HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 31-83CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT TO COUNCIL ADMIN. 31 - 83 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 SUBJECT: TENDER T83 - 9 WASHROOM RENOVATIONS - HAMPTON HALL RECOMMENDATIONS: t�3 TELEPHONE 623-3379 MEETING OF MAY 24 1983 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council award Tender T83 - 9, Washroom Renovations, Hampton Hall to Gerr Construction Ltd. in the amount of $59,315.00, being the lowest responsible bid; and 3. That the funds required over the $30,000.00 included in the 1983 capital budget be withdrawn from the reserve account for Parkland - Cash -in -lieu and Administrative Improvements in the amounts of $9,650.00 and $19,665.00 respectively. BACKGROUND: As members of Council will recall, the attached resolution (G.P.A. 313-83) of the General Purpose and Administration Committee was adopted by Council on April 12, 1983. Since that time, members of the Hall Board, Council and Staff have met on two occasions with representatives of Totten, Sims, Hubicki in respect of the design and tender of the washroom project. At the second of the two meetings, the project was estimated at a cost of $65,000.00. Staff have proceeded with the tender call, which closed on May 18 1983 in order to allow for the submission of a report to this Council meeting. As members of Council know, the Hall Board is most anxious to have the project completed by the first week of July. A decision at this meeting would allow the project to be substantially completed by that time. ..2 -2- ADMIN. 31 - 83 Staff feel that the electrical and septic tank portions of the tender are works that should proceed whether the washrooms are constructed or not. As Town staff are occupants of the building, and as it is a public structure, it is appropriate that safe, properly constructed and maintained facilities be provided. On this basis staff are recommending financing the septic tank and electrical portions of the contract at $19,665.00. The balance for the washrooms would appropriately be funded from the Parkland Reserve account, which allows for expenditures on public lands and buildings. At this time, no indication has been received as to the eligibility of the project for Provincial Wintario/Community Centre grants. Council again will recall that a resolution was adopted at a recent meeting (copy attached) requesting Ministerial action. Staff note that of the $30,000 allocated in the 1983 budget, $5,000 is to be repaid by the Hall Board in the next two years. Staff note that the tendered amounts are guaranteed for 30 days and do not include engineering fees. Those fees, would be appropriately paid from the above referenced reserve accounts in proportion to the withdrawals for construction. Respectfully submitted, po� DNS:nof D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P., Administrator BID TABULATION - TENDER T83-9 WASHROOM RENOVATIONS, HAMPTON HALL Gerr Ashly 333 Bowman Winvallcy 7on0truc0on JC61panyl`I.d. instruction o� ns1ruct.on Its;. A. Oeneral Contracting $36,650.00 $49,992.00 $43,848.00 $55,577.00 Delve Masnnry Cavity (3,200.00) (4,960.00) (3,300.00 (3,950.00) 3. 5eptic Tank 15,000.60 19,500.00 25,195.00 23,500.00 yo Electri ai 4,665.QU 2,000.00 4,900_00 5,4 0.Od (in,i. $2000.OJ njencyi jONTINCENCY ALIGI<ANCL 3,000.00 $87,84 ,00 _3,000.00 3,000_00 3,000_00 TOTAL $59015.00 114,492.00 $76,943.00 .. • n. ."•ttr,,t.:•, i Ail 11 :,, kr.olutic,n 4„,PA-_'.o9-,'•: uuii,+ary of Land Muve:f by Councillor Barr, seconded by Mayor kickard Division Committee Applications for THAT Report PD-60-83, Summary of Land Division Ctjr.nittee the month of Applications for the month of February 1933, be received February 1983 for information. "CARRIED" Resolution NGPA-3i0-83 Monthly Fire Report Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by COuncillor Burr for February 1983 THAT Report FU-:-33, Plontnly Fire Eteport for February 1983, be received, for infonr,at.ion. "CAtk1 LD" Resolution NGPA-3I1-83 Ontario Public Library 'Cunsul Moved by Mayor e.;kard, seconded by Councillor Harr System tatiun raper "A Foundation THAT Report AcImin 23-83, re The Ontario Public Lihr,r-y sur tl,e Future" System Consultation Paper "A Foundation for the l.;ar,r." be received for information. 4f "CAkPiCO' Resolution NGPA-312-803 Five Year Capital Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded oy Cvuncillor i'.,rr Forecast THAT the Chairman and the,Treasurer arrange a sp-cia' meriting to discuss the Five Year Capital Forecast. "CARRIED" Resolution NGPA-313-83 li!;,tan Cumminity >ntre Board Moved by Councillor Cowman, seconded by 14ayor Rickard THAT the ccrresponden,:e of March 30, 1983, frronl the Hampton flail Board, is hereby received and the Totm recogr,izes that the Hampton Hall Board will make th,.ir best effort to contribute $5,000 by D;cember 31, 19.:5, towards the actual cost of the washrooms' project at. the Hampton Hall Municipal Building, and thanks ^.he Board for its contribution towards the project. It is further acknowledied that Counc,l, staff, representative-- of Totten, Sims. Hubi:ki, and tha Hr,ll Board have and will be meetingto (lissuss the proj ct dasiyn and that when con,tructicn drawinj, have been ;omplicted, the Town will undert ke the calling of tenders and finance the project Lu a maximum.u; $30,000, any . ,expended funds to r•eto3in with the Town of ;t w ,,� te, and `h''r' the Town will mike application for, all api.r•rpriate jri.atl arNl loar� 19d.i kesuluuun nt:,'A-40',-ts3 Sulina Park Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Mayor Rickard THAT the initial work schedule for the `olina Park Project be approved. