HomeMy WebLinkAbout1588 .h•.�,i T .V-6 BY-LAW N0 . , .� A BY-LATE TQ PROVIDE FOR THE 19 EXPENDITURE ON .ROADS OR STREETS IN k TOWN � �:�,Ov,#��!..�.NV!��� . . COUNTY THE OF IN THE OFD;-fi Z� �7 VILLAGE DISTRICT -- WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditure on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval . A '9HE `AS expenditure for the said purpose ast year was . iii equired a levy of . . . j �. . . ' Mills on the assessment of . . e .04-: z ` 0 0 . .�. . . . , ' AND WHEREAS the Counc it of the Corporation of th id Town � p � � A411age desires , to expend for the , .gaid purpose this year . '. . for which it is .d o �• ev n estimate of . . . ..�P. . . .. . mills on the assessment of . . 5V9 . s; . r . 0 0 9 0 . . . THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/Village enacts as follows : - k , ' P , .,, . t Th. .M ''S'um , �a f R.rh. • r. r .. 00,00 _ ,0000•__., . ., ,_ ,. � �+ �.. .,•:... ,, , ., ,. . ,,,•„ .. :�...,..�:�.... �. ___ _0000. ..-. -- _ __ _.. ' � �� :Ppr � �,�.t. �ro n. - _ 0000 ._ raised by levy , deben*res and government subsidy for total expenditure on construction and maintenance the roads or streets under lets Maio Nwwo jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows : ' ROADS & BRIDGES & ri STREETS CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION . . r , � �� D DO • � n � 02 0.0 o � / D �'D D D o p DDb • ao DoO � Do o� / D D V MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . .�. � � � T !0 T -A L S .3 ,o�. V - o .� D o o D d ( 2) The said moneys - shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act . f ( 3 ) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roa s ranch , Department of Highways ;� .. .. ,., .:..,;rc .-;-::... .. .. :...:... •.,.•0000. .. _. ..,r'. ., .,. �- - .., . ,Y. •. ., ,� ... ., 0,000.. .�... . ...,0000 ....-_.. -. 0000.:.- -. ,,.,.,,,,. .passed at SOWMAN ILLE this J day 0 ( SEAL ) a e Mayor or Reeve C� Clerk of the Corporation -of the TOE of BOW VIL do hereby certify that the foregoing Y Y g g � • - i a true co of By-law No 4� passed b the Council f h .,; s copy y•. � p y o the said Corporation on the da 1 Y ' I I �'S.. � n 0000 ...,.,e 0000 • ,...,, } ` ,, $ � �*'��a `��i �,��'wax,,.t.� "r��s� �f+��ss'��'4`� x�'�• r - BY-LAW No A By-Law of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Torun of l Bowm&nville to raise by taxation certain sums of money for Town , County, Debenture and School purposes for the year 1955 • THERSFORS the Municipal Council of the Corporation 'of the Town of Bowaanville hereby enaota ; First ; - M Tbat the several sums of money hereinafter mentioned be levied equally upon the ' whole rateable property of the said Town of Bowmanville as appears by the Assessment Roll for t he year 1955 Sec and That the sum of . 999162. 30 be levied being a rate of 13 .6 mills on, the ' dollar required as ordinary Tom Rate as shown in estimates hereto attached . Third ; That the sum of 121 x+34 .75 be levied, bei ng a rate of 19. 1 mills . on the dollar required for Publie School. expenditures as appears by their requisition before Council . Fo 'h t the sum of 42', 597 . 53 be levied being a -rate oi' . 6 .'7 mills on hs dollar required for High Sohool ®xpenditures as shown by their r uisition' before Council . . Fin ; That he sum ,of 129715e68 be levied being �a rate of 2 mills on the dolla required to meet certain sewerage , local improvement and genera debentures and interest maturing during' the year 19550 Sixth ; That the sum of $ 22 , 888 .22. be levied being a rate of 3 .6 mills on the dollar r uired to meet t he ounty Rate for 1955 ,o t t Seventh; Thai t . the severa unto shall be paid into the of fi ee of t he Tax Collector in four equal installments on April 15th, June .5th, r, September 15th and November ` 15th, next , Bight h ; Should: aay':_,_of the. . sta3, pea .-:.. .:_..._... . _.:,_. .. in. �iment�s� be- ,,.. ,, ... ue..... a ey.�. . . en lties will be added at the xato of sac month or f ra ati on 'thereof until December 31st next , when 4 % will be added to all 1955 taxes remaining unpaid , To all unpaid takes after December 318t , next , a statuary penalty of per calendar month or fraction thereof will be added until taxes are paid . Should the second installment be pal d with the first installment ai discount of % shall be allowed off the second insta�ll.ment . Should the third installment be paid with the first installment a discount of 1� % shall be allowed of f the third installment . 