HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 82-6816. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD SEPTEMBER 24 1982 ADMIN. NO. 82-68 SUBJECT: RELOCATION OF HAMPTON OFFICES RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That staff be authorized to negotiate a two-year lease for office space with the owners of 14 Frank Street or the owners of the Waverley Plaza to a maximum of $2,000.00 per month; and 3. That Council provide a grant to the Hampton Hall Board of up to $12,000.00 to aid in financing the costs of operating the Hampton Hall Building; and 4. That staff be authorized to relocate the Hampton offices to the new premises on execution of a lease pursuant to (2) above and that all related moving expenses be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Contingency Account as provided for in the 1982 Budget. 5. Failing the above, that staff be authorized to reconstruct the offices in the Hampton Building in an effort to provide additional office space and that all related expenses be drawn from the Unclassified Administration Contingency Account; and 6. That in the event that Council opts for (5) above that Council advise the Hampton Hall Board that the upstairs area of the Hampton Hall is not available for Hall Board use. ..2 -2- ADMIN. NO. 82-68 BACKGROUND: As members of Council are aware, with the addition of two staff positions in the Public Works department, there is a serious shortage of office and storage space in the Hampton Municipal building. On July 12 1982, staff report ADMIN 82-50 was presented to Committee and on July 19 1982 endorsed by Council. Council via report ADMIN 87-50, authorized staff to call for proposals for the provision of office space in Bowmanville for the Public Works and Planning Departments; and directed f that a meeting be convened with the Hampton Hall Board to discuss the transfer of the Hampton Municipal Offices to the Hampton Hall Board. In respect of the proposal call, staff advertised for proposals and received five proposals from four bidders. These are summarized on the attached table. In respect of the meeting with the Hall Board staff, members of Council and Hall Board representatives met on August 31 1982 to discuss the future use of the Hampton Municipal building. COMMENT: Staff have reviewed the proposals for the lease of office space and believe that two of the five proposals should be pursued. Those two, noted in the recommendation, in the opinion of staff, offers the best combination of available space, cost and parking. The costs of leasing, exclusive of utility costs is open to negotiation. Staff feel therefore, that, as in other property matters, it would be appropriate to define the maximum possible amount. It is suggested that negotiations should proceed on the basis of a two year lease so that the lease for the Bell Building and the new space can run concurrently. This would allow for any future moves, to say a permanent municipal administrative home, to be accomplished without incurring possible cost penalties for "breaking" an existing lease. ..3 -3- ADMIN. NO. 82-68 In respect of the costs, assuming $2,000.00 per month becomes the actual rental figure, total annual office costs (1983) can be approximated as follows: Annual rental cost $24,000.00 Utilities (heat, light, water) 4,500.00 Repairs/maintenance 500.00 Insurance 750.00 Janitorial 6,000.00 Sub -total 35,750.00 Initial renovations 2,000.00 Total $37,750.00 For the sake of comparison, 1983 costs for Hampton have been approximated as follows: Annual rental cost nil Utilities (heat, light, water) $ 4,500.00 Repairs (maintenance) 500.00 Insurance 750.00 Janitorial services 6,000.00 (Other building equipment maintenance) 400.00 Total 12,150.00 In making these comparisons an allowance has been made for savings in staff time, telephone or travel costs, although on the attached memorandum travel costs have been "guestimated". In respect of the Hampton Hall Board, the Board can now receive special liquor licences for the downstairs part of the building, for a maximum of 40 people. With renovations to the kitchen, electricalsystem and with .4 52 ADMIN. NO. 82-68 additional washrooms, liquor licences for 110 to 140 persons would be available. In the past, the Board and Council have discussed the possibility of constructing a second set of washrooms as an addition to the basement at a cost in the order of $25,000.00. As an alternative to constructing the additional washrooms, it has been suggested that by relocating the staff offices, the Hall Board could take over the upstairs in the Hampton Building and use the upstairs washrooms in order to obtain liquor licence approvals of 110 - 140 persons. In order to accomplish this, the Board indicated at the September 30th meeting that they would need f- financial assistance to complete the necessary renovations and to aid their operations over the next two years. ($20 - 25,000.00). At that time, no money was available through the Employment Incentives grant for the Hampton Hall. Since the September 30th meeting, Council has, of course, directed that money from the Employment Incentives program be allocated to renovating the Hampton Building. Council might, therefore, wish to consider making a grant to the Hall Board to assist in the costs of operating the entire building. A figure of $12,000.00 has been suggested, as it represents approximately half of two years operations at current costs. If Council does not wish to proceed with the relocation of the offices, then it would be appropriate to make renovations to the Hampton Building to accomiodate the additional staff people and advise the Hall Board that access to the office area is not possible. DNS:nof Respectfully submitted, f y D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. Administrator TOWN OF NEIdCASTI F MEMORANDUM TO: Don N. Smith, M.C.I.P., Administrator FROM: Kathryn A. Campbell, C.A., B.Com., Treasurer DATE: September 20, 1982 SUBJECT: Hampton Hall Costs for 1980, 1981 and 1982 Year -to -Date Name 1980 1981 1982 YTD Heat 2,390040 2,728.87 1,668o66 Lighting & Utilities 799.80 814.18 746.19 Mechanical Heating Contract 46.16 242.40 355X0 Repairs /Mtnce 978.17 1,626.05 192.95 Insurance 1,135.00 788.50 522.50 Janitorial Services 5,655.47 5,490,69 3,122.85 Renovations 32.00 64.20 971.76 11,037.00 11,754.89 7,579.91 Mileage charges 25.0/m 28.5/m 31a5/m Estimate Costs 52 x 5 x 12 miles Courier Service 780.00 889.20 982.80 52 x 5 x 12 miles Extra Trips Staff (Other)780.00 889.20 982.80 1,560;00 1,778.40 1,965.00 Kat yn. C. W (A ov o c no (D N f O 7 70 fn -O 5.(0CD �•to w o (D w (D S N m (� N rt o w rt m : w ? 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