HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-11-10SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING OF NOVEBER 10, 2020 7:00 P.M. BY Google Meets Present: Patrick Bothwell, Leo Blindenbach, Meaghan Vandenbrink, , Tom Hossie, Jocelyn Whalen, Maggie Luczak, Brian Reid, Ken Mercer ( staff) , Rod McArthur Regrets: Kate Potter Adoption of Agenda: moved by Patrick Bothwell, seconded by Tom Hossie, that the agenda be approved. CARRIED Approval of Minutes: Moved by Leo Blindenbach, seconded by Patrick Bothwell, that the minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2020, be approved. CARRIED. Updates/Status Reports: Monarch Tagging Program, 2020: Tom reported that as of the current date he had 375 completed tags with some still outstanding. Meaghan advised that she had an additional 50 which would be forwarded to Tom. Once all have been received Tom will upload them to the central data base. The combined total is very satisfying , particularly given that the tagging could not be done as a community event this year but rather was done entirely by committee members . Well done, everyone. Special thanks to Tom for leading the campaign again this year. Wildflower/Pollinator Garden Project: Leo reported that this project, which commenced in August of 2019, has been completed. Final cultivation and seeding was done on November 4t" by Mr. Kirk Kemp, owner of Algoma Orchards of Newcastle, who generously provided the labour and equipment o make this happen. Brian advised that he had submitted an article about the project for insertion on the SWNA blog site and that a formal letter of appreciation would be prepared and sent to Mr. Kemp. The Committee will also look into the possibility of having a Certificate of Appreciation generated by the Municipality to thank Mr. Kemp for his contribution. The committee also extended its appreciation to Leo for spearheading this project. Tom noted that some type of signage might be available through Wildlife Preservation Canada who provided the grant to us in the first place. Brian will contact the organization to advise them that we have competed the planting and enquire about signage. Great Lakes Local Action Fund Project: Jocelyn advised that we were unable to meet the short deadline to submit our application for this year but that she had been able to assemble the application package, relevant information including costing etc. She has also had discussion with representatives of Connected Creeks who have undertaken a similar project. She noted that there were opportunities for a collaborative approach going forward. It was suggested that we approach the local MPP about possible extension of the application deadline. But it was also noted that we require approval from the municipality to proceed with submission . Ken and Brian will look into the steps required to obtain that approval. It was also noted that we will need to involve the communications department of the municipality to some extent because of the project's potential connection to the municipal website. Jocelyn was thanked for her efforts in working on this application and project. Considerable discussion took place including around the possibility of establishing an independent website in conjunction with a process of generating QR codes and placing them on existing signage. This might help us determine the degree of interest in/and usage of this type of mechanism for disseminating information about the SWNA. It might also be possible to incorporate connection to our I Naturalist " site " into this initiative. A subcommittee was formed to investigate these things. Members are Tom Hossie, Maggie Luczak, Patrick Bothwell and Jocelyn Whalen. Other business: none Next Meeting: scheduled for Tuesday December 81". Members were asked to enter this date in their calendars recognizing that the meeting might be cancelled by the Chair if there is insufficient information or materials to justify a meeting. Adjournment: Moved by Leo Blindenbach, , seconded by Patrick Bothwell that the meeting be adjourned. Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.