , ✓Garne B. Rickard - Mayor Clerk" v O m w N iu %r' V� %W r '� C] � 3 a A 0 0 3 Pi U r W H � O 0 1 y Z 1 In n O H O 0 [7 Y 3 0 .0 H l9 I