3 Y Should the fourth installment be pal d with the ffirst installment a discount of 2j shall be allowed of f the fourth installment. Ninth; Tbat' the several stuns of money be levied ,, collected and paid over to the credit of the Town of Bowmaavil],e pursuant to the statutes "hF and By-Law of t the Corporation of the Tarn of Boveanvi lle in that behalf * Read a first , •oond , and third time and finally passed on the day of 19550 T „ n ' g"rk, Mayor , r , z.. u rz 1255 . k M smount of Asasawo nt Roll for 1955 '. liable for, all rates 6 , 357 , 840 DEBENTURE RATE }y . Debenture Prinoipal. and Interest payable in 1955 - 101 ,01,0 .•13 Less . School Debentures do Interest 32 , 811 :13 yk„ Sewer & Water Debentures do Interest 4.4 , 295 .82 Frontage Taxes 79785 .02 Memorial Arena na 2 .00 • fT8 88 , 366. 9? Total Payable : . 129843 . 16 0OUNTY RATE. As P� estimate 23, 000 .00 f • PUBLIC SCHOOL RATE m „ t . • Publ i a School requisition 9? 8 1 47 , 2 0 . 0 Debenture Principal d Interest 1 • Less ov®rlevy 195 + 2 101 .29. -. .. r-:. x,c 1...r,1 di.,bM1n,: x.•k..rr,.,.•, .,..,, r,..;r., ,,;,,,,, ,,;,;;;• _r.. ., ;-,. ... .. .. ,,.. ,. •v ,,.. . ,..n}(__.,_ ,:. '4 ,. , Total Payable 121 ,700. 18 121 706. . HIGH SCHOOL RATE High School area requisition $ 36 , 319 . 37 Debenture Principal & Interest 6 880 . 6 0 • ri 15- Less overlevy 1951v 203-* . Total Payable ' 42 , 694985 . .x.2 .694.g 5 +. GENERAL RATE Rac enditures , qp, t Fire Department •15 ,870.00 s . 3 Public Property 19 050 .00 Relief 69179. 00 s s,. ,i & tat -over ,0 Pri ti�.._ .... ,F, r'9 =?lanr.. .t.�w�. -.- _N?av'YI?7ai�,Ft38°�r,•_£�[}5a+s. .::--. _._.. - 1 00 ,00 C emete - 8 , l • k.--, ....._....Roads ..and ., . _ 00•00 :,. )tilt.Y} 11 iuS .,.fir. w Salaries 99255 .00 Police Department _ 179510 .00 Bank Interest 9 , ' 1 000 .00 Telephones , 30 , 0.00 Grants 2 , 500.00 Discount Prepaid Takes 19 5 • Civic 600 .00 Sundries 3 000000 Industrial and Publicity „r " - '000 .00 141 '954•00 5 Reeeipts Conete r9 3 ,900 .00 Dog Tat ,, 800000 Fines and Fees 700.00 ,4 Public Propertyl Rentals .500000 Lioenses 400 .00 : Penalties Past Due Takes 1 9 500 .00 1, Statute Labor 800900 Community Council Grant 2 , 500.00 „ Outside Fires " County Road Rebate .: . . 3 ,000 .00 • . , , l Provincial Road Grant 15 , 500 .00 y : Provincial Subsidy 109000000 Provincial Sundry Grants 1 , 300.00 Building and Plmnbing permits 300.00 r 42 ,?00 .00 Total, Payable 999254000 Y '. r 3„ 3ry ' #''/ "`' t d' -` _ ,*: : ., ,-11 I -.. . IA i • `f ' I ' . / ; , . r 1111 r 11 1. B:�TINA L ES 19 5 5 I , �. . - I . • .. I 1 1- 1 �I'; . � • . , 1 Debenture Rate $ 12 , 843 ,16 at 2 mills ' realizing $ '12 , ?15 . 68 t r . ( Count Rate 23 000 .00 at 3 . 6 �nille realizing 22 , 888 . 22 Publio Sohool Rert :e 121 , 700 . 18 at 19 . 1 mills realizing . $ 121 , 434 . 75 1 'High Sohool Rate , 421, 694 .85 at 6 , 7 m3118 realizing $ 42 , 597 . 53 f' General Town Rate : . 99 ,254 .'00 at 1.5 . b mills realizing 99 ,182 . 30 ' . , 11 , . ., 11 11.., - .-. .. 1 1.11.1111 „....- .".....,.,. �..•. .. •1`...... -.._. -. .11..1 1 , F"( ... - 1111. ., 1111 .. 1111 ' S .r ', I _ .._._1111... _._111_1_.___ .. .. - , Toted. . . $ 298 ,818.48 _ , _ 1I.. . - . . . - _T ttl- tov�at of _ .0seslament_-_Roll^ __ - *-- 6 9357_t_ 4� __.. 1 :Y I. I 11 at !�? mills Realizing . • $ 298 ;818,.18 �? . , ,�,,,,r t. 1 ).aw v.T is;1 1 a C.'I?'+ 1 e" n.1 p ,.: '.F 1 - ' '1 .;:.U., ,.i; ,:r oAll'. _,+cla 11A1 : r5,,, , {ti: ,'g sy r., t N r: f!r Tr ->.. l+ri ,'ye• ,, 1111 :. p } .r d p,,1 11 � ,u.,., hr., r,�"'1,�,{tt A:`JV,A P rrl 7 r,.{�;11 `1} t I1 I 1 tl,ferntii 11 1111, .-. -,i_._ , _: -- „�.-. •} - .. t T f1t 1Y q,t ,I y qq ., .. ,.: ., t.', I / I �. , .. ,1 , (1% I . I... I I . " " , .1 - I � . ,. . I � . I . : I 1 . ,�. ,. . : I "I I ", .11 11 , . I . .. . I., � . i 1 : Ip I .11 . ; „ - x v . ,1 ' , ... -1. I r I , , . e..- , _,,, ,a 1111 , ... I .. .I , ,. .. a 11• ' a ., I { II ,� l.. , : ' - ., ' - ! ,I 11 , I/ ,11 , tom;. : -_, __-_. i0 - _ ___ --- __ ___ ,_ __ ___ -. __ ___ ' ,- 11 1111 -� k:: I - r , .. - ,. 1111 a,g i: , - ' _, ..._e_.. _._ -. _.. .. :. -..,...._..,. 1'11_1 _:-:.__ -._1 ... .a -: .. .- .,.-..I....-.. . -1111. 11.71..:..II..:,,, ,., .. ;,x. 1111._ .. - ! 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