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" Resolution HCPA-40G-83 Moved by Councillor Hubbard, seconded by Councillor Cowman ThAT the previous resolutiun be amended, in preparation 101- CuuriCil oa May 9, Lire frea.urer dpprnd a fepurt Lu this 1Lum. "CARR L IX" itesolutlon 0GPA-407-83 Capital Graiits iur Moved by Councillor Taylor, sucondcd by Mayor kickard Han.ptun and Haydon hall Boards WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the luwilA Newcastle has approved certain capital improvements -ko the Haydon Hall Board and Hamipton Hall board properties in the 1983 Capital Budget; AND WHEREAS tnese capital expenditures would normally L,e eligible for provincial government g"drlts undo r the Wintario and/ur Culimiunity Recreation Centres Act; AND WHEREAS the Haydon liall Buard and the Hampton Hall Board wish to proceed with the approved capital works immediately in order to have the works Completud on or before July 1st 1983, to accommodate their various upcot111n9 functions; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Tourism and Recreation has not yet announced tie program criteria for the 19Et3-ts4 fiscal year fur Wintario acid/or Cuiimunity Recreation Centres Act grants; NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED 1HAf tiie Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle advise Lhe Minister of Tourism and Recreation that the Corporation wishes Lhe Ildmpton Hall Board capital project (estimated cost b30,000.00) and the Haydon Hall Board capital project (estimated cost $1,560.00) to be considered Lo be Cligillic III" opplicaLiciiis uiider WmLariu amldjur Lhe ' Coumiunity Recreation Centres Act programs when the 1y63-84 program criteria are dnnuunced; BE 11 FURIHEk RESOLVED THAT capital works under uiesc two projects a4iy proceed prior to the SuUilllSSlon of the applications if the program criteria for the 1933-84 fiscal year for W- tar•lo and/or Conwiunity RecreaLiuq Centre:. ALL PIuyi-,uils have not been announced pr iur• 1.6 the awarding of Cofitracts. I sA � . HUrTDd 3 =OVEi'H ... _. ,. C E6t?LF.E FAA .. VAN-, signs haub€s, d associates Thu Corporation 01 Lieu 'f"Wn of Nowcaxtle �Ii1 .r•p L•rnnc•• ,., rI'cf 811'WAANVFLLE, Ontario LIC 3Ab AlLention: Mr. D. Smith, Chief- Administrative Officer Re: Hampton Hall Washroom Addition. and Renovations, Town of Newcastle Dear Sir: TOTTEN SUMS HUSICKI ASSOCIATl.S i 19H 11 t I `EII 15O0 HOPKINS STHrLT. WHITCV. ONI.t fE � LIN 2C3 on. 668 Ki May 19th, 1983 Further to our meeting on May 3rd, 1983 to review preliminary drawings and progress todate I would like to report the following in response to questions raised at the meeting: 1. The elevation of the elevated tile field as designed will be 875 mm (2'-10"±) above the existing grade. The invert elevation of the forcemain to the bed is approximately 10-inches above the floor level of the existing building. Due to the minimal slope of the land allocated for the septic b& and the elevation that the sewer exits the building it was necessary to incorporate a lift pump to discharge the effluent from the sopt.ic tank to the tile bed. The elevation of the the bed was determined in accordance with the requirements of thn Ministry of the Environment regarding proximity to the ground water table. Recorded data and an investigation conducted by our soils consultant revealed that the ground water Level exists ;at an average depth of 3 fowr beloN grade in both ,,.,:.as tested. The Ministry of the Environment requires that elevated septic beds he constructed with a clearance of three feet above the ground water level. This si.tua tor: necessitated that the tilebed he placed at the existing ;_trade level with no possibilities for lowering it. 2. The prospects of V stalling a sub -drain system to lower the wntec table and the subsequent tile bed proved to be more expensive than providing a pumping system, In order to proceed with a sub -drain system, approval by the Ministry of the Environment is necessary. Upon investigating this procedure TSH was advised by the Ministry that an alternate method to a suh-drain system would be more advantageous so i as not to lower the ground water level. 