HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 11-83CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 7 1983 ADMIN. 11 - 83 SUBJECT: SERVICING OF TOWN OWNED LOT ON CAROLINE STREET, NEWCASTLE VILLAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That Council adopt the following resolution: "The Town of Newcastle hereby authorizes the prepayment of its share of the servicing cost estimates for the construction of sewer and watermains on Caroline Street and hereby requests the Region of Durham to budget for its share of the costs in 1983 and to schedule the work as soon as possible". BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: As most members of Committee are aware, the Town has had its lot on the north side of Caroline Street for sale for several months. In order to sell the property, it was decided by Council to request the Region to proceed with the servicing of the potential building lot. The Region has agreed to service the lot in accordance with their shared -cost policy as noted in the attached letter received by Town Council last December. It would be appropriate at this time to advise the Region that the Town wishes to proceed in 1983. Staff have written to the Regional Works Department for revised cost estimates and will proceed to prepay the Town's share as per Regional Council's decision of November 24 1982 on adoption of the resolution in this report. Staff do not anticipate a major increase over the 1983 estimated costs. Respectfu su m-tted, a9N:nof D. N. mit M.C.I.P., Administrator CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I� -7 i 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARKO L1C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 January 20 1983 Mr. W. A. Twelvetrees Commissioner of Works Regional Municipality of Durham 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Dear Sir: Re: Cost estimate for sanitary sewer and watermain construction on Caroline Street, Newcastle Vill In November of 1982, Regional Council agreed to proceed with its share of the cost of servicing some land on Caroline Street in Newcastle Village. Town of Newcastle staff are recommending that the work proceed in early 1983, which would require the Town to prepay its share of the construction costs (letter attached). Could you advise us if those 1982 estimates are still current. Thank you very much. Yours very truly, DNS:nof D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator att. Cow v C,L )^Jw OA.wA"O M DURHAM The Regional Municipality of Durham Clerks Department 605 Rossland Road East P.O. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario Canada, L1 N 6A3 (416) 668-7711 C W. LUNDY. AMCT Regional Clerk December 1, 1982 Ms. Gertrude E. Gray, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain on Caroline Street in the Former Village of Newcastle Ms. Gray, the Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held on November 24, 1982 Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: ter) --.THAT the Region of Durham proceed with the construction a'+ of a sanitary sewer and watermain on Caroline Street in —.----••-- ,••--• - the former Village of Newcastle at estimated costs of -- -...- _.—,$11,000 and $8,700 respectively, subject to the Town of _.___4_.____.Newcastle prepaying their share of the costs estimated to be $6,000 and $4,688.99 for the sanitary sewer and watermain respectively, in addition to the applicable connection fees b) THAT the Regional share of the construction be obtained from the Sundry Extension provisions contained within the 1982 Current Operating Budgets for Sanitary Sewer and Water." Mr. W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works, has been advised of c, the decision of Council and will take appropriate action. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk CWL:jml cc: W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works CU141'011®IUN UI• 111L IUWN UP NLWLAO.L 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD OCTOBER 12 1982 ADMIN. NO. 82 - 74 TELEPHONE 623.3379 A1TAC 41ENT No. 4 TO REPORT No. SUBJECT: PROPERTY MATTER SERVICING OF LOT ON CAROLINE STREET NEWCASTLE VILLAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the following resolution be forwarded to Council for approval: "The Town of Newcastle hereby requests the Regional Municipality of Durham to pay the Regional share of the servicing costs on the Town owned lot on the north side of Caroline Street in Newcastle Village, and to consider reducing the servicing standards to the lot in order to reduce costs"; and 3. That the offer of purchase from H. Bout as presented by EDVAN Realty Ltd. be received and the parties advised that the Town does not accept the offer. