HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-09-10Attendees: Danielle Carroll Marlene Raby Brian Glaspell Alvina Hare Regrets: Paul Rowan Tyrone Community Centre Minutes of Meeting — September 10, 2020, 7:30pm Kyle Young Dave Taylor Corinne vandeGrootheveen Justin Vachon Marlene Craig Greg Carroll Lindsay Luckhardt Joy Vaneyk Cecile Bowers Steve Hutchison Larry Quinney Dianne Woodley 1. Motion to accept Minutes from last meeting. Corinne vandeGrootheveen. 2nd by Marlene Raby. Carried. 2. Treasurer Report— Brian Glaspell. Brian has just joined the Board as Treasurer and will be getting access to accounts in near future. Approximately $16,000 on hand in bank. We have received grants for the air conditioning units and COVID relief. A cheque for Superior Propane refund will be processed through the Municipal office. The consensus is to delay purchase and installation of A/C until after reopening the hall. Old Business: 1. Moved by Dave Taylor and 2nd by Dianne Woodley to close until end of year. Revisit path forward in November. Bookings through to December have been cancelled by potential renters. Amendment: Moved by Larry Quinney and 2nd by Marlene Raby to close until November. Revisit path forward once our 'Return to Operation' committee presents reopening procedures & costs. Motion Carried. Return To Operation Committee consists of Marlene Raby, Larry Quinney, Alvina Hare, Danielle Carroll & Greg Carroll. Page 1 2. Internet Tower: Board prefers no tower at the TCC. All agreed to send a letter to the Municipality requesting more information and identifying concerns which are: the impact this will have on our present Internet Provider Oak Ridges who is providing us with free internet. As a cost saving measure during COVID, we have been turning off the hot water heaters. It appears that Municipal employees are turning the hot water heaters on for their use. We need to save money/electricity, so will apply signage to Not turn on the water heaters. Danielle will also report to Rob. New Business: 1. Face Mask sales: Dianne Woodley provided quotes obtained from face mask retailers, with samples from the preferred vendor. Moved by Dave Taylor and 2nd by Corinne vandeGrootheveen to purchase 250 face masks with Tyrone Logo for sale. Carried. Motion to Adjourn, Larry Quinney, 2nd Marlene Raby. Next Meeting: Wednesday October 21, 2020 at 7:30pm. Page 2