3. PSH has proceeded A& the design et the tile- bed at the location requested. The placement of the tile bed in Or southwest corner of the propertY will allow for ample parki_cg or other activities behind the Hampton, Hall. I trust that the above answers your concerns and mertswith your approval. Yours very truly, D. h. Bryan, Pr Eng. Dns/et totten rims hub?cki associates Mitten sirris M@SeOW aoir'J"Lciater" The Cnr porrttirn r th:r "O n oC Newcastle 40 Temperance SLIM-L BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. D. Smith, Chief Administrativo OU Per Re: Washroom Renovations and Miscellaneous Work at Hampton Hall The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Contract No. T-83-9 Dear Sir: ,! i6T'Gnd BSc.Pfri� q p r.,iMS BASc PErv: H L WW)OVEP h1 Sc Pk,' P C EBERLEE. BA S, r M: TOnEN SIMS HOBICKI ASSOCIATES 0 M 11 tip rI! 1500 HOPKINS STREET. W HITBY, ONT, LIN 2C3 1=M"s va. r May 19th, 1983. Quotations for Contract No. T-83-9 for the general construction of a washroom addition, the installation of a septic tank and tile field and renovation to existing electrical service were received and opened on Wednesday, May 18th, 1983. The following is a summary of the four (4) quotations received: Tenderer 1.. Gerr Construction Ltd. 2. Ashly 333 Company Limited 3. Bowman Construction Ltd. 4. Winvalley Construction Ltd. Total Stipulated Price $59,315.00 $74,492.00 (adjusted from quotation form) $76,943.00 (adjusted from quotation form) $84,847.00 The above Total Stipulated Prices consists of three (3) separate prices as follows: Part A - General construction. of washrooms and janitor's room plus renovation to existing washrooms; Part B - Supply and installation of septic tank, tile bed and related work; Part C — Upgrading of existing electrical supply and distribution and a $3,000 Contingency Allowance. Further to these prices the quotations included a separate price for the deletion of vinyl asbestos tile, interior and exterior painting and the masonry cavity wall construction inclusive of the block fill insulation. The above separate prices are as follows: - Separate r_inderer cart A Part B Part C* Price 1. Gerr Construction Ltd. $36,650.00 $15,000.00 $4,665.00 $3,200.0; 2. Ashly 333 Company Ltd. $49,992.00 $19,500.00 $2,000.00 $4,960.0( 3. Bowman Construction Ltd. $43,848.00 $25,195.00 $4,900.00 $3,300.OU 4. �nvalley Construction L-A. $55,577.00 $23.800.00 $5,470.00 $3,950.00 *Noe: $2,000 electrical contingency allowance included in. Part C price. We have examined the quota tionssubmitLed and find the quotationsto be complete, complying with the generalquotation requirements except as noted below: 1. The quotation submitted by Ashly 333 Company Limited included the separate price for the deleted items in the Total Stipulated Price. Thc. Total Stipulated Price above has been adjusted accordingly to reflect this price as a credit. 2. Similarly the value of the Total Stipulated Price submitted in the quotation by Bowman Construction Ltd. was incorrect due to an addition error in assembling the separate prices, A, B and C. The $1,000 error was corrected accordingly. 3. Three of the four quotations submitted did not include a breakdown of the labour content in the Total Stipulated Price as required. Winvalley Construction Limited submitted a value of $10,000 for labour as part nl the Total Stipulated Price. Quotations are open for acceptance for a period of thirty (30) days after the quotation closing date of May 18, 1983. The work is scheduled for completion not later than July 7, 1983, upon notification of award of contract by May 30, 1983. , We have reviewed the quotations submitted and find the value of the low tender acceptable in accordance with the Engineering estimated cost of $65,000.00. TSH has worked with the low tenderer, Gerr Construction Limited, in the Newcastle area, specifically the Newcastle Fitness Centre and the Port Hope Library Renovations. We find that they are qualified and capable of undertaking the contract work for the Hampton Hall project. Gerr Construction has been contacted and indicated that their price is based on an immediate start to complete the project within the date-pecified. We recommend acceptance of the low tenderer Gerr Construction Ltd. to construct the washroom addition and renovations in accordance with separate prices A, B and C for a Total Stipulated Price of $59,315.00. We advise that the total price may be reduced by $3,200 to incorporate the credit for the deletion of vinyl tile, painting and masonry cavity wall. However, we would recommend proceeding with the entire package as specified. Based on the low tender being accepted, the proposed budget for the project is as follows: a Project Construction Costs $59, ._J.00 Engineering, Design, Site Survey, Construction Administration and Supervision Allowance $11,000.00 Soils Investigation and Report Allowance $ 1,000.00 Allowance for Miscellaneous Expenses and Disbursements (i.e. Durham Region Health Unit Proposal, etc.) $ 2,000.00 Total Estimated Budget $73,315.00 We trust this review meets with your satisfaction but should you require further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Yours very truly, DLB/et