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On October 7 1982 the attached offer an(' related correspondence was presented to Staff. On the basis of the May 19 1982 correspondence between the Regional Works Department and Mr, E. Vanhaverbeke (listing agent on behalf of the Town) it is necessary for the Regional Council to decide if the Region will bear the costs of Regional sewer and water 4F CONFIDENTIAL ADMIN. NO. 82 - 77 servicing costs estimated at $9,607.32. Staff have briefly reviewed the matter with Regional staff and it may be possible for the Region to assume the servicing costs on the basis of the current budget, provided that such a directive is given by Regional Council. If the Regional share is not forthcoming the total servicing costs to the Town or a prospective purchaser would be $21.600, possibly more than the market value of the land, thereby suggesting another use for the property. The servicing costs appear to have been estimated on the basis of the extension of eight inch sewer and water mains along Caroline Street which would be more than required for a single residential unit. The recommended resolution therefore requests the Region to consider a reduced standard. The offer presented to the Town by the Town°s agent shall not be accepted pending clarification of Regional servicing costs. DNS:nof att. Respectfully submitted, A � D. N. Smith, M.C.I.p. Administrator 4% 0 E DURHAM i M Fns w of Owle n Vvko Amoorwnasc Ick CC RK l V.. C.,ua. L1NM.1 1416) 663,7M 1• A TWLLVETFEES. I fnp c.x.rnn..a of Wa ��"+u� GALe Ou +tlP Mr. E. Vanhaverbeke Edvan Realty Ltd. 214 King Street East BOWMANVILLE. Ontario Dear Sir: -1(a) May 19, 1982 1 1TI�.Cii+,'L"dT (�dc. �0 IL, �. (i-2-�;L Re: Servicing of Lot on Caroline Street, Newcastle Further to your request ;or information on the cost of servicing the groper v owned by the Town of Newcastle on the north side of Carcllne treet'in Newcastle, we hz,ve completed our review of the servicir requirements. The following is a summery of the work required a I the costs applicable to the Town'of Newcastle. Please be advise that prior to the undertal'n9 of this construction, Regional Council MOST approve the financing required to fund the Regional share of UFese services. SrN-N-1-i At tre present time, t4 is no sanitary sewer existing on Caroline r;aT-N-1-I Stree, and short watermain stubs exist at both Church and Baldwin Streets. Unfortunately, ',o service the subject lot, both the waterualn and sanitary sewer must be extended. The location of these extensions are noted on the attached sketch. The estlLz ted cost of the applicable services and the shares to be absorbed uy the Region and the Town are as follows: WATER SANITARY SEWER Town of Newcastle share j4,692.68 j 6.000.00 Regional Share 4,607.32 52000.00 Estimated Cost of Extension $9,300.00 $11,000.00 In addition to the above, the Region will require pay ment of the standard connection fees for water and sewer. $400.00 and $900.00 respectively, prior to the issuance of applications for permission to connect to the respective services. Either the Town or the purchaser uray pay these latter fees while the Town's share applicable to the extension of the services must be Raid prior to the work being undertaken. I trust that you will find this information satisfactory. Should there be further questions arise, please feel free to contact the writer. /jw cc: M. Micneaux ^r G. Rickard /\Y�ouu\rs truly, Q`\ • Oar J. � er Man ger Administrative Services ..tt +• .. <�uewmaxm�,. >.aef c„.xr ae�.-,w....,.r�""°"'nx-r�xaxvP_.:_Si.%,.^2.2 .:. 'sS )1--)3 n V%---> 04 1 _---�------_ram 49 - - tC' q a� oN 1(1U ItLAL L',IAIL A:)SLJt_IAIIVOL 1�. a. kRUMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE i �( �` � IL.z'ry Iwul ,u1la.wbuYl m YIINt IIADLa, tluuu W. Yndm'a V LMUUa, 'fowl of 1W ua:uJLlV AGINr, LJrm I{uulty Ltd. YNU1r1.N1,Y 6urnur, ,, 'he rrli'{1/ uJ. us Gufollflu Wit. 1uu.n u,uuraq•.Ily o (:at['f iln0 9t.. n , Town the r l IIOYoaatla ,nd N.ant . kunu.< ul � G2.7 fL. k , by . J,PIh of 16) ft. nwrc ur Ica ud dnaabed u put of Logs 11 E. glook :is ILWU, Jl(; 1'1Wae Ncucaat.lu VLlld4o" Town of Heuosatlss 1(ul;loa of Il(lrhia4 - al W. YUNCI{.lSfl YNICfl Of [:_.Y.11'f:121 TWU.:.wL cur+man oaruu+(SCm17n000,1]il ) un the lulW.nl, I<mn: 1. Yuran.,cr wmun :an wn W mr Vll.. 'f111.wJulti Du11u. (SlLk10.0'J 1 c.,h/E, uquc P+Y.bk W VcuJul+AgInt ALa JcPuw W b, hcW Dy hun ur um: puWmp wmphuon m ultmr wnun.uuu of Ihi, Apmnall aml w D< u,J1uJ eo.uJ. 4m Porchav Yaac un cwnplawn. 2. Ynran r ar«. wpaY the balance of the lruruhaae l'rloe by web or ourtMad cboque wlbject to Adjusteoats to the Vaadar on clo'JaL. `ills Vuador a Tcos to pay all hogl.oE uatur aW soar (3h.Ilrges for froutc+;a end coaacctlous On or prior to clonlny. TLo Y,avxor ep7•e4a to su,)k a survey of the lot on eloala,c. Ths Vundarle salieltor ehnll assuru clear title W " Purchas.a• uad register L dwld in Wu ar.l:u of they luro!awwr on clo nl ad date wyyua r+oolpt of tha baluaos of —4`t l.,1lcc,..t'� ✓.ice/✓+=k.Yf-L 7 � Yw,h+.cr urJ V cnJa.r y+K p,., all .ram, Law,+ are u+c1uJ,J m the pw Jra., Dr lac ua, D: MO. lulu! hucuNU: rwl In., lna IUIIu..nl vn.ueL nu uulua.J .. W< Iva+h+,['—. .. .. 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