HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-12-15 MinutesNEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD December 15, 2020 Main Hall 6:30 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael, Chair Crystal Yaki Janeen Calder Marg Zwart, Local Councilor Regrets From: Sierd DeJong Absent: Granville Anderson, Regional Councilor Robert Malone Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. MINUTES Moved by C. Yaki, seconded by J. Calder That November 2020 minutes are accepted as presented. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) J Calder reported on Christmas Lights in Parkette. Lights are beautiful and have been well received in community, posted on line. Orono Times has done an article and came out to take pictures. We did have one string of lights damaged prior to lighting, we were able to replace right away. Plans for 2021 are already underway to expand the lights. Thank you to J. Calder and her husband for taking the lead on this project. We will be working with Municipality to see if there is more power in the trees to tap into for next year. b) Hall does not qualify for the CIP COVID19 grant c) Blood donor clinic ran well on the day of as per Custodian S Fogg. Secretary reported the prior planning during COVID19 was not so smooth. It was difficult to get answer on what the capacity was for Blood Clinic as they are considered an essential service - Stage Red limits of 10 did not apply. We contacted Durham Health who said they were limited to 10; however Municipality informed us that they could have 50. Contact at Blood Clinic asked for our assistance and then changed what was needed constantly. In the end we turned the extra cleaning back to their staff. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT a) Moved by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart That financial report is received as presented. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by C. Yaki, seconded by J. Calder That the following invoices be paid as presented: B Carmichael $41.53 Easel G Bell $75.00 Xmas gift Custodian "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Received notice from Municipality, the following residents have been appointed to the Newcastle Community Hall Board for a 2 year term commencing January 2021— Barry Carmichael, Sierd DeJong and Henry Corvers. b) Email from CBOT with survey "Did CBOT meet your expectations for 2020" received for information c) Email from Municipality Rob Groen November 23 with guidelines going into Stage Red for COVID19 d) Hotel California concert rescheduled for September 24 2020, with condition that if we are unable to have concert due to COVID19 we will cancel and request refund. We will then revisit concert in 2022. 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Report received for information 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Board would like Christmas music on at 3 pm and louder. Custodian will be informed. b) COVID19 committee is working on Safety Plan — 1" draft is complete and will be sent out to Board for approval. Chair Secretary